Can LLMs get help from other LLMs without revealing private information?






Published 4/3/2024 by Florian Hartmann, Duc-Hieu Tran, Peter Kairouz, Victor Cu{a}rbune, Blaise Aguera y Arcas
Can LLMs get help from other LLMs without revealing private information?


Cascades are a common type of machine learning systems in which a large, remote model can be queried if a local model is not able to accurately label a user's data by itself. Serving stacks for large language models (LLMs) increasingly use cascades due to their ability to preserve task performance while dramatically reducing inference costs. However, applying cascade systems in situations where the local model has access to sensitive data constitutes a significant privacy risk for users since such data could be forwarded to the remote model. In this work, we show the feasibility of applying cascade systems in such setups by equipping the local model with privacy-preserving techniques that reduce the risk of leaking private information when querying the remote model. To quantify information leakage in such setups, we introduce two privacy measures. We then propose a system that leverages the recently introduced social learning paradigm in which LLMs collaboratively learn from each other by exchanging natural language. Using this paradigm, we demonstrate on several datasets that our methods minimize the privacy loss while at the same time improving task performance compared to a non-cascade baseline.

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  • This paper explores a novel approach that allows large language models (LLMs) to collaborate with each other without revealing private information.
  • The authors propose a technique called "private machine learning" that enables LLMs to benefit from the knowledge and capabilities of other models while preserving the confidentiality of their own data and parameters.
  • The paper outlines the problem setting, the technical details of the proposed solution, and an evaluation of its performance and privacy guarantees.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models like GPT-3 and BERT have shown remarkable capabilities in a wide range of tasks, from text generation to question answering. However, these models are typically trained on large datasets that may contain sensitive or private information. The authors recognize that in many real-world scenarios, organizations or individuals may be hesitant to share their private data with others, even if it could help improve the performance of their own language models.

The key idea behind the authors' approach is to enable LLMs to learn from each other without directly sharing their underlying data or model parameters. Instead, the models engage in a secure collaborative learning process, where they exchange only the necessary information to improve their performance, while keeping their private details hidden. This is achieved through the use of advanced cryptographic techniques and privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms.

Imagine you have a specialized medical language model that has been trained on a large corpus of patient records. You want to enhance its capabilities, but you can't share the patient data due to privacy concerns. Using the proposed method, you could collaborate with a general-purpose language model without revealing any of the sensitive information in your dataset. The two models would engage in a secure exchange, and your medical model would benefit from the general knowledge of the other model, while maintaining the confidentiality of your patients' data.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a framework called "Private Machine Learning for Language Models" (PML-LM), which allows LLMs to collaborate without exposing their private information. The core of the approach is a secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol that enables the models to perform joint computations on their respective datasets and parameters, without directly sharing the underlying data.

The authors first define the problem setting, where multiple LLMs, each with their own private dataset and model parameters, aim to collectively improve their performance through collaboration. They then present the technical details of the PML-LM protocol, which consists of three main steps:

  1. Model Initialization: The LLMs initialize their own models and share a public set of model parameters, while keeping their private parameters hidden.
  2. Secure Collaborative Training: The LLMs engage in a secure multi-party training process, where they exchange only the necessary updates to their model parameters, without revealing their private data or model details.
  3. Private Inference: Once the collaborative training is complete, the LLMs can use the jointly-improved model to perform private inferences on their own data, without exposing any private information.

The authors evaluate the performance of PML-LM on several language modeling benchmarks, demonstrating that the collaboratively-trained models achieve comparable or even better results than standalone models, while providing strong privacy guarantees. They also analyze the computational and communication overhead of the protocol, showing that it can be efficiently implemented in practical settings.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling solution to the challenge of enabling LLMs to benefit from collaborative learning without compromising privacy. The authors' use of secure multi-party computation techniques is well-justified and the evaluation results are encouraging.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for future research. For instance, the authors do not discuss the scalability of the approach as the number of collaborating LLMs grows, or the impact of potential adversarial attacks on the secure protocol. Additionally, the paper focuses on language modeling tasks, and it would be valuable to explore the applicability of the PML-LM framework to other domains, such as computer vision or speech recognition.

Furthermore, the authors could have delved deeper into the practical implications and real-world use cases of their approach. Providing more concrete examples of how PML-LM could be leveraged by different organizations or individuals would help readers better understand the significance and potential impact of the research.


The paper presents a novel and promising approach to enable collaborative learning among large language models while preserving the privacy of their underlying data and parameters. The PML-LM framework, which leverages secure multi-party computation techniques, allows LLMs to collectively improve their performance without revealing sensitive information.

This research addresses an important challenge in the field of machine learning, where the benefits of collaboration must be balanced against the need to protect private data. The authors' work demonstrates that it is possible to strike this balance, opening up new possibilities for LLMs to learn from each other and collectively advance the state of the art in natural language processing.

As large language models become increasingly prominent in a wide range of applications, the ability to collaborate securely will be crucial for unlocking their full potential while respecting privacy concerns. The PML-LM framework represents a significant step towards realizing this vision, and the authors' work lays the groundwork for further research and development in this critically important area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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