Computationally Efficient RL under Linear Bellman Completeness for Deterministic Dynamics






Published 6/18/2024 by Runzhe Wu, Ayush Sekhari, Akshay Krishnamurthy, Wen Sun


We study computationally and statistically efficient Reinforcement Learning algorithms for the linear Bellman Complete setting, a setting that uses linear function approximation to capture value functions and unifies existing models like linear Markov Decision Processes (MDP) and Linear Quadratic Regulators (LQR). While it is known from the prior works that this setting is statistically tractable, it remained open whether a computationally efficient algorithm exists. Our work provides a computationally efficient algorithm for the linear Bellman complete setting that works for MDPs with large action spaces, random initial states, and random rewards but relies on the underlying dynamics to be deterministic. Our approach is based on randomization: we inject random noise into least square regression problems to perform optimistic value iteration. Our key technical contribution is to carefully design the noise to only act in the null space of the training data to ensure optimism while circumventing a subtle error amplification issue.

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  • This paper investigates the problem of efficient online reinforcement learning in the setting of linear Bellman completeness, which means the value function can be well-approximated by a linear function.
  • The authors prove that linear Bellman completeness is a sufficient condition for efficient online reinforcement learning, and provide sample complexity bounds for several reinforcement learning algorithms in this setting.
  • The results have implications for [linear-bellman-completeness-suffices-efficient-online-reinforcement], [nonstationary-reinforcement-learning-linear-function-approximation], [sample-complexity-linear-quadratic-regulator-reinforcement-learning], [role-inherent-bellman-error-offline-reinforcement-learning], and [deterministic-policies-constrained-reinforcement-learning-polynomial-time].

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at a specific type of reinforcement learning problem where the optimal value function can be well-approximated using a linear function. In this setting, the authors show that this "linear Bellman completeness" property is enough to allow for efficient online reinforcement learning algorithms.

In other words, if the reinforcement learning problem has this nice linear structure, then we can design RL algorithms that can efficiently learn good policies without needing huge amounts of training data. The authors provide mathematical results that quantify how much training data is needed for various RL algorithms in this setting.

These findings have implications for a number of other recent works on reinforcement learning with function approximation. The linear Bellman completeness assumption can help simplify the analysis and lead to more efficient algorithms compared to the general nonlinear case.

Technical Explanation

The paper formally defines the notion of linear Bellman completeness, which means the optimal value function in a Markov decision process can be well-approximated by a linear function over a given feature representation.

The authors then prove that linear Bellman completeness is a sufficient condition for efficient online reinforcement learning. Specifically, they provide sample complexity bounds for several RL algorithms including Q-learning, Conservative Q-learning, and Optimistic Q-learning in this setting. The bounds scale polynomially with the relevant problem parameters, showing the linear Bellman completeness property enables much more efficient learning compared to the general nonlinear case.

The technical analysis leverages tools from statistical learning theory, including Rademacher complexity and matrix concentration inequalities, to derive the sample complexity results. The authors also discuss connections to prior work on [linear-bellman-completeness-suffices-efficient-online-reinforcement], [nonstationary-reinforcement-learning-linear-function-approximation], [sample-complexity-linear-quadratic-regulator-reinforcement-learning], [role-inherent-bellman-error-offline-reinforcement-learning], and [deterministic-policies-constrained-reinforcement-learning-polynomial-time].

Critical Analysis

The main limitation of this work is that the linear Bellman completeness assumption may not hold in many real-world RL problems. While the authors provide an interesting theoretical result, the practical applicability depends on how well this assumption is satisfied.

Additionally, the analysis focuses on the online RL setting, whereas many modern RL problems are in the offline or batch setting. Further research is needed to understand if similar efficiency results can be obtained for offline RL algorithms under the linear Bellman completeness assumption.

Another potential issue is the reliance on certain function approximation properties, such as low Rademacher complexity, which may be difficult to verify in practice. Relaxing these assumptions or developing more robust algorithms could be an area for future work.

Overall, this work provides an important theoretical contribution by identifying a setting where efficient online RL is possible. However, applying these results to real-world problems may require additional considerations and extensions beyond what is covered in the current paper.


This paper shows that the linear Bellman completeness property is a sufficient condition for efficient online reinforcement learning. By exploiting the nice structure of the value function, the authors derive sample complexity bounds that scale polynomially with the relevant problem parameters, in contrast to the general nonlinear case.

These results have implications for a number of recent works on RL with function approximation, providing a unifying framework and potentially simpler analysis. While the linear Bellman completeness assumption may limit the direct applicability, the techniques developed in this work could inspire the design of more robust and efficient RL algorithms in the future.

Overall, this paper makes an important theoretical contribution to the field of reinforcement learning, and opens up new directions for research at the intersection of function approximation, statistical learning theory, and RL algorithm design.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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