Coarse-to-Fine Concept Bottleneck Models






Published 6/28/2024 by Konstantinos P. Panousis, Dino Ienco, Diego Marcos



Deep learning algorithms have recently gained significant attention due to their impressive performance. However, their high complexity and un-interpretable mode of operation hinders their confident deployment in real-world safety-critical tasks. This work targets ante hoc interpretability, and specifically Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs). Our goal is to design a framework that admits a highly interpretable decision making process with respect to human understandable concepts, on two levels of granularity. To this end, we propose a novel two-level concept discovery formulation leveraging: (i) recent advances in vision-language models, and (ii) an innovative formulation for coarse-to-fine concept selection via data-driven and sparsity-inducing Bayesian arguments. Within this framework, concept information does not solely rely on the similarity between the whole image and general unstructured concepts; instead, we introduce the notion of concept hierarchy to uncover and exploit more granular concept information residing in patch-specific regions of the image scene. As we experimentally show, the proposed construction not only outperforms recent CBM approaches, but also yields a principled framework towards interpetability.

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  • Deep learning algorithms have become increasingly popular due to their impressive performance
  • However, their high complexity and opaque decision-making process hinders their deployment in safety-critical real-world applications
  • This work focuses on ante hoc interpretability and Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs)
  • The goal is to design a framework that provides a highly interpretable decision-making process based on human-understandable concepts at different levels of granularity

Plain English Explanation

Deep learning models have become incredibly powerful, but they can also be very complex and difficult to understand. This makes it hard to trust them in important real-world applications where safety and reliability are critical, like self-driving cars or medical diagnosis.

The researchers in this study wanted to tackle this problem by creating a new type of deep learning model that is more interpretable and transparent. Instead of just outputting a final prediction, their model would explain its decision-making process in terms of high-level "concepts" that humans can understand.

The key idea is to have the model learn to identify these concepts, not just from the overall image, but by looking at specific regions or patches within the image. This gives the model a more nuanced understanding of the scene, allowing it to make more granular and interpretable decisions.

By leveraging recent advances in vision-language models and using a novel Bayesian approach, the researchers were able to create a framework that outperforms other interpretable models while providing a principled way to uncover and utilize these important concept-level insights.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a novel two-level concept discovery framework that combines:

  1. Recent advancements in vision-language models to extract meaningful concept information from images
  2. An innovative Bayesian formulation for coarse-to-fine concept selection that leverages data-driven and sparsity-inducing principles

Unlike previous Concept Bottleneck Models, the proposed framework does not solely rely on the similarity between the whole image and general unstructured concepts. Instead, it introduces the notion of a concept hierarchy to uncover and exploit more granular concept information residing in patch-specific regions of the image scene.

The experimental results show that this approach not only outperforms recent CBM methods, but also provides a principled framework for achieving interpretability in deep learning models.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to improving the interpretability of deep learning models, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The concept discovery process relies on vision-language models, which may introduce biases or errors from the underlying language data. Exploring alternative concept extraction methods could be beneficial.
  • The Bayesian formulation for concept selection, while principled, may be computationally intensive and require careful tuning of hyperparameters. Investigating more efficient optimization strategies could make the framework more scalable.
  • The experiments focus on image classification tasks, but the applicability of the approach to other domains, such as natural language processing or time series analysis, is not yet clear. Evaluating the framework on a broader range of tasks would be valuable.

Overall, the research represents an important step towards bridging the gap between the powerful but opaque nature of deep learning and the need for interpretable, trustworthy AI systems in safety-critical applications.


This study proposes a novel framework for Concept Bottleneck Models that aims to provide a highly interpretable decision-making process. By leveraging advancements in vision-language models and introducing a Bayesian approach for coarse-to-fine concept selection, the researchers have developed a principled way to uncover and utilize granular concept-level information in deep learning models.

The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, which outperforms recent CBM methods and offers a promising path towards interpretable AI systems. While there are some potential limitations, this research represents an important step forward in addressing the interpretability challenges that have hindered the widespread adoption of deep learning in safety-critical real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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