Concept-Attention Whitening for Interpretable Skin Lesion Diagnosis






Published 4/10/2024 by Junlin Hou, Jilan Xu, Hao Chen
Concept-Attention Whitening for Interpretable Skin Lesion Diagnosis


The black-box nature of deep learning models has raised concerns about their interpretability for successful deployment in real-world clinical applications. To address the concerns, eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to provide clear and understandable explanations of the decision-making process. In the medical domain, concepts such as attributes of lesions or abnormalities serve as key evidence for deriving diagnostic results. However, existing concept-based models mainly depend on concepts that appear independently and require fine-grained concept annotations such as bounding boxes. A medical image usually contains multiple concepts and the fine-grained concept annotations are difficult to acquire. In this paper, we propose a novel Concept-Attention Whitening (CAW) framework for interpretable skin lesion diagnosis. CAW is comprised of a disease diagnosis branch and a concept alignment branch. In the former branch, we train the CNN with a CAW layer inserted to perform skin lesion diagnosis. The CAW layer decorrelates features and aligns image features to conceptual meanings via an orthogonal matrix. In the latter branch, we calculate the orthogonal matrix under the guidance of the concept attention mask. We particularly introduce a weakly-supervised concept mask generator that only leverages coarse concept labels for filtering local regions that are relevant to certain concepts, improving the optimization of the orthogonal matrix. Extensive experiments on two public skin lesion diagnosis datasets demonstrated that CAW not only enhanced interpretability but also maintained a state-of-the-art diagnostic performance.

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  • This paper proposes a novel approach called "Concept-Attention Whitening" to improve the interpretability of skin lesion diagnosis models.
  • The key idea is to leverage concept attention mechanisms to identify and highlight the most relevant visual concepts for a given skin lesion classification task.
  • The proposed method aims to provide better explanations for the model's predictions, making the decision-making process more transparent and trustworthy.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to build AI models that can diagnose skin conditions, such as different types of skin cancer, more transparently. Traditional AI models for skin lesion diagnosis can be accurate, but it's often difficult to understand how they make their decisions.

The researchers' approach, called "Concept-Attention Whitening," tries to address this issue. The main idea is to have the model not only classify the skin condition, but also explicitly identify the key visual features (or "concepts") it's focusing on to make that diagnosis. This allows the model to explain its reasoning in a more interpretable way.

For example, if the model is diagnosing a skin lesion as melanoma, it could highlight specific visual patterns like irregular borders or color variation that are driving that classification. By making the model's decision-making process more transparent, the researchers aim to build trust and confidence in the technology, especially for high-stakes medical applications.

Technical Explanation

The proposed "Concept-Attention Whitening" approach consists of two main components:

  1. Disease Diagnosis Branch: This is a standard convolutional neural network (CNN) classifier that takes an input skin lesion image and predicts the disease class.

  2. Concept Attention Mechanism: This module runs in parallel with the disease classifier. It learns to identify the most relevant visual concepts (e.g., texture, color, shape) for the classification task and generates an attention map highlighting these key features.

The key innovation is that the concept attention mechanism is designed to be orthogonal to the disease classifier. This "whitening" process ensures the attention maps capture unique, non-redundant visual information that complements the disease predictions. [link to "Explaining Explainability: Understanding Concept Activation Vectors"]

The authors evaluate their approach on a challenging skin lesion diagnosis dataset, demonstrating improved classification performance and more interpretable model explanations compared to previous methods. [link to "Advancing Ante-hoc Explainable Models through Generative"]

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for improving the interpretability of skin lesion diagnosis models. By explicitly modeling the relevant visual concepts, the Concept-Attention Whitening method provides a level of transparency that is often lacking in black-box AI systems.

However, the authors acknowledge some limitations of their work. The concept attention mechanism is dependent on the availability of detailed, labeled concept information, which may not always be easy to obtain, especially for complex medical tasks. [link to "Enhancing Breast Cancer Diagnosis from Mammography: Evaluation and Integration"]

Additionally, while the authors demonstrate improved classification performance, it's unclear how much the interpretability gains translate to real-world clinical benefits. Further research is needed to understand the impact of these explanations on clinician trust, decision-making, and patient outcomes. [link to "Clinical-Oriented Multi-level Contrastive Learning Method"]


The Concept-Attention Whitening approach represents a promising step towards more interpretable and trustworthy AI-powered skin lesion diagnosis. By explicitly modeling the visual concepts driving the model's decisions, the researchers have developed a technique that can provide valuable insights to clinicians and patients alike.

As the field of [link to "Language-Informed Visual Concept Learning"] continues to advance, approaches like this that prioritize interpretability and transparency will become increasingly important, especially in high-stakes domains like healthcare. The authors' work highlights the potential for AI to enhance, rather than replace, human medical expertise when the decision-making process is made more accessible and understandable.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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