A Cause-Effect Look at Alleviating Hallucination of Knowledge-grounded Dialogue Generation






Published 4/5/2024 by Jifan Yu, Xiaohan Zhang, Yifan Xu, Xuanyu Lei, Zijun Yao, Jing Zhang, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li
A Cause-Effect Look at Alleviating Hallucination of Knowledge-grounded Dialogue Generation


Empowered by the large-scale pretrained language models, existing dialogue systems have demonstrated impressive performance conducting fluent and natural-sounding conversations. However, they are still plagued by the hallucination problem, causing unpredictable factual errors in the generated responses. Recently, knowledge-grounded dialogue generation models, that intentionally invoke external knowledge resources to more informative responses, are also proven to be effective in reducing hallucination. Following the idea of getting high-quality knowledge, a few efforts have achieved pretty good performance on this issue. As some inevitable knowledge noises may also lead to hallucinations, it is emergent to investigate the reason and future directions for building noise-tolerant methods in KGD tasks. In this paper, we analyze the causal story behind this problem with counterfactual reasoning methods. Based on the causal effect analysis, we propose a possible solution for alleviating the hallucination in KGD by exploiting the dialogue-knowledge interaction. Experimental results of our example implementation show that this method can reduce hallucination without disrupting other dialogue performance, while keeping adaptive to different generation models. We hope our efforts can support and call for more attention to developing lightweight techniques towards robust and trusty dialogue systems.

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  • This paper proposes a structural causal model to analyze the causes of hallucination in knowledge-grounded dialogue generation (KGD) systems.
  • The authors identify key factors that contribute to hallucination and suggest ways to mitigate it.
  • The findings have implications for improving the reliability and trustworthiness of dialogue systems that leverage external knowledge.

Plain English Explanation

Hallucination is a major challenge in dialogue systems that try to incorporate external knowledge. These systems can sometimes generate responses that seem plausible but are actually factually incorrect or made up. The authors of this paper wanted to better understand the root causes of this problem.

They developed a <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/large-language-models-hallucination-regard-to-known">structural causal model</a> to map out the different factors that can lead to hallucination in knowledge-grounded dialogue generation (KGD) systems. This allowed them to see how various elements, like the quality of the knowledge source, the dialogue context, and the model architecture, interact and contribute to hallucination.

By analyzing this causal model, the researchers were able to identify specific ways to <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/knowhalu-hallucination-detection-via-multi-form-knowledge">mitigate hallucination</a>. For example, they found that using more diverse knowledge sources, improving the fit between the dialogue context and the knowledge, and making changes to the model architecture could all help reduce the amount of hallucinated information in the system's outputs.

Overall, this work provides valuable insights into the underlying causes of a critical problem in dialogue AI. The findings can inform the development of more reliable and trustworthy conversational agents that can draw upon external knowledge without generating false or misleading information.

Technical Explanation

The paper frames the problem of knowledge-grounded dialogue generation (KGD) as a causal inference task. The authors propose a structural causal model (SCM) to capture the key factors that contribute to hallucination in these systems.

The SCM consists of several variables, including the quality and coverage of the knowledge source, the relevance of the knowledge to the dialogue context, the model's ability to select and integrate relevant knowledge, and the final dialogue output. The model shows how these elements are causally linked and how they can lead to hallucinated responses.

Through analysis of the SCM, the researchers identified several interventions that can help mitigate hallucination. These include:

  • <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/hallucination-diversity-aware-active-learning-text-summarization">Using more diverse knowledge sources</a> to improve coverage and reduce biases
  • Improving the <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/dont-believe-everything-you-read-enhancing-summarization">fit between the dialogue context and the knowledge</a> being used
  • Enhancing the model's ability to <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/hallucination-benchmark-medical-visual-question-answering">select and integrate relevant knowledge</a> into the response

The paper also discusses the limitations of the SCM approach and suggests areas for future research, such as incorporating more complex causal relationships and exploring the role of training data quality and model architecture.

Critical Analysis

The structural causal model proposed in this paper provides a valuable framework for understanding the causes of hallucination in KGD systems. By mapping out the key factors and their interactions, the authors have shed light on an important challenge facing the development of reliable dialogue agents.

One potential limitation of the SCM is that it may oversimplify the complex relationships involved in the KGD task. The authors acknowledge that there could be additional causal paths and feedback loops that are not captured in their current model. Incorporating more nuanced causal structures could lead to a richer understanding of the hallucination problem.

Additionally, while the identified interventions seem promising, their effectiveness will likely depend on the specific KGD system and use case. Further research is needed to evaluate how well these strategies work in practice and whether there are any unintended consequences or tradeoffs to consider.

It would also be interesting to see the authors <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/large-language-models-hallucination-regard-to-known">extend their analysis to other types of language models</a> beyond just KGD, as hallucination is a broader challenge in AI systems that leverage external knowledge.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution by providing a systematic framework for analyzing the causes of hallucination. The insights and proposed mitigation strategies can inform the development of more trustworthy and reliable dialogue systems.


This paper presents a structural causal model for understanding the factors that contribute to hallucination in knowledge-grounded dialogue generation (KGD) systems. By mapping out the causal relationships between key variables, the authors were able to identify several interventions that can help mitigate this critical problem.

The findings have significant implications for the development of more reliable and trustworthy conversational AI agents. By addressing the root causes of hallucination, as identified in this research, designers of dialogue systems can work towards creating agents that can effectively leverage external knowledge without generating false or misleading information.

The structural causal modeling approach demonstrated in this paper also serves as a valuable methodological contribution, providing a framework for systematically analyzing the complex interactions that underlie challenges in AI systems. As the field continues to grapple with issues like hallucination, this type of causal analysis can lead to important insights and guide the development of more robust and responsible AI technologies.

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