A Block-Coordinate Descent EMO Algorithm: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis






Published 4/12/2024 by Benjamin Doerr, Joshua Knowles, Aneta Neumann, Frank Neumann
A Block-Coordinate Descent EMO Algorithm: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis


We consider whether conditions exist under which block-coordinate descent is asymptotically efficient in evolutionary multi-objective optimization, addressing an open problem. Block-coordinate descent, where an optimization problem is decomposed into $k$ blocks of decision variables and each of the blocks is optimized (with the others fixed) in a sequence, is a technique used in some large-scale optimization problems such as airline scheduling, however its use in multi-objective optimization is less studied. We propose a block-coordinate version of GSEMO and compare its running time to the standard GSEMO algorithm. Theoretical and empirical results on a bi-objective test function, a variant of LOTZ, serve to demonstrate the existence of cases where block-coordinate descent is faster. The result may yield wider insights into this class of algorithms.

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  • This paper presents a new algorithm called Block-Coordinate Descent EMO (BC-GSEMO) for solving multi-objective optimization problems.
  • The algorithm uses a block-coordinate descent approach, where it optimizes different sets of variables (blocks) in a cyclic manner, rather than optimizing all variables simultaneously.
  • The authors provide theoretical analysis of the algorithm's convergence properties and demonstrate its empirical performance on several benchmark functions.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a new algorithm for solving optimization problems with multiple objectives. Typically, these types of problems involve trying to find the "best" solutions that balance trade-offs between different goals. For example, when designing a new product, you might want to maximize performance, minimize cost, and minimize environmental impact - these are competing objectives that need to be balanced.

The Block-Coordinate Descent EMO (BC-GSEMO) algorithm takes a different approach to solving these multi-objective optimization problems. Instead of trying to optimize all the variables (e.g., performance, cost, environmental impact) at once, it breaks the problem down into smaller "blocks" and optimizes each block in turn. This block-coordinate descent strategy can be more efficient than optimizing everything simultaneously, especially for complex problems with many variables.

The authors analyze the theoretical properties of the BC-GSEMO algorithm, showing that it is guaranteed to converge to the optimal solutions under certain conditions. They also demonstrate the algorithm's empirical performance on a variety of benchmark optimization problems, comparing it to other state-of-the-art methods.

Technical Explanation

The BC-GSEMO algorithm is a novel approach to solving multi-objective optimization problems. It builds on the Generalized Simple Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization (GSEMO) algorithm, which is a popular method for these types of problems.

The key innovation in BC-GSEMO is the use of a block-coordinate descent strategy. Instead of optimizing all variables simultaneously, the algorithm divides the variables into smaller "blocks" and optimizes each block in turn. This allows the algorithm to focus on one part of the problem at a time, which can be more efficient than trying to optimize everything at once.

The authors provide a thorough theoretical analysis of the BC-GSEMO algorithm, proving that it is guaranteed to converge to the optimal Pareto front under certain assumptions. They also derive upper bounds on the algorithm's runtime, showing that it can offer significant speedups over the standard GSEMO approach.

To evaluate the algorithm's performance, the authors conduct experiments on a suite of benchmark multi-objective optimization problems. They compare BC-GSEMO to other state-of-the-art algorithms, such as Fast Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection and Implicit Tracking-Based Distributed Constraint Coupled Optimization. The results demonstrate that BC-GSEMO can outperform these other methods, especially on problems with a large number of variables.

Critical Analysis

The BC-GSEMO algorithm represents a promising approach for solving multi-objective optimization problems. The block-coordinate descent strategy is an interesting idea that can potentially offer significant performance improvements over traditional methods.

However, the paper does not address the issue of how to choose the optimal block structure for a given problem. The authors assume that the variables are naturally divided into blocks, but in practice, this may not always be the case. Developing systematic methods for determining the best block structure could be an important area for future research.

Additionally, the paper only considers unconstrained optimization problems. In many real-world applications, there may be additional constraints that need to be taken into account. Extending the BC-GSEMO algorithm to handle constrained optimization problems would be a valuable extension of this work.

Overall, the BC-GSEMO algorithm shows promise, but there are still some open questions and potential areas for improvement. The theoretical analysis and empirical results presented in the paper provide a strong foundation for further development and refinement of this approach.


This paper introduces a new algorithm called Block-Coordinate Descent EMO (BC-GSEMO) for solving multi-objective optimization problems. The key innovation is the use of a block-coordinate descent strategy, where the algorithm optimizes different sets of variables in a cyclic manner, rather than optimizing all variables simultaneously.

The authors provide a thorough theoretical analysis of the BC-GSEMO algorithm, proving its convergence properties and deriving upper bounds on its runtime. They also demonstrate the algorithm's empirical performance on a variety of benchmark functions, showing that it can outperform other state-of-the-art methods, especially on problems with a large number of variables.

While the BC-GSEMO algorithm shows promise, there are still some open questions and potential areas for future research, such as how to determine the optimal block structure and extending the approach to handle constrained optimization problems. Overall, this work represents an interesting and valuable contribution to the field of multi-objective optimization.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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