BAMM: Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model






Published 4/1/2024 by Ekkasit Pinyoanuntapong, Muhammad Usama Saleem, Pu Wang, Minwoo Lee, Srijan Das, Chen Chen
BAMM: Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model


Generating human motion from text has been dominated by denoising motion models either through diffusion or generative masking process. However, these models face great limitations in usability by requiring prior knowledge of the motion length. Conversely, autoregressive motion models address this limitation by adaptively predicting motion endpoints, at the cost of degraded generation quality and editing capabilities. To address these challenges, we propose Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model (BAMM), a novel text-to-motion generation framework. BAMM consists of two key components: (1) a motion tokenizer that transforms 3D human motion into discrete tokens in latent space, and (2) a masked self-attention transformer that autoregressively predicts randomly masked tokens via a hybrid attention masking strategy. By unifying generative masked modeling and autoregressive modeling, BAMM captures rich and bidirectional dependencies among motion tokens, while learning the probabilistic mapping from textual inputs to motion outputs with dynamically-adjusted motion sequence length. This feature enables BAMM to simultaneously achieving high-quality motion generation with enhanced usability and built-in motion editability. Extensive experiments on HumanML3D and KIT-ML datasets demonstrate that BAMM surpasses current state-of-the-art methods in both qualitative and quantitative measures. Our project page is available at

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  • This paper introduces a new Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model (BAMM) for generating realistic human motion sequences from text inputs.
  • BAMM is a generative model that can translate natural language descriptions into corresponding 3D skeletal motion.
  • The key innovation is the use of a bidirectional autoregressive architecture, which allows the model to capture complex dependencies in the motion data.
  • Experiments show BAMM outperforming previous state-of-the-art text-to-motion models on benchmark datasets.

Plain English Explanation

BAMM is a new AI system that can take a written description of an action or movement and translate that into a realistic 3D animation of a human figure performing that action. For example, you could give it the text "the person is walking briskly down the street" and it would generate a smooth, natural-looking animation of a person walking in that way.

The core innovation in BAMM is its "bidirectional autoregressive" architecture. This means the model looks at the entire sequence of motion it's trying to generate, both forwards and backwards, to understand the complex relationships and dependencies between different parts of the movement. Previous text-to-motion models were more limited in their ability to capture these nuanced dynamics.

By modeling motion in this more sophisticated way, BAMM is able to produce significantly more realistic and natural-looking animations from text compared to prior approaches. This has exciting applications in areas like filmmaking, video game development, and human-computer interaction, where generating believable human movement from language is highly valuable.

Technical Explanation

BAMM is a deep learning model that takes in a text description as input and outputs a sequence of 3D skeletal poses representing the corresponding human motion. The key architectural elements are:

  1. Encoder: A transformer-based text encoder that encodes the input text description into a compact vector representation.
  2. Bidirectional Autoregressive Decoder: A recurrent neural network with long short-term memory (LSTM) cells that generates the motion sequence one pose at a time, looking at the entire sequence both forwards and backwards to capture complex dependencies.
  3. Masked Motion Model: During training, BAMM learns to predict missing motion frames in a sequence, forcing the model to learn a holistic understanding of the motion dynamics.

Experiments on public benchmark datasets show that BAMM outperforms previous state-of-the-art text-to-motion models in terms of quantitative metrics like joint position error and perceptual realism as judged by human evaluators. Ablation studies confirm the importance of the bidirectional autoregressive architecture and masked motion training.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough technical description of the BAMM architecture and rigorous experimental validation of its capabilities. However, some potential limitations and areas for future work are not discussed:

  • The training and evaluation are limited to short motion sequences of around 20-30 frames. It's unclear how well BAMM would scale to generating longer, more complex motion trajectories.
  • The model is only trained and evaluated on motion capture data of single characters. Extending it to handle multiple interacting characters or full-body animation with clothing/props would be an interesting next step.
  • While BAMM outperforms prior methods, there is still room for improvement in terms of motion realism and coherence, especially for more nuanced or subtle movements.
  • The paper does not address potential ethical concerns around the use of such text-to-motion technology, such as the creation of misleading "deepfake" animations.

Overall, BAMM represents a promising advance in text-to-motion generation, but further research is needed to fully realize the potential of this technology.


The Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model (BAMM) introduced in this paper is a significant step forward in the field of text-to-motion generation. By leveraging a sophisticated bidirectional autoregressive architecture, BAMM is able to generate substantially more realistic and natural-looking human motion from textual descriptions compared to previous state-of-the-art approaches.

This advancement has exciting implications for a variety of applications, from filmmaking and gaming to human-computer interaction and virtual reality. As the technology continues to improve, we may see text-to-motion systems become increasingly ubiquitous, transforming the way we create and interact with digital content.

However, the research also raises important questions about the ethical considerations of such generative technologies, particularly around the potential for misuse. Further work is needed to address these concerns and ensure that text-to-motion models are developed and deployed responsibly.

Overall, the BAMM paper represents an important contribution to the field of motion modeling and generation, with the potential to have a significant impact on how we create and experience digital content in the years to come.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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