Beyond the Calibration Point: Mechanism Comparison in Differential Privacy






Published 6/14/2024 by Georgios Kaissis, Stefan Kolek, Borja Balle, Jamie Hayes, Daniel Rueckert
Beyond the Calibration Point: Mechanism Comparison in Differential Privacy


In differentially private (DP) machine learning, the privacy guarantees of DP mechanisms are often reported and compared on the basis of a single $(varepsilon, delta)$-pair. This practice overlooks that DP guarantees can vary substantially emph{even between mechanisms sharing a given $(varepsilon, delta)$}, and potentially introduces privacy vulnerabilities which can remain undetected. This motivates the need for robust, rigorous methods for comparing DP guarantees in such cases. Here, we introduce the $Delta$-divergence between mechanisms which quantifies the worst-case excess privacy vulnerability of choosing one mechanism over another in terms of $(varepsilon, delta)$, $f$-DP and in terms of a newly presented Bayesian interpretation. Moreover, as a generalisation of the Blackwell theorem, it is endowed with strong decision-theoretic foundations. Through application examples, we show that our techniques can facilitate informed decision-making and reveal gaps in the current understanding of privacy risks, as current practices in DP-SGD often result in choosing mechanisms with high excess privacy vulnerabilities.

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  • This paper explores the behavior of different differential privacy mechanisms beyond the calibration point, which is the point at which the privacy-utility tradeoff is optimized.
  • The authors use a Bayesian framework to analyze the properties of different differential privacy mechanisms, including the Shifted Interpolation Mechanism, Contraction Mechanism, and others.
  • They investigate how these mechanisms perform in settings where the query sensitivity or privacy parameter deviates from the calibration point, and provide insights into their behavior in these regimes.

Plain English Explanation

Differential privacy is a technique used to protect the privacy of individuals in datasets by adding noise to the data in a controlled way. The "calibration point" refers to the specific settings (e.g., level of noise) where the tradeoff between privacy and utility is optimized.

This paper looks at what happens when you move beyond the calibration point - for example, if you increase the privacy parameter or the sensitivity of the queries you're running on the data. The authors use a Bayesian approach to analyze the properties of different differential privacy mechanisms in these off-calibration situations.

They find that the mechanisms can behave quite differently as you move away from the calibration point. Some mechanisms, like the Shifted Interpolation Mechanism, may maintain good utility even with increased privacy, while others, like the Contraction Mechanism, may see a steep drop-off in utility.

Understanding these differences is important, because in real-world applications, you often need to operate in regimes that are not perfectly calibrated. This paper provides insights into how different differential privacy mechanisms will perform in those situations.

Technical Explanation

The authors adopt a Bayesian perspective to analyze the behavior of various differential privacy mechanisms, including the Shifted Interpolation Mechanism, Contraction Mechanism, and others.

They derive expressions for the posterior distributions of the data given the noisy output of these mechanisms, and use this to study properties like the mean squared error (MSE) of the mechanisms' estimates. By analyzing the MSE beyond the calibration point, they are able to characterize how the mechanisms' utility degrades as the privacy parameter or query sensitivity deviates from the optimal setting.

The paper shows that different mechanisms exhibit quite varied behaviors in these off-calibration regimes. For example, the Shifted Interpolation Mechanism maintains relatively stable utility even with increased privacy, while the Contraction Mechanism sees a much sharper drop-off.

These insights are valuable for practitioners who need to use differential privacy in real-world scenarios, where the optimal calibration point may not always be achievable. The analysis in this paper can help guide the selection of appropriate mechanisms based on the specific constraints and requirements of the application.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous Bayesian analysis of differential privacy mechanisms beyond the calibration point, which is an important and understudied aspect of differential privacy. The authors' use of the posterior distribution to derive utility metrics like MSE is a principled approach that yields valuable insights.

However, the paper is limited to a theoretical analysis and does not include any empirical validation of the results. It would be helpful to see how the predicted behaviors of the mechanisms align with experimental data, especially in more realistic, high-dimensional settings.

Additionally, the paper focuses on a specific set of mechanisms, and it's unclear how the findings would generalize to other differential privacy techniques, such as the Black-Box Differential Privacy Auditing Using Total Variation Distance or the Evaluations of Machine Learning Privacy Defenses Are Misleading approaches. Expanding the analysis to a broader range of mechanisms would further strengthen the paper's contributions.

Overall, this is a well-executed theoretical study that provides valuable insights into the off-calibration behavior of differential privacy mechanisms. Future work could consider more empirical validations and a broader scope of mechanisms to enhance the practical relevance of the findings.


This paper presents a Bayesian analysis of the behavior of differential privacy mechanisms beyond the calibration point, where the privacy-utility tradeoff is optimized. The authors derive expressions for the posterior distributions of the data given the noisy outputs of various mechanisms, and use this to characterize their utility degradation as the privacy parameter or query sensitivity deviates from the optimal setting.

The key finding is that different mechanisms exhibit quite varied behaviors in these off-calibration regimes, with some like the Shifted Interpolation Mechanism maintaining relatively stable utility even with increased privacy, while others like the Contraction Mechanism see a much sharper drop-off. These insights can help guide the selection of appropriate differential privacy mechanisms for real-world applications with non-optimal calibration settings.

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