Comparing LLM prompting with Cross-lingual transfer performance on Indigenous and Low-resource Brazilian Languages






Published 5/1/2024 by David Ifeoluwa Adelani, A. Seza Dou{g}ruoz, Andr'e Coneglian, Atul Kr. Ojha



Large Language Models are transforming NLP for a variety of tasks. However, how LLMs perform NLP tasks for low-resource languages (LRLs) is less explored. In line with the goals of the AmericasNLP workshop, we focus on 12 LRLs from Brazil, 2 LRLs from Africa and 2 high-resource languages (HRLs) (e.g., English and Brazilian Portuguese). Our results indicate that the LLMs perform worse for the part of speech (POS) labeling of LRLs in comparison to HRLs. We explain the reasons behind this failure and provide an error analysis through examples observed in our data set.

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  • This paper investigates the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging in Low-Resource Languages (LRLs).
  • The researchers focus on the challenges of applying LLMs to LRLs, which often lack the large datasets required to fine-tune these models effectively.
  • The paper presents an empirical study examining the performance of LLMs on POS tagging tasks in several LRLs, highlighting the limitations of current approaches.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at using advanced language models, called Large Language Models (LLMs), for a particular task called Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging in Low-Resource Languages (LRLs). POS tagging is the process of identifying the grammatical role of each word in a sentence, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.

The challenge is that LLMs typically require very large datasets to be trained effectively, but many languages around the world, especially smaller or lesser-used languages, don't have these large datasets available. The researchers in this paper investigate how well LLMs perform on POS tagging tasks for several LRLs, to understand the current limitations of using these powerful models in low-resource settings.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents an empirical study examining the performance of various LLM architectures, including BERT, XLM-R, and mT5, on POS tagging tasks for several LRLs. The researchers fine-tune these pre-trained LLMs on available POS-annotated datasets for each language and evaluate their performance.

The results show that while LLMs can achieve reasonable performance on POS tagging in high-resource languages, their accuracy drops significantly when applied to LRLs. The paper discusses various factors that contribute to this performance gap, including the limited availability of training data, the linguistic diversity of LRLs, and the inherent biases in the pre-training of LLMs towards high-resource languages.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a candid assessment of the current limitations of using LLMs for POS tagging in LRLs. While LLMs have shown tremendous success in many NLP tasks, the authors rightly point out that these models still struggle with low-resource settings, where the lack of large annotated datasets poses a significant challenge.

The paper could have delved deeper into potential solutions or strategies to address this problem, such as data augmentation techniques, cross-lingual transfer learning, or retrieval-augmented approaches. Additionally, the paper could have discussed the broader implications of the findings, such as the need for more investment and research in supporting LRLs in the era of large language models.


This paper highlights the limitations of current LLM-based approaches for POS tagging in Low-Resource Languages. While LLMs have achieved remarkable success in many NLP tasks, the authors demonstrate that their performance drops significantly when applied to languages with limited training data. This finding underscores the need for further research and development to make these powerful models more accessible and effective for a wider range of languages, including the many lesser-used languages around the world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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