Basis Selection: Low-Rank Decomposition of Pretrained Large Language Models for Target Applications






Published 5/28/2024 by Yang Li, Changsheng Zhao, Hyungtak Lee, Ernie Chang, Yangyang Shi, Vikas Chandra
Basis Selection: Low-Rank Decomposition of Pretrained Large Language Models for Target Applications


Large language models (LLMs) significantly enhance the performance of various applications, but they are computationally intensive and energy-demanding. This makes it challenging to deploy them on devices with limited resources, such as personal computers and mobile/wearable devices, and results in substantial inference costs in resource-rich environments like cloud servers. To extend the use of LLMs, we introduce a low-rank decomposition approach to effectively compress these models, tailored to the requirements of specific applications. We observe that LLMs pretrained on general datasets contain many redundant components not needed for particular applications. Our method focuses on identifying and removing these redundant parts, retaining only the necessary elements for the target applications. Specifically, we represent the weight matrices of LLMs as a linear combination of base components. We then prune the irrelevant bases and enhance the model with new bases beneficial for specific applications. Deep compression results on the Llama 2-7b and -13B models, conducted on target applications including mathematical reasoning and code generation, show that our method significantly reduces model size while maintaining comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art low-rank compression techniques.

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  • This paper presents a method for compressing and adapting large pre-trained language models to specific target applications.
  • The key idea is to decompose the model's weights into a low-rank basis, which can then be fine-tuned on the target task while maintaining the model's performance.
  • This approach allows for significant model compression and improved efficiency, while retaining the strong performance of the original large language model.

Plain English Explanation

When it comes to powerful language models like GPT-3, they can be incredibly useful, but they're also huge and unwieldy. This paper proposes a way to take these massive models and compress them down to a more manageable size, without losing too much of their capabilities.

The key insight is that a lot of the information in these huge models is actually redundant. There's a relatively small set of core "features" that are doing most of the work, and the rest is just fluff. So the researchers figured out a way to identify those core features and use them as a basis to represent the whole model.

This "low-rank decomposition" approach lets them keep the powerful language understanding of the original model, while shrinking it down to a fraction of the size. It's kind of like taking a huge encyclopedia and distilling it down to the most essential concepts and definitions.

By compressing the model in this way, they can then fine-tune it for specific tasks, like answering questions or generating text. The compressed model can be adapted to these target applications much more efficiently than trying to fine-tune the full, gigantic original model.

Technical Explanation

The key technical innovation in this paper is a method for low-rank decomposition of pre-trained language models. The authors observe that the weight matrices in large language models like GPT-3 often have a lot of redundant information, and can be well-approximated by a low-rank representation.

To exploit this, they propose a "basis selection" approach, where they first identify a small set of "basis" vectors that can be used to reconstruct the original model weights. They do this by performing a singular value decomposition (SVD) on the weight matrices, and keeping only the top singular vectors.

This low-rank basis can then be fine-tuned on target tasks, while the rest of the model parameters are kept fixed. This allows for significant compression of the model size, often by 10x or more, while maintaining the strong performance of the original language model.

The authors explore different strategies for selecting the basis, including random selection and learned basis selection. They find that the learned basis selection approach generally outperforms the random baseline, as it is able to identify the most important features for the target task.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough analysis of the accuracy-efficiency trade-offs of their low-rank decomposition approach, exploring how the choice of basis size impacts both model performance and inference speed.

One potential limitation is that the basis selection process is fairly complex, involving SVD and other optimization steps. This could make it challenging to apply in practical settings, especially for non-expert users. It would be interesting to see if there are simpler or more automated ways to identify the crucial basis vectors.

Additionally, while the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on a range of language tasks, it's unclear how well it would generalize to other domains, such as vision or multi-modal models. Further research may be needed to understand the broader applicability of low-rank decomposition techniques.

Overall, this paper presents a promising direction for efficiently compressing and adapting large language models to specific use cases. The authors have made a valuable contribution to the growing body of work on model compression and efficient deep learning.


This paper introduces a novel approach for compressing and adapting large pre-trained language models to target applications. By decomposing the model weights into a low-rank basis, the authors are able to achieve significant model compression while retaining the strong performance of the original model.

This work has important implications for the practical deployment of powerful language models, as it addresses key challenges around model size, inference speed, and task-specific adaptation. As AI systems become more ubiquitous, techniques like this will be crucial for enabling their use in resource-constrained environments and real-world applications.

While the authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of their approach, there remain opportunities for further research and refinement. Exploring simpler basis selection methods, as well as evaluating the technique on a broader range of model types and domains, could help unlock the full potential of low-rank decomposition for efficient and adaptive AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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