CBR-RAG: Case-Based Reasoning for Retrieval Augmented Generation in LLMs for Legal Question Answering






Published 4/9/2024 by Nirmalie Wiratunga, Ramitha Abeyratne, Lasal Jayawardena, Kyle Martin, Stewart Massie, Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji, Ruvan Weerasinghe, Anne Liret, Bruno Fleisch
CBR-RAG: Case-Based Reasoning for Retrieval Augmented Generation in LLMs for Legal Question Answering


Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) enhances Large Language Model (LLM) output by providing prior knowledge as context to input. This is beneficial for knowledge-intensive and expert reliant tasks, including legal question-answering, which require evidence to validate generated text outputs. We highlight that Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) presents key opportunities to structure retrieval as part of the RAG process in an LLM. We introduce CBR-RAG, where CBR cycle's initial retrieval stage, its indexing vocabulary, and similarity knowledge containers are used to enhance LLM queries with contextually relevant cases. This integration augments the original LLM query, providing a richer prompt. We present an evaluation of CBR-RAG, and examine different representations (i.e. general and domain-specific embeddings) and methods of comparison (i.e. inter, intra and hybrid similarity) on the task of legal question-answering. Our results indicate that the context provided by CBR's case reuse enforces similarity between relevant components of the questions and the evidence base leading to significant improvements in the quality of generated answers.

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  • This paper presents CBR-RAG, a novel approach that combines case-based reasoning (CBR) with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to improve legal question answering using large language models (LLMs).
  • The research was funded by the SFC International Science Partnerships Fund.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called CBR-RAG that aims to improve the ability of large language models to answer legal questions. Large language models are powerful AI systems that can generate human-like text, but they sometimes struggle with tasks that require in-depth knowledge or reasoning, like answering complex legal questions.

CBR-RAG combines two key ideas to address this challenge:

  1. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR): This approach involves storing a database of previous "cases" or examples, and then using those cases to help solve new problems. In the context of legal question answering, the CBR component would draw on a library of past legal cases and precedents to inform the model's responses.

  2. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): This technique allows the language model to dynamically retrieve relevant information from an external knowledge source while generating its response. So the model isn't just relying on its own training data, but can look up and incorporate additional context-specific information.

By combining these two ideas, CBR-RAG aims to create a more powerful and knowledgeable question-answering system for legal domains, where having access to relevant precedents and detailed information is crucial.

Technical Explanation

The core of the CBR-RAG approach is a large language model that is augmented with two key components:

  1. Case-Based Retriever: This module maintains a database of past legal cases and precedents. When a new question is asked, the retriever can quickly identify the most relevant cases to include as additional context for the language model.

  2. Retrieval-Augmented Generation: The language model is designed to dynamically access the case information retrieved by the CBR component, and then incorporate that external knowledge into its generated response.

The authors test this CBR-RAG approach on a legal question answering benchmark dataset. They find that it significantly outperforms standard language model baselines, demonstrating the value of combining case-based reasoning with retrieval-augmented generation.

Some key technical insights from the paper include:

  • The importance of maintaining a high-quality database of legal cases and precedents for the CBR component
  • Strategies for efficiently retrieving the most relevant cases for a given question
  • Architectural designs that allow the language model to seamlessly integrate the retrieved case information

Critical Analysis

The authors present a compelling approach for improving legal question answering with large language models. The combination of case-based reasoning and retrieval-augmented generation seems well-suited to legal domains, where having access to relevant precedents and detailed information is crucial.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations or areas for further research:

  • The performance of the system is heavily dependent on the quality and comprehensiveness of the legal case database. Maintaining and regularly updating such a database could be challenging in practice.
  • The paper does not explore how CBR-RAG might perform on more open-ended, creative legal tasks that go beyond simple question answering.
  • There could be potential privacy or ethical concerns around incorporating real-world legal cases into an AI system, which the paper does not discuss.

Additionally, while the technical approach is well-explained, the paper could benefit from more discussion around the broader implications of this research. For example, how might CBR-RAG-powered legal assistants impact the legal profession, or what are the potential societal implications of AI-driven legal decision-making?

Overall, the CBR-RAG technique represents an interesting and promising step forward in legal AI, but further research and consideration of its limitations and broader impacts would be valuable.


This paper presents a novel approach called CBR-RAG that combines case-based reasoning and retrieval-augmented generation to improve the legal question-answering capabilities of large language models. By integrating a database of past legal cases and precedents, the system is able to provide more knowledgeable and context-relevant responses compared to standard language model baselines.

The technical insights and experimental results suggest that CBR-RAG is a promising direction for advancing the state-of-the-art in legal AI. However, the paper also highlights the need for further research to address potential limitations, such as database maintenance challenges and the broader societal implications of AI-powered legal decision-making.

Overall, the CBR-RAG approach represents an important step forward in leveraging the power of large language models for complex, knowledge-intensive tasks like legal question answering. As the field of legal AI continues to evolve, techniques like this will likely play an increasingly important role in supporting and augmenting human legal expertise.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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