Boosting Robustness by Clipping Gradients in Distributed Learning






Published 5/28/2024 by Youssef Allouah, Rachid Guerraoui, Nirupam Gupta, Ahmed Jellouli, Geovani Rizk, John Stephan



Robust distributed learning consists in achieving good learning performance despite the presence of misbehaving workers. State-of-the-art (SOTA) robust distributed gradient descent (Robust-DGD) methods, relying on robust aggregation, have been proven to be optimal: Their learning error matches the lower bound established under the standard heterogeneity model of $(G, B)$-gradient dissimilarity. The learning guarantee of SOTA Robust-DGD cannot be further improved when model initialization is done arbitrarily. However, we show that it is possible to circumvent the lower bound, and improve the learning performance, when the workers' gradients at model initialization are assumed to be bounded. We prove this by proposing pre-aggregation clipping of workers' gradients, using a novel scheme called adaptive robust clipping (ARC). Incorporating ARC in Robust-DGD provably improves the learning, under the aforementioned assumption on model initialization. The factor of improvement is prominent when the tolerable fraction of misbehaving workers approaches the breakdown point. ARC induces this improvement by constricting the search space, while preserving the robustness property of the original aggregation scheme at the same time. We validate this theoretical finding through exhaustive experiments on benchmark image classification tasks.

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  • The paper addresses the problem of robust distributed learning, where the goal is to achieve good learning performance despite the presence of misbehaving workers.
  • It introduces a novel technique called Adaptive Robust Clipping (ARC) that can be incorporated into state-of-the-art robust distributed gradient descent (Robust-DGD) methods to improve their learning performance.
  • The key insight is that by making an assumption about the boundedness of workers' gradients at model initialization, the learning guarantee of Robust-DGD can be further improved, even beyond the established lower bound.

Plain English Explanation

When training machine learning models in a distributed setting, where the work is divided across multiple computers or "workers," there is a risk that some of those workers may misbehave or provide faulty data. Robust distributed learning aims to overcome this challenge and achieve good learning performance despite the presence of these misbehaving workers.

The paper introduces a new technique called Adaptive Robust Clipping (ARC) that can be used to enhance the performance of state-of-the-art robust distributed gradient descent (Robust-DGD) methods. These Robust-DGD methods rely on a process called "robust aggregation" to combine the gradients from all the workers in a way that is resilient to misbehaving workers.

The key insight is that if we make an assumption about the boundedness of the workers' gradients at the start of the training process (i.e., the model initialization), then we can use the ARC technique to further improve the learning performance of Robust-DGD. This is significant because the learning guarantee of Robust-DGD was previously thought to be optimal and unable to be improved upon.

By using ARC, the method can constrict the search space in a way that preserves the robustness of the original aggregation scheme, while also boosting the learning performance. This improvement is especially prominent when the tolerable fraction of misbehaving workers is close to the "breakdown point," which is the maximum fraction of misbehaving workers that the system can handle.

Technical Explanation

The paper builds upon the state-of-the-art (SOTA) Robust-DGD methods, which have been proven to be optimal under the standard heterogeneity model of $(G, B)$-gradient dissimilarity. This means that their learning error matches the lower bound established for this model.

However, the authors show that it is possible to improve upon this learning guarantee by making an assumption about the boundedness of the workers' gradients at model initialization. They achieve this by proposing a novel technique called Adaptive Robust Clipping (ARC), which can be incorporated into the Robust-DGD framework.

ARC works by pre-aggregating the workers' gradients and clipping them using an adaptive scheme. This constricts the search space while preserving the robustness property of the original aggregation scheme. The authors prove that this approach can provably improve the learning performance of Robust-DGD, even beyond the previously established lower bound.

The factor of improvement is particularly prominent when the tolerable fraction of misbehaving workers approaches the breakdown point. This is because ARC is able to effectively constrain the influence of the misbehaving workers, allowing the learning process to converge more efficiently.

The authors validate their theoretical findings through extensive experiments on benchmark image classification tasks, demonstrating the effectiveness of the ARC-enhanced Robust-DGD method.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes an important contribution by showing that it is possible to improve the learning performance of robust distributed learning algorithms beyond the previously established lower bound, under certain assumptions about the model initialization.

However, the authors do acknowledge that their approach relies on the assumption of bounded gradients at initialization, which may not always hold in practice. Additionally, the paper does not explore the sensitivity of the ARC technique to the choice of hyperparameters or the impact of different types of misbehaving worker behavior.

It would also be interesting to see how the ARC-enhanced Robust-DGD method compares to other robust learning techniques, such as those that use regularized gradient clipping or other forms of robust aggregation. This could help provide a more comprehensive understanding of the strengths and limitations of the proposed approach.

Overall, the paper presents a promising direction for improving the robustness and performance of distributed learning systems, and the ARC technique could serve as a valuable tool in the arsenal of robust distributed learning algorithms.


The paper introduces a novel technique called Adaptive Robust Clipping (ARC) that can be used to enhance the performance of state-of-the-art robust distributed gradient descent (Robust-DGD) methods in the presence of misbehaving workers. By making an assumption about the boundedness of workers' gradients at model initialization, the authors show that it is possible to improve the learning guarantee of Robust-DGD beyond the previously established lower bound.

This finding has important implications for the field of robust distributed learning, as it suggests that there is room for further optimization and performance improvements in this area. The ARC technique could be a valuable addition to the toolbox of researchers and practitioners working on developing robust and scalable learning systems for a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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