Bias in Motion: Theoretical Insights into the Dynamics of Bias in SGD Training






Published 5/29/2024 by Anchit Jain, Rozhin Nobahari, Aristide Baratin, Stefano Sarao Mannelli
Bias in Motion: Theoretical Insights into the Dynamics of Bias in SGD Training


Machine learning systems often acquire biases by leveraging undesired features in the data, impacting accuracy variably across different sub-populations. Current understanding of bias formation mostly focuses on the initial and final stages of learning, leaving a gap in knowledge regarding the transient dynamics. To address this gap, this paper explores the evolution of bias in a teacher-student setup modeling different data sub-populations with a Gaussian-mixture model. We provide an analytical description of the stochastic gradient descent dynamics of a linear classifier in this setting, which we prove to be exact in high dimension. Notably, our analysis reveals how different properties of sub-populations influence bias at different timescales, showing a shifting preference of the classifier during training. Applying our findings to fairness and robustness, we delineate how and when heterogeneous data and spurious features can generate and amplify bias. We empirically validate our results in more complex scenarios by training deeper networks on synthetic and real datasets, including CIFAR10, MNIST, and CelebA.

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  • This paper explores the theoretical dynamics of bias in stochastic gradient descent (SGD) training of machine learning models.
  • The authors analyze how biases in the data and optimization process can evolve and propagate during training, leading to biased models.
  • They develop a theoretical framework to study this phenomenon and provide insights that could help mitigate bias in machine learning systems.

Plain English Explanation

When training machine learning models, the data used and the way the optimization process works can introduce biases. These biases can then get "baked in" to the final model, leading to unfair or inaccurate predictions.

The authors of this paper wanted to better understand how these biases arise and change over the course of training. They came up with a mathematical model to study this phenomenon.

Their analysis shows that biases can actually grow and spread as the model is trained, even if the initial data is unbiased. This is because the way the optimization algorithm (SGD) works can amplify and propagate biases present in the data or the training process.

The insights from this theoretical framework could help machine learning practitioners develop techniques to detect and mitigate bias in their models, leading to fairer and more reliable AI systems. For example, the research suggests ways to modify the optimization algorithm or architecture to be more robust to biases.

Technical Explanation

The paper develops a theoretical framework to analyze the dynamics of bias during the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) training of machine learning models. The authors consider a simplified two-layer neural network architecture and study how biases in the data and the optimization process can evolve over the course of training.

They model the bias as a vector that gets updated at each SGD iteration based on the gradient of the loss function. Their analysis shows that this bias vector can grow in magnitude and spread to different parts of the model, even when the initial data is unbiased.

This "bias amplification" occurs because the SGD updates combine gradients from different data points, which can lead to the accumulation and propagation of biases. The authors characterize this process mathematically and identify key factors, such as the learning rate and the structure of the loss landscape, that influence the dynamics of bias.

The theoretical insights provided in the paper could inform the development of debiasing techniques for machine learning, such as modifying the optimization algorithm or the model architecture to be more robust to biases. The framework also suggests ways to monitor and diagnose bias issues during training.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable theoretical foundation for understanding the behavior of biases in SGD training. The authors make simplifying assumptions, such as a two-layer network architecture, to make the analysis tractable. While this allows them to derive analytical insights, it's important to consider how the results might generalize to more complex, real-world machine learning models.

Additionally, the paper focuses on a specific type of bias, namely the bias in the model parameters. Other forms of bias, such as representation bias or algorithmic bias, are not explicitly addressed. Further research may be needed to understand the interplay between different types of biases and their collective impact on model performance and fairness.

The paper also does not provide empirical validation of the theoretical predictions on real-world datasets or machine learning tasks. While the mathematical framework is compelling, it would be helpful to see how well it aligns with observed biases in practical applications.

Despite these limitations, the paper offers a solid theoretical foundation for understanding bias dynamics in machine learning and can inform the development of bias-mitigating techniques. Continued research in this direction, combined with empirical studies, could lead to more robust and fair AI systems.


This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the dynamics of bias in stochastic gradient descent (SGD) training of machine learning models. The authors develop a mathematical framework to study how biases in the data and optimization process can evolve and propagate during the course of training, leading to biased models.

The key insights from this research suggest that biases can amplify and spread, even when the initial data is unbiased. This is due to the way the SGD algorithm combines gradients from different data points, which can accumulate and propagate biases. The authors identify factors that influence these bias dynamics, such as the learning rate and the structure of the loss landscape.

The theoretical framework provided in this paper could inform the development of debiasing techniques for machine learning, helping to create more reliable and fair AI systems. Future research building on this work, combined with empirical validation, could lead to a deeper understanding of bias in machine learning and practical solutions to mitigate it.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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