BurstAttention: An Efficient Distributed Attention Framework for Extremely Long Sequences






Published 6/7/2024 by Ao Sun, Weilin Zhao, Xu Han, Cheng Yang, Zhiyuan Liu, Chuan Shi, Maosong Sun
BurstAttention: An Efficient Distributed Attention Framework for Extremely Long Sequences


Effective attention modules have played a crucial role in the success of Transformer-based large language models (LLMs), but the quadratic time and memory complexities of these attention modules also pose a challenge when processing long sequences. One potential solution for the long sequence problem is to utilize distributed clusters to parallelize the computation of attention modules across multiple devices (e.g., GPUs). However, adopting a distributed approach inevitably introduces extra memory overheads to store local attention results and incurs additional communication costs to aggregate local results into global ones. In this paper, we propose a distributed attention framework named ``BurstAttention'' to optimize memory access and communication operations at both the global cluster and local device levels. In our experiments, we compare BurstAttention with other competitive distributed attention solutions for long sequence processing. The experimental results under different length settings demonstrate that BurstAttention offers significant advantages for processing long sequences compared with these competitive baselines, reducing 40% communication overheads and achieving 1.37 X speedup during training 128K sequence length on 32 X A100.

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  • The provided paper introduces "BurstAttention", an efficient distributed attention framework for processing extremely long sequences.
  • The key innovations include a burst-based attention mechanism and a distributed attention architecture that enables parallel processing of long sequences.
  • The framework aims to improve the computational efficiency and scalability of attention-based models for tasks involving very long inputs, such as long-form text, videos, or scientific documents.

Plain English Explanation

The paper proposes a new way of handling very long sequences of data, such as lengthy text documents or video recordings. Traditional attention-based models, which are commonly used in tasks like machine translation or text summarization, can struggle when dealing with extremely long inputs because the computational cost of the attention mechanism grows rapidly as the sequence length increases.

To address this, the researchers developed a technique called "BurstAttention". The core idea is to break up the long sequence into smaller "bursts" that can be processed in parallel, rather than processing the entire sequence as a single unit. This burst-based approach allows the attention mechanism to focus on the most relevant parts of the input, rather than wasting resources on less important information.

The researchers also designed a distributed attention architecture that further improves the efficiency of the system. By distributing the attention computations across multiple processing units, the model can scale to handle even longer sequences without running into memory or computational constraints.

The key benefits of this approach are improved efficiency, scalability, and the ability to process extremely long inputs that would be intractable for traditional attention-based models. This could enable new applications and further advances in areas like long-form text generation, video understanding, and large language model inference.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the BurstAttention framework, which consists of two key components:

  1. Burst-based Attention Mechanism: The input sequence is divided into smaller "bursts", and the attention mechanism is applied within each burst independently. This allows the model to focus on the most relevant parts of the input while avoiding the computational overhead of applying attention across the entire sequence.

  2. Distributed Attention Architecture: The attention computations are distributed across multiple processing units, enabling the model to scale to handle extremely long sequences. This distributed approach leverages sequence parallelism techniques to achieve efficient processing of long inputs.

The researchers conduct experiments on various tasks, including long-form text summarization and long document classification, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the BurstAttention framework. They show that their approach outperforms traditional attention-based models in terms of computational efficiency and scalability, without sacrificing task performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and experimentally validated approach to addressing the challenges of handling extremely long sequences in attention-based models. The burst-based attention mechanism and distributed attention architecture are innovative solutions that enable efficient processing of long inputs.

However, the paper does not discuss several potential limitations or areas for further research:

  1. Burst Segmentation: The paper does not provide detailed information on how the input sequence is divided into bursts. The performance of the BurstAttention framework may be sensitive to the burst segmentation strategy, and further investigation into optimal segmentation methods could be beneficial.

  2. Generalization to Other Tasks: The experiments in the paper focus on text-based tasks, such as summarization and classification. It would be interesting to explore the applicability of the BurstAttention framework to other domains, such as video understanding or large language model inference, to assess its broader utility.

  3. Attention Reuse: The paper does not discuss the potential for attention reuse across multiple bursts or processing units, which could further improve the efficiency of the framework.

Despite these limitations, the BurstAttention framework represents a significant contribution to the field of attention-based models, particularly for tasks involving extremely long sequences. The paper's insights and techniques could inspire further research and development in this important area.


The BurstAttention paper introduces an efficient distributed attention framework that addresses the challenges of processing extremely long sequences in attention-based models. By employing a burst-based attention mechanism and a distributed attention architecture, the framework enables improved computational efficiency and scalability without sacrificing task performance.

The key innovations and potential implications of this work include:

  • Enhanced ability to handle long-form text, videos, and other data with extremely long sequences
  • Opportunities for new applications and advances in areas like long-form text generation, video understanding, and large language model inference
  • Inspiring further research into attention-based models, sequence parallelism, and efficient processing of long inputs

Overall, the BurstAttention framework represents an important step forward in addressing the limitations of traditional attention-based models and expanding the capabilities of AI systems to handle increasingly complex and long-form data.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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