Bootstrapping Language Models with DPO Implicit Rewards






Published 6/17/2024 by Changyu Chen, Zichen Liu, Chao Du, Tianyu Pang, Qian Liu, Arunesh Sinha, Pradeep Varakantham, Min Lin
Bootstrapping Language Models with DPO Implicit Rewards


Human alignment in large language models (LLMs) is an active area of research. A recent groundbreaking work, direct preference optimization (DPO), has greatly simplified the process from past work in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) by bypassing the reward learning stage in RLHF. DPO, after training, provides an implicit reward model. In this work, we make a novel observation that this implicit reward model can by itself be used in a bootstrapping fashion to further align the LLM. Our approach is to use the rewards from a current LLM model to construct a preference dataset, which is then used in subsequent DPO rounds. We incorporate refinements that debias the length of the responses and improve the quality of the preference dataset to further improve our approach. Our approach, named self-alignment with DPO ImpliCit rEwards (DICE), shows great improvements in alignment and achieves superior performance than Gemini Pro on AlpacaEval 2, reaching 27.55% length-controlled win rate against GPT-4 Turbo, but with only 8B parameters and no external feedback. Our code is available at

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  • This paper explores a novel approach called Bootstrapping Language Models with DPO Implicit Rewards, which aims to improve the alignment of language models with human preferences.
  • The key ideas include using Discrete Preference Optimization (DPO) to guide language model training, and incorporating implicit rewards derived from human feedback.
  • The authors conduct experiments to assess the effectiveness of their approach and compare it to other techniques like Direct Alignment of Language Models via Quality-Aware and Robust Preference Optimization through Reward Model Distillation.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a new way to train language models, like the ones used in chatbots and writing assistants, to better align with human preferences and values. The key idea is to use a technique called Discrete Preference Optimization (DPO) to guide the language model's training. DPO allows the model to learn from implicit feedback, rather than just relying on explicit labels or rewards.

The researchers also incorporate "implicit rewards" derived from human feedback, which helps the model understand what kinds of outputs are preferred by people. This is intended to make the language model's behavior more aligned with human values and preferences, rather than just trying to generate the most statistically likely text.

The authors compare their approach to other methods, like Direct Alignment of Language Models via Quality-Aware and Robust Preference Optimization through Reward Model Distillation, to see how well it performs. The goal is to develop language models that are more reliable, trustworthy, and beneficial to humans.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel approach called "Bootstrapping Language Models with DPO Implicit Rewards" to improve the alignment of language models with human preferences. The key components of their approach are:

  1. Discrete Preference Optimization (DPO): The authors use DPO to guide the language model's training, which allows the model to learn from implicit feedback rather than just explicit labels or rewards. This helps the model better understand human preferences.

  2. Implicit Rewards: The researchers derive "implicit rewards" from human feedback, which are then used to further align the language model's behavior with what people prefer. This is in contrast to relying solely on explicit rewards or labels.

The paper compares this approach to other techniques like Direct Alignment of Language Models via Quality-Aware and Robust Preference Optimization through Reward Model Distillation. The experiments assess the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of language model alignment, preference satisfaction, and other relevant metrics.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the Bootstrapping Language Models with DPO Implicit Rewards approach. However, the authors acknowledge some limitations and areas for further research:

  • The implicit reward signals derived from human feedback may not be fully representative of human preferences, and could potentially introduce biases.
  • The effectiveness of the approach may be sensitive to the specific implementation details and hyperparameter choices, which could limit its generalizability.
  • It would be valuable to explore the long-term effects of this approach on language model behavior and alignment, as well as its scalability to larger and more complex models.

Additionally, one could question whether the implicit rewards truly capture the full breadth of human preferences, or if there are other factors that should be considered to achieve more comprehensive alignment. Further research is needed to address these concerns and refine the techniques.


This paper presents a promising approach, Bootstrapping Language Models with DPO Implicit Rewards, for improving the alignment of language models with human preferences and values. By incorporating Discrete Preference Optimization and implicit rewards derived from user feedback, the authors demonstrate a way to train language models that are more reliable, trustworthy, and beneficial to people.

The findings of this research have the potential to significantly impact the development of advanced language models, particularly in applications where alignment with human preferences is crucial, such as conversational AI, content generation, and decision support systems. As the field of AI continues to evolve, techniques like the one proposed in this paper will be increasingly important in ensuring that these powerful technologies are designed and deployed in a responsible and ethical manner.

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