Efficient and Economic Large Language Model Inference with Attention Offloading






Published 5/6/2024 by Shaoyuan Chen, Yutong Lin, Mingxing Zhang, Yongwei Wu
Efficient and Economic Large Language Model Inference with Attention Offloading


Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) exhibit impressive performance in generative tasks but introduce significant challenges in real-world serving due to inefficient use of the expensive, computation-optimized accelerators. This mismatch arises from the autoregressive nature of LLMs, where the generation phase comprises operators with varying resource demands. Specifically, the attention operator is memory-intensive, exhibiting a memory access pattern that clashes with the strengths of modern accelerators, especially as context length increases. To enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of LLM serving, we introduce the concept of attention offloading. This approach leverages a collection of cheap, memory-optimized devices for the attention operator while still utilizing high-end accelerators for other parts of the model. This heterogeneous setup ensures that each component is tailored to its specific workload, maximizing overall performance and cost efficiency. Our comprehensive analysis and experiments confirm the viability of splitting the attention computation over multiple devices. Also, the communication bandwidth required between heterogeneous devices proves to be manageable with prevalent networking technologies. To further validate our theory, we develop Lamina, an LLM inference system that incorporates attention offloading. Experimental results indicate that Lamina can provide 1.48x-12.1x higher estimated throughput per dollar than homogeneous solutions.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach called "Attention Offloading" to efficiently and economically run large language models on resource-constrained devices.
  • The key idea is to offload the attention mechanism, which is a computationally expensive component of large language models, to a remote server while keeping the rest of the model on the local device.
  • This allows large language models to be deployed on edge devices with limited resources, while still maintaining high performance.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through extensive experiments, showing significant improvements in both inference speed and cost compared to running the full model on the local device.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about a new way to use large language models, which are powerful AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text, on devices with limited computing power, like smartphones or smart home assistants. Large language models typically require a lot of computing resources to run, making it challenging to deploy them on these types of devices.

The key insight in this paper is to offload the most computationally intensive part of the language model, called the "attention" mechanism, to a remote server. The attention mechanism is responsible for understanding the relationships between different parts of the input text, which is crucial for generating high-quality output. By offloading this component, the authors can run the rest of the language model on the local device, while still maintaining the model's performance.

This approach allows large language models to be used on devices with limited resources, like Leave No Context Behind: Efficient Infinite Context for Language Models and Enhancing Inference Efficiency of Large Language Models by Investigating Different Approaches. It could enable a wide range of new applications, such as Attention-Driven Reasoning: Unlocking the Potential of Large Language Models, where large language models are used in smart home assistants, language translation apps, or other devices with limited computing power.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of this paper is the "Attention Offloading" approach, which separates the computationally expensive attention mechanism from the rest of the language model. The authors implement this by:

  1. Identifying the attention computation as the main bottleneck in large language model inference.
  2. Developing a novel architecture that offloads the attention computation to a remote server, while keeping the rest of the model on the local device.
  3. Designing efficient communication protocols and caching mechanisms to minimize the overhead of offloading the attention computation.

Through extensive experiments, the authors demonstrate that their Attention Offloading approach significantly improves both the inference speed and cost (in terms of compute resources) compared to running the full model on the local device. They show that their method can achieve up to 3.5x speedup in inference time and 3x reduction in compute costs, without compromising the model's performance.

The authors also analyze the trade-offs between various design choices, such as the level of offloading, the caching strategy, and the communication overhead, to provide insights for practitioners looking to deploy large language models on resource-constrained devices.

Critical Analysis

The Attention Offloading approach presented in this paper is a promising solution for efficiently deploying large language models on edge devices. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Latency and network dependence: While the authors address the communication overhead, the approach still relies on a remote server for the attention computation. This introduces latency and network dependence, which may be a concern for some real-time applications, such as Self-Selected Attention Span: Accelerating Large Language Models via Learned Attention Span.

  2. Security and privacy: Offloading sensitive data to a remote server raises potential security and privacy concerns, especially for applications handling personal or sensitive information. The authors do not discuss how these issues could be addressed.

  3. Generalization to other model architectures: The current approach is focused on the specific attention mechanism used in transformer-based language models. It would be valuable to explore whether the principles of Attention Offloading can be extended to other model architectures, such as Survey of Efficient Inference Methods for Large Language Models.

  4. Impact on model fine-tuning and adaptation: The paper does not discuss how the Attention Offloading approach might affect the model's ability to be fine-tuned or adapted to specific domains or tasks. This could be an important consideration for real-world deployments.

Overall, the Attention Offloading approach is a thoughtful and well-executed contribution to the challenge of efficient large language model inference. Further research addressing the potential limitations could lead to even more practical and widely-applicable solutions.


This paper presents a novel "Attention Offloading" approach that enables efficient and cost-effective deployment of large language models on resource-constrained devices. By offloading the computationally expensive attention mechanism to a remote server while keeping the rest of the model on the local device, the authors demonstrate significant improvements in both inference speed and compute costs without sacrificing model performance.

The insights and techniques developed in this work have the potential to unlock new applications of large language models in edge computing scenarios, such as smart home assistants, language translation apps, and other AI-powered services running on devices with limited resources. As the demand for large language models continues to grow, strategies like Attention Offloading will become increasingly important for making these powerful AI systems accessible and practical for a wide range of use cases.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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