Direct Evaluation of Chain-of-Thought in Multi-hop Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs






Published 6/21/2024 by Minh-Vuong Nguyen, Linhao Luo, Fatemeh Shiri, Dinh Phung, Yuan-Fang Li, Thuy-Trang Vu, Gholamreza Haffari
Direct Evaluation of Chain-of-Thought in Multi-hop Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs


Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate strong reasoning abilities when prompted to generate chain-of-thought (CoT) explanations alongside answers. However, previous research on evaluating LLMs has solely focused on answer accuracy, neglecting the correctness of the generated CoT. In this paper, we delve deeper into the CoT reasoning capabilities of LLMs in multi-hop question answering by utilizing knowledge graphs (KGs). We propose a novel discriminative and generative CoT evaluation paradigm to assess LLMs' knowledge of reasoning and the accuracy of the generated CoT. Through experiments conducted on 5 different families of LLMs across 2 multi-hop question-answering datasets, we find that LLMs possess sufficient knowledge to perform reasoning. However, there exists a significant disparity between answer accuracy and faithfulness of the CoT reasoning generated by LLMs, indicating that they often arrive at correct answers through incorrect reasoning.

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ā€¢ This research paper explores a novel approach called Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Reasoning for improving the reasoning capabilities of large language models when working with knowledge graphs.

ā€¢ The paper proposes a direct evaluation method to assess the quality of the chain-of-thought reasoning process, rather than just the final answer.

ā€¢ Key ideas include using knowledge graph guides to structure the reasoning process, and prompting techniques to elicit and evaluate the step-by-step reasoning.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models have become incredibly capable at tasks like question answering and natural language generation. However, their reasoning process is often opaque, making it difficult to understand how they arrive at their answers.

This research tackles that issue by proposing a way to directly evaluate the chain-of-thought reasoning used by language models when answering multi-step questions that require traversing a knowledge graph.

The key idea is to guide the language model's reasoning by providing it with a knowledge graph, and then prompting it to explicitly articulate its step-by-step thought process for reaching the final answer. This allows the researchers to assess the quality and coherence of the model's reasoning, rather than just the accuracy of the output.

The knowledge graph serves as a roadmap for the model, helping it navigate the relevant information to piece together the answer. The prompting technique encourages the model to explain its reasoning out loud, almost like a human would when solving a complex problem.

By directly evaluating the chain-of-thought process, the researchers hope to gain insights into how language models can be improved to reason more transparently and reliably, especially when tackling multi-step problems that require traversing large amounts of information.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a direct evaluation method for assessing the quality of Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning in large language models when answering multi-hop questions over knowledge graphs.

The core idea is to provide the language model with a knowledge graph, and then prompt it to generate a step-by-step explanation of its reasoning process for arriving at the final answer. This allows the researchers to evaluate the coherence and plausibility of the model's reasoning, rather than just the correctness of the output.

The authors introduce several prompting techniques to elicit the CoT reasoning, including:

  1. Logic-based prompting, where the model is asked to generate a sequence of logical steps.
  2. Multimodal CoT prompting, which combines text and visual cues from the knowledge graph.

The researchers then develop evaluation metrics to assess the quality of the generated CoT, looking at factors like coherence, faithfulness to the knowledge graph, and alignment with human-annotated reasoning.

Experiments on benchmark datasets show that the proposed CoT evaluation method provides insights into the reasoning capabilities of language models that are not captured by traditional end-task performance metrics. The results suggest that directly assessing the reasoning process can uncover weaknesses and guide future improvements to make language models more transparent and reliable, especially for complex, multi-step problems.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of directly evaluating the reasoning process of language models, rather than solely focusing on end-task performance. By prompting models to articulate their step-by-step reasoning, the researchers are able to gain valuable insights that would otherwise be obscured.

However, the paper acknowledges several limitations and avenues for future work. For example, the prompting techniques used may not fully capture the natural reasoning process of language models, which could be more fluid and less explicitly step-by-step. Additionally, the evaluation metrics, while innovative, may not fully capture all the nuances of high-quality reasoning.

Further research is needed to explore alternative prompting methods and evaluation frameworks that can more accurately reflect the true reasoning capabilities of language models. Connecting the CoT reasoning to the internal representations and decision-making processes of the models could also yield important insights.

Moreover, the paper focuses on knowledge graph-based reasoning, but language models are increasingly being used for reasoning in other domains, such as common sense and causal inference. Expanding the CoT evaluation approach to these areas could further strengthen its applicability and impact.

Overall, this research represents an important step towards making language models' reasoning more transparent and accountable, which is crucial as these models become more ubiquitous and influential in our daily lives.


This paper presents a novel approach for directly evaluating the chain-of-thought reasoning process used by large language models when answering multi-hop questions over knowledge graphs. By prompting models to explicitly articulate their step-by-step reasoning, the researchers are able to gain valuable insights into the models' reasoning capabilities that go beyond just the correctness of the final answer.

The proposed evaluation method has the potential to significantly improve the transparency and reliability of language models, especially when it comes to complex, multi-step problems that require traversing large amounts of information. As language models continue to grow in power and influence, this type of direct assessment of their reasoning process will become increasingly important for ensuring they are behaving in a safe and trustworthy manner.

While the current research has some limitations, it represents an important step forward in the field of explainable AI. By shedding light on the inner workings of language models, this work can inform future efforts to make these powerful systems more interpretable, accountable, and aligned with human values.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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