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Language Model Cascades: Token-level uncertainty and beyond






Published 4/17/2024 by Neha Gupta, Harikrishna Narasimhan, Wittawat Jitkrittum, Ankit Singh Rawat, Aditya Krishna Menon, Sanjiv Kumar
Language Model Cascades: Token-level uncertainty and beyond


Recent advances in language models (LMs) have led to significant improvements in quality on complex NLP tasks, but at the expense of increased inference costs. Cascading offers a simple strategy to achieve more favorable cost-quality tradeoffs: here, a small model is invoked for most easy instances, while a few hard instances are deferred to the large model. While the principles underpinning cascading are well-studied for classification tasks - with deferral based on predicted class uncertainty favored theoretically and practically - a similar understanding is lacking for generative LM tasks. In this work, we initiate a systematic study of deferral rules for LM cascades. We begin by examining the natural extension of predicted class uncertainty to generative LM tasks, namely, the predicted sequence uncertainty. We show that this measure suffers from the length bias problem, either over- or under-emphasizing outputs based on their lengths. This is because LMs produce a sequence of uncertainty values, one for each output token; and moreover, the number of output tokens is variable across examples. To mitigate this issue, we propose to exploit the richer token-level uncertainty information implicit in generative LMs. We argue that naive predicted sequence uncertainty corresponds to a simple aggregation of these uncertainties. By contrast, we show that incorporating token-level uncertainty through learned post-hoc deferral rules can significantly outperform such simple aggregation strategies, via experiments on a range of natural language benchmarks with FLAN-T5 models. We further show that incorporating embeddings from the smaller model and intermediate layers of the larger model can give an additional boost in the overall cost-quality tradeoff.

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  • This paper explores the use of token-level uncertainty in language models, and how it can be leveraged to improve their performance.
  • The authors propose a "Language Model Cascade" approach, which combines multiple language models to handle different levels of uncertainty.
  • The research aims to address the challenges of uncertainty quantification in large language models and the importance of uncertainty-aware language models for improved decision-making.

Plain English Explanation

Language models are powerful artificial intelligence systems that can generate human-like text. However, these models often struggle with uncertainty - they may not always be confident in the text they produce. This paper explores a new approach to address this issue.

The researchers propose a "Language Model Cascade," which combines multiple language models to handle different levels of uncertainty. The idea is that the system can switch between these models depending on how confident it is in the text it's generating.

For example, when the system is highly confident, it can use a powerful language model to generate the text. But when it's less certain, it can switch to a more conservative model that is better at expressing uncertainty. This allows the system to produce text that is both fluent and transparent about its uncertainty.

The authors believe this approach can lead to better decision-making by language models, as users can better understand the model's confidence in its outputs. It also builds on previous research on uncertainty quantification and uncertainty-aware language models.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a "Language Model Cascade" approach to leverage token-level uncertainty in language models. The key idea is to combine multiple language models, each specialized for different levels of uncertainty.

The system first uses a powerful "base" language model to generate text. However, it also calculates a token-level uncertainty score for the generated text. If the uncertainty is below a certain threshold, the system uses the base model's output. But if the uncertainty is higher, the system switches to a more conservative "fallback" language model that is better at expressing uncertainty.

The authors explore different ways of calculating the token-level uncertainty, such as using the model's output probability distribution or incorporating external uncertainty estimation methods like Bayesian neural networks.

They evaluate their approach on various language generation tasks and find that the Language Model Cascade outperforms using a single language model, especially in situations where uncertainty is high. The cascade model is able to produce text that is both fluent and transparent about its confidence.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future work. For example, the performance of the cascade model is dependent on the quality and suitability of the fallback language model, which may be challenging to obtain or train.

Additionally, the paper does not address the potential computational overhead of running multiple language models in parallel. This could be a concern, especially for real-time applications that require fast response times.

The authors also note that their uncertainty estimation methods may not fully capture the true uncertainty of the language models, as they rely on proxy measures rather than a more rigorous uncertainty quantification approach.

Overall, the Language Model Cascade is a promising approach to addressing the challenges of uncertainty in language models. However, further research is needed to fully understand its limitations, optimize its performance, and develop more robust uncertainty estimation techniques.


This paper presents a novel "Language Model Cascade" approach to leveraging token-level uncertainty in language models. By combining multiple language models, the system can dynamically switch between them based on the level of uncertainty, producing text that is both fluent and transparent about its confidence.

The research builds on previous work in uncertainty-aware language models and uncertainty quantification, with the ultimate goal of improving decision-making by language models. While the approach has some limitations, it represents an important step forward in addressing the challenges of uncertainty in large language models.

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