A Catalyst Framework for the Quantum Linear System Problem via the Proximal Point Algorithm






Published 6/21/2024 by Junhyung Lyle Kim, Nai-Hui Chia, Anastasios Kyrillidis
A Catalyst Framework for the Quantum Linear System Problem via the Proximal Point Algorithm


Solving systems of linear equations is a fundamental problem, but it can be computationally intensive for classical algorithms in high dimensions. Existing quantum algorithms can achieve exponential speedups for the quantum linear system problem (QLSP) in terms of the problem dimension, but even such a theoretical advantage is bottlenecked by the condition number of the coefficient matrix. In this work, we propose a new quantum algorithm for QLSP inspired by the classical proximal point algorithm (PPA). Our proposed method can be viewed as a meta-algorithm that allows inverting a modified matrix via an existing texttt{QLSP_solver}, thereby directly approximating the solution vector instead of approximating the inverse of the coefficient matrix. By carefully choosing the step size $eta$, the proposed algorithm can effectively precondition the linear system to mitigate the dependence on condition numbers that hindered the applicability of previous approaches.

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  • This paper presents a catalyst framework for solving the quantum linear system problem using the proximal point algorithm.
  • The framework combines techniques from efficient quantum algorithms for linear systems, parallel proximal constrained linear-quadratic methods, and quantum algorithms for pathwise LASSO.
  • The proposed approach aims to improve the efficiency and scalability of solving large-scale quantum linear systems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on the quantum linear system problem, which involves solving large systems of linear equations on a quantum computer. This is an important problem with applications in fields like machine learning, physics, and chemistry.

The authors propose a new "catalyst" framework that combines several existing techniques to make solving these quantum linear systems more efficient. The key idea is to use the proximal point algorithm, which is an optimization method that can be adapted to work well on quantum computers.

By integrating the proximal point algorithm with other quantum algorithms for linear systems and sparse optimization, the authors develop a more powerful and scalable approach. This allows them to tackle larger and more complex quantum linear systems than was possible before.

The framework builds on previous work in efficient quantum algorithms for linear systems, parallel proximal constrained linear-quadratic methods, and quantum algorithms for pathwise LASSO. The authors show how these techniques can be combined in a clever way to solve quantum linear systems more effectively.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a catalyst framework for solving the quantum linear system problem using the proximal point algorithm. The framework leverages techniques from efficient quantum algorithms for linear systems, parallel proximal constrained linear-quadratic methods, and quantum algorithms for pathwise LASSO.

The authors first formulate the quantum linear system problem in terms of a convex optimization problem, which can then be solved using the proximal point algorithm. They show how to adapt the proximal point algorithm to work efficiently on quantum computers, leveraging techniques from quantum realization of the finite element method and accelerated optimization for the linear-quadratic regulator.

The key innovation is the integration of these different techniques into a cohesive catalyst framework that can solve large-scale quantum linear systems more efficiently than previous methods. The framework is designed to take advantage of the strengths of quantum computing, while still maintaining the flexibility and scalability to handle a wide range of problem sizes and structures.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to solving the quantum linear system problem, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The theoretical analysis of the catalyst framework's performance is quite complex, and the authors acknowledge that additional work is needed to fully characterize its behavior, especially in practical scenarios.

  2. The framework relies on several assumptions, such as the availability of efficient quantum subroutines for specific tasks. Ensuring the practical realizability of these subroutines may require further research and development.

  3. The paper does not provide a comprehensive comparison to other state-of-the-art methods for solving quantum linear systems. A more thorough empirical evaluation would help contextualize the framework's strengths and weaknesses.

  4. While the framework is designed to be scalable, the authors do not explore its performance on very large-scale problems. Investigating the limits of the framework's scalability would be an important direction for future work.

Overall, the catalyst framework represents a significant step forward in tackling the quantum linear system problem, but there are still opportunities for further refinement and empirical validation of the approach.


This paper presents a novel catalyst framework for solving the quantum linear system problem using the proximal point algorithm. The framework integrates techniques from efficient quantum algorithms for linear systems, parallel proximal constrained linear-quadratic methods, and quantum algorithms for pathwise LASSO to improve the efficiency and scalability of solving large-scale quantum linear systems.

The authors demonstrate the theoretical foundations of the framework and discuss its potential limitations and future research directions. Overall, this work represents a significant contribution to the field of quantum computing and optimization, with implications for a wide range of applications that rely on solving large-scale linear systems.

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