ChatGPT Is Here to Help, Not to Replace Anybody -- An Evaluation of Students' Opinions On Integrating ChatGPT In CS Courses






Published 4/29/2024 by Bruno Pereira Cipriano, Pedro Alves



Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT and Bard are capable of producing code based on textual descriptions, with remarkable efficacy. Such technology will have profound implications for computing education, raising concerns about cheating, excessive dependence, and a decline in computational thinking skills, among others. There has been extensive research on how teachers should handle this challenge but it is also important to understand how students feel about this paradigm shift. In this research, 52 first-year CS students were surveyed in order to assess their views on technologies with code-generation capabilities, both from academic and professional perspectives. Our findings indicate that while students generally favor the academic use of GPT, they don't over rely on it, only mildly asking for its help. Although most students benefit from GPT, some struggle to use it effectively, urging the need for specific GPT training. Opinions on GPT's impact on their professional lives vary, but there is a consensus on its importance in academic practice.

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  • The paper explores how the code generation capabilities of large language models (LLMs) like GPT and Bard could impact computing education.
  • It surveys 52 first-year computer science students to understand their views on using these technologies in academic and professional contexts.
  • The findings suggest that while students generally favor the academic use of LLMs, they do not overly rely on them and only mildly ask for their assistance.
  • Some students struggle to use LLMs effectively, highlighting the need for specific training on these tools.
  • Opinions on the impact of LLMs on students' professional lives vary, but there is a consensus on their importance in academic practice.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT and Bard have the remarkable ability to generate code based on textual descriptions. This technology could have significant implications for computing education, raising concerns about cheating, over-reliance, and a decline in computational thinking skills.

The researchers surveyed 52 first-year computer science students to understand their perspectives on using these code-generating technologies in academic and professional settings. The findings suggest that while students generally favor using LLMs in their studies, they don't heavily depend on them and only ask for their assistance when needed.

However, some students struggle to use LLMs effectively, which highlights the importance of providing specific training on these tools. Opinions on the impact of LLMs on students' future careers vary, but there is a consensus that these technologies are essential in academic practice.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a study that investigates how first-year computer science students perceive the use of large language models (LLMs) with code-generation capabilities, such as GPT and Bard, in both academic and professional contexts.

The researchers surveyed 52 students to assess their views on the implications of this technology for computing education, including concerns about cheating, over-reliance, and the potential decline in computational thinking skills.

The findings suggest that while students generally favor the academic use of LLMs, they do not overly rely on them and only mildly ask for their assistance. Although most students benefit from using LLMs, some struggle to use them effectively, which highlights the need for specific training on these tools.

Opinions on the impact of LLMs on students' professional lives vary, but there is a consensus that these technologies are essential in academic practice, particularly for tasks like code generation, debugging, and exploring programming concepts.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into how first-year computer science students perceive the use of large language models (LLMs) with code-generation capabilities in academic and professional settings. However, the study has some limitations.

First, the sample size of 52 students is relatively small, and the participants were all from the same university. Expanding the study to include a larger and more diverse sample of students could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the broader student perspective.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the specific challenges or strategies students employ when using LLMs, such as evaluating the quality and reliability of the generated code. Further research could explore these aspects in more detail to inform the development of effective educational interventions and support systems.

It would also be beneficial to investigate the long-term implications of LLM usage on students' skills, such as the potential decline in computational thinking or problem-solving abilities. Longitudinal studies could shed light on these concerns and help educators develop strategies to mitigate any negative impacts.


The research presented in this paper highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of how first-year computer science students perceive the use of large language models (LLMs) with code-generation capabilities in academic and professional settings.

While the findings suggest that students generally favor the academic use of LLMs, the study also identifies the need for specific training and support to help students effectively leverage these technologies. Additionally, the potential impacts on students' long-term skills and the professional implications of LLM usage warrant further investigation.

As computing education continues to evolve alongside advancements in AI-powered tools, it will be crucial for educators, researchers, and policymakers to collaborate in developing strategies that harness the benefits of LLMs while also addressing the challenges and concerns raised in this paper.

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