Enabling High-Sparsity Foundational Llama Models with Efficient Pretraining and Deployment






Published 5/7/2024 by Abhinav Agarwalla, Abhay Gupta, Alexandre Marques, Shubhra Pandit, Michael Goin, Eldar Kurtic, Kevin Leong, Tuan Nguyen, Mahmoud Salem, Dan Alistarh and 2 others


Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP), but their size creates computational bottlenecks. We introduce a novel approach to create accurate, sparse foundational versions of performant LLMs that achieve full accuracy recovery for fine-tuning tasks at up to 70% sparsity. We achieve this for the LLaMA-2 7B model by combining the SparseGPT one-shot pruning method and sparse pretraining of those models on a subset of the SlimPajama dataset mixed with a Python subset of The Stack dataset. We exhibit training acceleration due to sparsity on Cerebras CS-3 chips that closely matches theoretical scaling. In addition, we establish inference acceleration of up to 3x on CPUs by utilizing Neural Magic's DeepSparse engine and 1.7x on GPUs through Neural Magic's nm-vllm engine. The above gains are realized via sparsity alone, thus enabling further gains through additional use of quantization. Specifically, we show a total speedup on CPUs for sparse-quantized LLaMA models of up to 8.6x. We demonstrate these results across diverse, challenging tasks, including chat, instruction following, code generation, arithmetic reasoning, and summarization to prove their generality. This work paves the way for rapidly creating smaller and faster LLMs without sacrificing accuracy.

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  • Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing (NLP), but their large size creates computational bottlenecks.
  • This paper introduces a novel approach to create accurate, sparse foundational versions of performant LLMs that achieve full accuracy recovery for fine-tuning tasks at up to 70% sparsity.
  • The researchers achieve this for the LLaMA-2 7B model by combining the SparseGPT one-shot pruning method and sparse pretraining of those models on a subset of the SlimPajama dataset mixed with a Python subset of The Stack dataset.
  • The paper also demonstrates training acceleration due to sparsity on Cerebras CS-3 chips, inference acceleration of up to 3x on CPUs using Neural Magic's DeepSparse engine, and 1.7x on GPUs using Neural Magic's nm-vllm engine.
  • Additional gains are achieved through quantization, leading to a total speedup on CPUs for sparse-quantized LLaMA models of up to 8.6x.
  • The results are demonstrated across diverse, challenging tasks, including chat, instruction following, code generation, arithmetic reasoning, and summarization.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text. However, these models are incredibly complex and require a lot of computing power to train and run. This can create bottlenecks, making it difficult to use LLMs in real-world applications.

The researchers in this paper have come up with a clever solution to this problem. They have developed a way to create smaller, more efficient versions of LLMs that can still perform just as well as the original models. They do this by using a technique called "sparsity," which basically means removing unnecessary parts of the model without affecting its accuracy.

Specifically, the researchers took the LLaMA-2 7B model, which is a very large and powerful LLM, and used a method called "SparseGPT" to prune it down to a smaller, sparser version. They also trained this sparse model on a carefully curated dataset to help it maintain its performance.

The result is a model that is up to 70% smaller than the original, but can still do all the same tasks just as well. The researchers also found that this sparse model can be trained and run much faster, both on CPUs and GPUs, thanks to the reduced computational load.

To make things even better, the researchers also showed that they could further improve the speed of these sparse models by using a technique called "quantization," which reduces the amount of memory they need to use.

Overall, this work is really exciting because it shows how we can create powerful AI systems that are much more efficient and practical to use in real-world applications. This could open the door to all kinds of new and exciting uses for LLMs in the future.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this paper introduced a novel approach to create accurate, sparse foundational versions of performant large language models (LLMs) that achieve full accuracy recovery for fine-tuning tasks at up to 70% sparsity.

They achieved this for the LLaMA-2 7B model by combining two key techniques:

  1. The SparseGPT one-shot pruning method, which allows for efficient pruning of the model while maintaining accuracy.
  2. Sparse pretraining of the pruned models on a subset of the SlimPajama dataset mixed with a Python subset of The Stack dataset.

The researchers demonstrated that this approach leads to training acceleration due to sparsity on Cerebras CS-3 chips, closely matching theoretical scaling. They also showed inference acceleration of up to 3x on CPUs by utilizing Neural Magic's DeepSparse engine and 1.7x on GPUs through Neural Magic's nm-vllm engine.

Additionally, the researchers achieved further speedups through the use of quantization, leading to a total speedup on CPUs for sparse-quantized LLaMA models of up to 8.6x.

The researchers evaluated the performance of their sparse, quantized LLaMA models on a diverse range of challenging tasks, including chat, instruction following, code generation, arithmetic reasoning, and summarization, demonstrating the generality of their approach.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have made a significant contribution to the field of large language models by developing a novel approach to create accurate, sparse versions of performant LLMs. The use of the SparseGPT one-shot pruning method and sparse pretraining on carefully curated datasets is a clever way to achieve high levels of sparsity while maintaining model performance.

However, the paper does not provide much information on the specifics of the sparse pretraining process, such as the exact subset of the SlimPajama and The Stack datasets used, or the hyperparameters and training procedures employed. More details in this regard would be helpful for researchers looking to reproduce or build upon this work.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential trade-offs between the level of sparsity achieved and the performance of the models on specific tasks. It would be interesting to see how the performance of the sparse models compares to the original LLaMA-2 7B model across a wider range of tasks and metrics.

Finally, while the researchers have demonstrated impressive inference acceleration on both CPUs and GPUs, it would be valuable to understand the energy and power consumption of these sparse, quantized models compared to the original LLaMA-2 7B model. This information could be crucial for real-world deployments, particularly in resource-constrained environments.


This paper presents a novel approach to creating accurate, sparse versions of large language models that can achieve significant performance gains without sacrificing accuracy. By combining the SparseGPT one-shot pruning method and sparse pretraining on carefully curated datasets, the researchers were able to develop sparse versions of the LLaMA-2 7B model that are up to 70% smaller but maintain full accuracy recovery for fine-tuning tasks.

The researchers further demonstrated the practical benefits of these sparse models, showing training acceleration on Cerebras CS-3 chips and inference acceleration of up to 3x on CPUs and 1.7x on GPUs. Additional gains were achieved through quantization, leading to a total speedup on CPUs of up to 8.6x.

This work paves the way for the development of smaller, faster, and more efficient large language models, which could enable a wide range of new applications and use cases for this transformative technology. By addressing the computational bottlenecks inherent in large, complex language models, this research represents an important step forward in making these powerful AI systems more accessible and practical for real-world deployment.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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