Code Repair with LLMs gives an Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoff






Published 5/31/2024 by Hao Tang, Keya Hu, Jin Peng Zhou, Sicheng Zhong, Wei-Long Zheng, Xujie Si, Kevin Ellis



Iteratively improving and repairing source code with large language models (LLMs), known as refinement, has emerged as a popular way of generating programs that would be too complex to construct in one shot. Given a bank of test cases, together with a candidate program, an LLM can improve that program by being prompted with failed test cases. But it remains an open question how to best iteratively refine code, with prior work employing simple greedy or breadth-first strategies. We show here that refinement exposes an explore-exploit tradeoff: exploit by refining the program that passes the most test cases, or explore by refining a lesser considered program. We frame this as an arm-acquiring bandit problem, which we solve with Thompson Sampling. The resulting LLM-based program synthesis algorithm is broadly applicable: Across loop invariant synthesis, visual reasoning puzzles, and competition programming problems, we find that our new method can solve more problems using fewer language model calls.

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  • Iterative code refinement using large language models (LLMs) is an effective way to generate complex programs.
  • Prior work has used simple strategies, but this paper explores the trade-off between exploiting the best-performing program and exploring less-considered programs.
  • The authors frame this as an "arm-acquiring bandit problem" and solve it using Thompson Sampling, resulting in a more effective LLM-based program synthesis algorithm.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) can be used to iteratively improve and repair source code, a process known as "refinement." This is useful for generating programs that would be too complex to create in a single step. The process starts with a bank of test cases and a candidate program, and the LLM is prompted with failed test cases to improve the program.

Previous approaches have used simple strategies, like always focusing on the program that passes the most test cases. However, this paper shows that refinement involves a trade-off between two approaches:

  1. Exploit: Refine the program that currently passes the most test cases, to maximize the number of passing tests.
  2. Explore: Refine a less-considered program, to potentially discover a better solution.

The authors frame this as an "arm-acquiring bandit problem", which they solve using a technique called Thompson Sampling. This results in a more effective LLM-based program synthesis algorithm that can solve more problems using fewer language model calls, across tasks like loop invariant synthesis, visual reasoning puzzles, and competition programming problems.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a new approach to iteratively refining source code using large language models (LLMs). The authors frame this as an "arm-acquiring bandit problem," where the goal is to choose which program to refine in each iteration to maximize the number of passing test cases.

The key insight is that refinement involves an explore-exploit trade-off. The algorithm can either "exploit" by refining the program that currently passes the most test cases, or "explore" by refining a less-considered program, which may lead to a better solution. The authors solve this using Thompson Sampling, a technique from the field of multi-armed bandits.

The resulting LLM-based program synthesis algorithm is evaluated on several tasks, including loop invariant synthesis, visual reasoning puzzles, and competition programming problems. The authors find that their new method can solve more problems using fewer language model calls compared to previous approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to iterative code refinement using LLMs. The authors' framing of the problem as an "arm-acquiring bandit problem" and their use of Thompson Sampling to solve it is a clever and well-justified technique.

One potential limitation of the research is the scope of the evaluated tasks. While the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their method across several domains, it would be interesting to see how it performs on an even wider range of programming problems, including those with more complex control flow or data structures.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the potential limitations or failure modes of the LLM-based program synthesis approach. It would be valuable to explore scenarios where the refinement process might struggle, such as when the initial candidate program is too far from the desired solution or when the test cases are not sufficiently informative.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in the field of program synthesis using large language models. The authors' insights into the explore-exploit trade-off and their solution using Thompson Sampling are likely to inspire further advancements in this area.


This paper presents a novel approach to iteratively refining source code using large language models (LLMs), framing the problem as an "arm-acquiring bandit problem" and solving it with Thompson Sampling. The resulting LLM-based program synthesis algorithm is shown to be more effective than previous methods, solving more problems using fewer language model calls across a range of tasks, including loop invariant synthesis, visual reasoning puzzles, and competition programming problems.

The authors' insights into the explore-exploit trade-off inherent in code refinement and their innovative solution using techniques from the field of multi-armed bandits represent an important contribution to the growing body of research on program synthesis with large language models. This work paves the way for further advancements in this area, with potential applications in areas like automated software development, educational tools, and AI-assisted programming.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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