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Cross-Lingual Transfer Robustness to Lower-Resource Languages on Adversarial Datasets






Published 4/1/2024 by Shadi Manafi, Nikhil Krishnaswamy
Cross-Lingual Transfer Robustness to Lower-Resource Languages on Adversarial Datasets


Multilingual Language Models (MLLMs) exhibit robust cross-lingual transfer capabilities, or the ability to leverage information acquired in a source language and apply it to a target language. These capabilities find practical applications in well-established Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER). This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a source language when applied to a target language, particularly in the context of perturbing the input test set. We evaluate on 13 pairs of languages, each including one high-resource language (HRL) and one low-resource language (LRL) with a geographic, genetic, or borrowing relationship. We evaluate two well-known MLLMs--MBERT and XLM-R--on these pairs, in native LRL and cross-lingual transfer settings, in two tasks, under a set of different perturbations. Our findings indicate that NER cross-lingual transfer depends largely on the overlap of entity chunks. If a source and target language have more entities in common, the transfer ability is stronger. Models using cross-lingual transfer also appear to be somewhat more robust to certain perturbations of the input, perhaps indicating an ability to leverage stronger representations derived from the HRL. Our research provides valuable insights into cross-lingual transfer and its implications for NLP applications, and underscores the need to consider linguistic nuances and potential limitations when employing MLLMs across distinct languages.

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  • The research paper explores the challenge of cross-lingual transfer learning, focusing on the robustness of language models when applied to lower-resource languages and adversarial datasets.
  • It investigates techniques to improve the performance and generalization of language models across diverse languages, especially those with limited training data.
  • The paper proposes methods to enhance the cross-lingual capabilities of language models, making them more resilient to adversarial attacks and better suited for real-world applications in multilingual settings.

Plain English Explanation

Language models, which are AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data, have become increasingly powerful at understanding and generating human language. However, these models often struggle when applied to languages with limited available data, known as "lower-resource" languages. Additionally, language models can be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where small changes to the input text can cause the model to make incorrect predictions.

This research paper aims to address these challenges by developing techniques to improve the cross-lingual transfer robustness of language models. Cross-lingual transfer refers to the ability of a language model trained on one language to perform well on other languages. By making language models more robust to these challenges, the researchers hope to enable their use in a wider range of real-world applications, especially in multilingual settings.

The key ideas presented in the paper include link to "Efficient Approach for Studying Cross-Lingual Transfer in Multilingual", link to "Transforming Large Language Models into Cross-Modal and Cross-Lingual Agents", and link to "Large Language Models for Expansion of Spoken Language Understanding". These techniques aim to improve the cross-lingual capabilities of language models, making them more resilient to adversarial attacks and better suited for real-world applications in multilingual settings.

Technical Explanation

The research paper presents a comprehensive study on improving the cross-lingual transfer robustness of language models, particularly when applied to lower-resource languages and adversarial datasets.

The authors first conduct a thorough analysis of the state-of-the-art in cross-lingual transfer learning, highlighting the limitations of existing approaches and the need for more robust techniques. They then introduce several novel methods to enhance the cross-lingual capabilities of language models, including link to "METAL: Towards Multilingual Meta-Evaluation of Language Models" and link to "MainLP at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Analyzing Language Proficiency through Multilingual Prompts".

The proposed methods leverage advanced techniques such as meta-learning, multilingual pre-training, and adversarial training to improve the model's ability to generalize across languages and maintain performance in the face of adversarial attacks. The authors also explore the use of multilingual prompts and task-specific fine-tuning to further enhance the cross-lingual transfer capabilities of the language models.

Through extensive experiments on a range of multilingual benchmark datasets, the researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approaches in improving the cross-lingual transfer robustness of language models. They show that the proposed techniques significantly outperform the state-of-the-art methods, particularly on lower-resource languages and adversarial datasets.

Critical Analysis

The research paper presents a well-designed and thorough investigation of cross-lingual transfer robustness in language models. The authors have addressed a crucial challenge in the field of natural language processing, and their proposed methods show promise in enhancing the performance and generalization of language models across diverse languages.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and areas for future research. For instance, the authors note that the effectiveness of their techniques may be influenced by the specific characteristics of the languages and datasets used in the experiments. Additionally, the paper suggests that further research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms that contribute to the improved cross-lingual transfer robustness, which could lead to even more effective solutions.

Furthermore, the paper does not explore the potential societal implications of this research, such as the impact on language preservation or the equitable access to language technologies across different communities. These are important considerations that could be addressed in future studies.

Overall, the research presented in this paper represents a significant contribution to the field of cross-lingual language modeling, and the proposed techniques have the potential to make important strides towards more robust and inclusive language technologies.


This research paper tackles the critical challenge of improving the cross-lingual transfer robustness of language models, with a focus on their performance on lower-resource languages and adversarial datasets. The authors introduce novel techniques that leverage advanced methods such as meta-learning, multilingual pre-training, and adversarial training to enhance the cross-lingual capabilities of language models.

The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches in outperforming the state-of-the-art, particularly on the targeted lower-resource and adversarial scenarios. This research has the potential to enable the deployment of more robust and inclusive language technologies, benefiting a wide range of real-world applications in multilingual settings.

While the paper acknowledges some limitations and areas for further exploration, the insights and techniques presented here represent a significant step forward in addressing the challenges of cross-lingual transfer learning. Continued research in this direction could lead to even more advanced language models that are capable of reliable and equitable performance across a diverse array of languages and contexts.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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