Taming Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Character Control






Published 4/24/2024 by Rui Chen, Mingyi Shi, Shaoli Huang, Ping Tan, Taku Komura, Xuelin Chen



We present a novel character control framework that effectively utilizes motion diffusion probabilistic models to generate high-quality and diverse character animations, responding in real-time to a variety of dynamic user-supplied control signals. At the heart of our method lies a transformer-based Conditional Autoregressive Motion Diffusion Model (CAMDM), which takes as input the character's historical motion and can generate a range of diverse potential future motions conditioned on high-level, coarse user control. To meet the demands for diversity, controllability, and computational efficiency required by a real-time controller, we incorporate several key algorithmic designs. These include separate condition tokenization, classifier-free guidance on past motion, and heuristic future trajectory extension, all designed to address the challenges associated with taming motion diffusion probabilistic models for character control. As a result, our work represents the first model that enables real-time generation of high-quality, diverse character animations based on user interactive control, supporting animating the character in multiple styles with a single unified model. We evaluate our method on a diverse set of locomotion skills, demonstrating the merits of our method over existing character controllers. Project page and source codes: https://aiganimation.github.io/CAMDM/

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  • Presents a real-time character control framework that uses motion diffusion probabilistic models to generate diverse, high-quality character animations based on user input
  • Key innovation is a transformer-based Conditional Autoregressive Motion Diffusion Model (CAMDM) that can generate a range of potential future motions conditioned on user control signals
  • Incorporates algorithmic designs to address challenges of using motion diffusion models for real-time character control, including separate condition tokenization, classifier-free guidance, and heuristic future trajectory extension
  • Enables real-time generation of high-quality, diverse character animations controlled by users, supporting multiple animation styles with a single unified model

Plain English Explanation

This research presents a new way to control the movements of computer-generated characters in real-time. At the heart of their approach is a special type of machine learning model called a Conditional Autoregressive Motion Diffusion Model (CAMDM). This model can take a character's past movements as input and then generate a range of possible future movements based on high-level control signals provided by the user.

For example, imagine you're playing a video game and want to control the movements of a character. With this new framework, you could give the character simple instructions like "walk forward" or "jump," and the CAMDM model would then generate realistic, diverse animations to bring those commands to life. This allows for a more interactive and responsive character control experience compared to traditional animation techniques.

To make this work in a real-time setting, the researchers incorporated several key algorithmic innovations. This includes breaking down the user's control signals into separate "tokens" that the model can more easily understand, using a technique called "classifier-free guidance" to help the model generate more coherent and controlled motions, and using heuristics to extend the model's predictions into longer, more natural-looking character movements.

The end result is a system that can generate high-quality, diverse character animations on the fly, responsive to a wide range of user inputs. This could have applications in video games, film/TV production, virtual reality experiences, and other areas where interactive character control is important.

Technical Explanation

At the core of this research is the Conditional Autoregressive Motion Diffusion Model (CAMDM), a transformer-based machine learning model that can generate diverse future character motions conditioned on the character's historical motion and high-level user control signals.

The CAMDM model is trained using a novel "motion diffusion" technique, which involves gradually adding noise to the character's motion data and then training the model to reverse this noising process to generate new motions. This allows the model to learn the underlying structure of natural character movements and then use that knowledge to produce a wide range of plausible future animations.

To make the CAMDM model suitable for real-time character control, the researchers incorporated several key innovations:

  1. Separate Condition Tokenization: The user's control signals are broken down into discrete "tokens" that the model can more easily understand and condition its motion generation on.
  2. Classifier-Free Guidance: Instead of using a separate classifier model to guide the motion generation, the researchers use a technique called "classifier-free guidance" that allows the CAMDM model to learn this guidance directly from the training data.
  3. Heuristic Future Trajectory Extension: To generate longer, more natural-looking character movements, the model's initial motion predictions are extended using heuristic rules based on the character's biomechanics and movement patterns.

Through these technical advancements, the researchers were able to create a character control framework that can generate high-quality, diverse animations in real-time based on user input. This represents a significant advancement over previous character control approaches, which often struggled with balancing motion quality, controllability, and computational efficiency.

The researchers evaluated their framework on a variety of locomotion tasks and found that it outperformed existing character control methods in terms of animation quality, diversity, and responsiveness to user input.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the research is that it focuses primarily on locomotion skills, such as walking and jumping. While this is an important domain, the framework may need to be further extended to handle a broader range of character animations, including more complex actions, interactions, and emotional expressions.

Additionally, the reliance on heuristic future trajectory extension, while necessary for real-time performance, could potentially limit the model's ability to generate truly novel and unexpected motions. It would be interesting to see if the researchers could find ways to incorporate more advanced motion planning capabilities without sacrificing computational efficiency.

Another area for further research could be exploring how this character control framework could be integrated with other recent advances in motion generation, interaction modeling, and pose control. Combining these innovations could lead to even more sophisticated and expressive character animation capabilities.

Overall, this research represents an exciting step forward in the field of real-time character control, demonstrating the potential of motion diffusion models to enable responsive, high-quality, and diverse character animations. As the technology continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how it is applied in various entertainment, simulation, and interactive applications.


This research paper presents a novel character control framework that leverages motion diffusion probabilistic models to generate diverse, high-quality character animations in real-time based on user input. At the core of the approach is a transformer-based Conditional Autoregressive Motion Diffusion Model (CAMDM) that can produce a range of potential future motions conditioned on coarse user control signals.

To make the CAMDM model suitable for real-time character control, the researchers incorporated several key algorithmic innovations, including separate condition tokenization, classifier-free guidance, and heuristic future trajectory extension. These advances allow the framework to generate responsive, high-quality animations that can be controlled by users in multiple styles with a single unified model.

The researchers demonstrated the effectiveness of their approach on a variety of locomotion tasks, outperforming existing character control methods. While the current focus is on locomotion, the framework could potentially be extended to handle a broader range of character animations and integrated with other recent advancements in motion generation, interaction modeling, and pose control.

Overall, this research represents an exciting step forward in the field of real-time character control, pointing to the potential of motion diffusion models to enable more interactive, expressive, and responsive character animation capabilities in various entertainment, simulation, and interactive applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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