A Bayesian Approach to Online Planning






Published 6/5/2024 by Nir Greshler, David Ben Eli, Carmel Rabinovitz, Gabi Guetta, Liran Gispan, Guy Zohar, Aviv Tamar
A Bayesian Approach to Online Planning


The combination of Monte Carlo tree search and neural networks has revolutionized online planning. As neural network approximations are often imperfect, we ask whether uncertainty estimates about the network outputs could be used to improve planning. We develop a Bayesian planning approach that facilitates such uncertainty quantification, inspired by classical ideas from the meta-reasoning literature. We propose a Thompson sampling based algorithm for searching the tree of possible actions, for which we prove the first (to our knowledge) finite time Bayesian regret bound, and propose an efficient implementation for a restricted family of posterior distributions. In addition we propose a variant of the Bayes-UCB method applied to trees. Empirically, we demonstrate that on the ProcGen Maze and Leaper environments, when the uncertainty estimates are accurate but the neural network output is inaccurate, our Bayesian approach searches the tree much more effectively. In addition, we investigate whether popular uncertainty estimation methods are accurate enough to yield significant gains in planning. Our code is available at: https://github.com/nirgreshler/bayesian-online-planning.

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  • This research paper presents a Bayesian approach to online planning, which aims to make decisions under uncertainty by updating beliefs about the environment and actions.
  • The method uses a Bayesian framework to model the planning problem, incorporating prior knowledge and updating beliefs as new information is observed.
  • This allows the system to reason about the uncertainty in the environment and select actions that balance exploration and exploitation.

Plain English Explanation

In the real world, we often have to make decisions without knowing all the details about the situation. This is called "planning under uncertainty." The paper describes a new way to approach this problem using a Bayesian framework.

Bayesian methods allow the system to start with some initial beliefs (called "prior knowledge") about how the world works. As the system observes new information, it can update these beliefs in a principled way, using mathematics to determine the probability of different outcomes.

For example, imagine you're trying to find the best path through a maze. You might start with some general ideas about maze structure, but as you explore the maze, you'll learn more about the layout and can adjust your beliefs accordingly. A Bayesian planner would do this in a systematic way, weighing the uncertainty in the environment and choosing actions that balance exploration (learning more about the maze) and exploitation (taking the best path based on current knowledge).

This approach has several benefits:

  • It can handle uncertainty more robustly than traditional planning methods.
  • It can adapt its behavior as it gains more information about the environment.
  • It provides a principled way to reason about the tradeoffs between exploration and exploitation.

Overall, this Bayesian online planning method offers a flexible and powerful way to make decisions in complex, uncertain environments.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a Bayesian approach to online planning, where the planning problem is modeled as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) with unknown transition dynamics. The key idea is to maintain a posterior distribution over the transition dynamics, which is updated based on the agent's interactions with the environment.

The authors use a factored representation of the transition dynamics, with separate Bayesian models for each state-action pair. This allows for efficient updates of the posterior distribution as new observations are made. The planning problem is then solved by optimizing the expected value of the future rewards, taking into account the uncertainty in the transition dynamics.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the Bayesian online planning approach on several benchmark tasks, including the classic mountain car problem and a simulated robot navigation task. The results show that the Bayesian planner outperforms traditional planning methods, especially in situations with high uncertainty.

The authors also discuss several extensions and variations of the Bayesian online planning framework, including the use of Gaussian processes to model the transition dynamics and the incorporation of additional prior knowledge about the problem structure.

Critical Analysis

The Bayesian online planning approach presented in the paper offers a principled and flexible way to handle uncertainty in decision-making tasks. By maintaining a posterior distribution over the transition dynamics, the system can adaptively update its beliefs and make more informed decisions as new information is observed.

One potential limitation of the approach is the computational complexity, as maintaining and updating the Bayesian models for each state-action pair can be computationally intensive, especially in large-scale problems. The authors mention some strategies to address this, such as using factored representations and efficient inference algorithms, but the scalability of the method may still be a concern in some applications.

Additionally, the paper focuses on the theoretical framework and experimental evaluation, but does not discuss the potential challenges in real-world deployment or the impact of the Bayesian online planning approach on human-AI interaction and trust. Exploring these practical considerations could be an interesting direction for future research.

Overall, the Bayesian online planning approach presented in the paper is a promising direction for handling uncertainty in decision-making, and the insights and techniques developed in this work could be valuable for researchers and practitioners working on related topics, uncertainty quantification, probabilistic modeling, and Bayesian optimization.


The paper introduces a Bayesian approach to online planning, which aims to make decisions under uncertainty by maintaining and updating beliefs about the environment and actions. This framework allows the system to reason about the uncertainty in the environment and select actions that balance exploration and exploitation.

The key innovation of this work is the use of Bayesian models to represent the transition dynamics, enabling the system to adapt its behavior as it gains more information about the world. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, particularly in situations with high uncertainty.

While the computational complexity of the Bayesian models may be a practical concern in some applications, the insights and techniques developed in this paper could have significant implications for the field of planning under uncertainty, with potential applications in robotics, decision-making systems, and other domains where making informed choices in the face of incomplete information is crucial.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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