Boosting Language Models Reasoning with Chain-of-Knowledge Prompting






Published 6/4/2024 by Jianing Wang, Qiushi Sun, Xiang Li, Ming Gao



Recently, Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting has delivered success on complex reasoning tasks, which aims at designing a simple prompt like ``Let's think step by step'' or multiple in-context exemplars with well-designed rationales to elicit Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate intermediate reasoning steps. However, the generated rationales often come with mistakes, making unfactual and unfaithful reasoning chains. To mitigate this brittleness, we propose a novel Chain-of-Knowledge (CoK) prompting, where we aim at eliciting LLMs to generate explicit pieces of knowledge evidence in the form of structure triple. This is inspired by our human behaviors, i.e., we can draw a mind map or knowledge map as the reasoning evidence in the brain before answering a complex question. Benefiting from CoK, we additionally introduce a F^2-Verification method to estimate the reliability of the reasoning chains in terms of factuality and faithfulness. For the unreliable response, the wrong evidence can be indicated to prompt the LLM to rethink. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can further improve the performance of commonsense, factual, symbolic, and arithmetic reasoning tasks.

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  • Introduces a novel prompting technique called Chain-of-Knowledge (CoK) to address the shortcomings of Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting
  • CoK aims to elicit Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate explicit knowledge evidence in the form of structured triples
  • Proposes an F^2-Verification method to estimate the reliability of the reasoning chains in terms of factuality and faithfulness
  • Demonstrates improved performance on commonsense, factual, symbolic, and arithmetic reasoning tasks

Plain English Explanation

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting is a technique that tries to get language models to break down complex problems into step-by-step reasoning. However, the reasoning steps generated by language models often contain mistakes or incorrect information.

To address this, the researchers propose a new technique called Chain-of-Knowledge (CoK) prompting. Instead of just asking the model to reason step-by-step, CoK prompts the model to generate explicit pieces of knowledge or facts that can be used as evidence to support the reasoning. This is inspired by how humans might draw a "knowledge map" in their minds before answering a complex question.

The researchers also introduce an "F^2-Verification" method to evaluate how reliable and accurate the reasoning chains generated by the model are. This can identify cases where the model has produced incorrect evidence, allowing the system to prompt the model to rethink its reasoning.

Overall, this approach aims to make the reasoning of language models more transparent, factual, and trustworthy, which could be important for applications like commonsense reasoning, symbolic reasoning, and arithmetic problem-solving.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel prompting technique called Chain-of-Knowledge (CoK) prompting to address the shortcomings of Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting. While CoT prompting aims to elicit Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate step-by-step reasoning, the resulting reasoning chains often contain mistakes and unfaithful information.

To mitigate this, the researchers propose CoK prompting, which aims to elicit LLMs to generate explicit pieces of knowledge evidence in the form of structured triples (subject-predicate-object). This is inspired by how humans might draw a "knowledge map" in their minds before answering a complex question.

The researchers also introduce an "F^2-Verification" method to estimate the reliability of the reasoning chains in terms of factuality and faithfulness. This allows the system to identify cases where the model has produced incorrect evidence and prompt the model to rethink its reasoning.

Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed CoK prompting approach, coupled with the F^2-Verification method, can further improve the performance of LLMs on commonsense, factual, symbolic, and arithmetic reasoning tasks compared to standard CoT prompting.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to addressing the challenges of Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting. The introduction of Chain-of-Knowledge (CoK) prompting and the F^2-Verification method seems to be a significant step forward in making the reasoning of language models more transparent, factual, and trustworthy.

One potential limitation of the approach is that it may be more computationally intensive, as the model needs to generate and verify the knowledge evidence in addition to the reasoning steps. The paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational overhead or runtime implications of the proposed methods.

Additionally, the paper focuses on a limited set of reasoning tasks, and it would be interesting to see how the approach performs on a wider range of real-world applications, such as multimodal reasoning, planning, or step-by-step problem-solving. The researchers could also explore ways to further improve the reliability and accuracy of the generated knowledge evidence, perhaps by incorporating additional verification mechanisms or external knowledge sources.

Overall, the paper presents an innovative approach that could have significant implications for the development of more trustworthy and reliable language models, and the researchers have provided a solid foundation for further exploration and refinement of these ideas.


The paper introduces a novel Chain-of-Knowledge (CoK) prompting technique to address the shortcomings of Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting in eliciting Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate reliable and factual reasoning chains. By prompting LLMs to generate explicit knowledge evidence in the form of structured triples, and verifying the reliability of the reasoning using an F^2-Verification method, the researchers have demonstrated improved performance on commonsense, factual, symbolic, and arithmetic reasoning tasks.

This approach represents a significant step forward in making the reasoning of language models more transparent and trustworthy, which could have important implications for a wide range of applications, from multimodal reasoning to step-by-step problem-solving. As the field of language models continues to evolve, techniques like CoK prompting and F^2-Verification could play a crucial role in unlocking the full potential of these powerful AI systems while ensuring their reliability and safety.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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