Connecting the Dots: Collaborative Fine-tuning for Black-Box Vision-Language Models






Published 6/4/2024 by Zhengbo Wang, Jian Liang, Ran He, Zilei Wang, Tieniu Tan



With the emergence of pretrained vision-language models (VLMs), considerable efforts have been devoted to fine-tuning them for downstream tasks. Despite the progress made in designing efficient fine-tuning methods, such methods require access to the model's parameters, which can be challenging as model owners often opt to provide their models as a black box to safeguard model ownership. This paper proposes a textbf{C}ollabotextbf{ra}tive textbf{F}ine-textbf{T}uning (textbf{CraFT}) approach for fine-tuning black-box VLMs to downstream tasks, where one only has access to the input prompts and the output predictions of the model. CraFT comprises two modules, a prompt generation module for learning text prompts and a prediction refinement module for enhancing output predictions in residual style. Additionally, we introduce an auxiliary prediction-consistent loss to promote consistent optimization across these modules. These modules are optimized by a novel collaborative training algorithm. Extensive experiments on few-shot classification over 15 datasets demonstrate the superiority of CraFT. The results show that CraFT achieves a decent gain of about 12% with 16-shot datasets and only 8,000 queries. Moreover, CraFT trains faster and uses only about 1/80 of the memory footprint for deployment, while sacrificing only 1.62% compared to the white-box method. Our code is publicly available at .

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  • This paper proposes a new approach called CraFT (Collaborative Fine-Tuning) for fine-tuning pretrained vision-language models (VLMs) when their internal parameters are not accessible.
  • CraFT comprises two modules: a prompt generation module for learning effective text prompts, and a prediction refinement module for enhancing the model's output predictions.
  • The paper also introduces an auxiliary loss to promote consistent optimization across these modules, and a collaborative training algorithm to jointly optimize them.
  • Experiments on few-shot classification tasks demonstrate that CraFT outperforms previous black-box fine-tuning methods while using significantly less memory and training time.

Plain English Explanation

Large language-vision models like DALL-E and Stable Diffusion have shown impressive capabilities, but they are often released as "black boxes" where you can't access their internal parameters. This can make it challenging to fine-tune these models for specific tasks.

The researchers developed a new approach called CraFT that allows you to fine-tune these black-box VLMs without access to their internal parameters. CraFT has two key components:

  1. A prompt generation module that learns effective text prompts to feed into the VLM. This helps the model produce better outputs for the target task.
  2. A prediction refinement module that takes the VLM's initial predictions and enhances them, again to improve performance on the target task.

These modules are trained collaboratively using a novel algorithm, along with an additional loss function to keep them aligned.

The researchers showed that CraFT can achieve significant performance gains on few-shot classification tasks, while using much less memory and training time compared to previous black-box fine-tuning methods. This makes CraFT a practical and efficient way to customize large VLMs for specific applications, even when you can't access their internal workings.

Technical Explanation

The key challenge addressed by this paper is fine-tuning large pretrained vision-language models (VLMs) when their internal parameters are not accessible (i.e., they are provided as "black boxes").

To tackle this, the authors propose the CraFT (Collaborative Fine-Tuning) approach, which comprises two key modules:

  1. Prompt Generation Module: This module learns effective text prompts to feed into the black-box VLM, with the goal of producing better outputs for the target task.
  2. Prediction Refinement Module: This module takes the VLM's initial predictions and refines them, again to improve performance on the target task.

The authors also introduce an auxiliary prediction-consistent loss to promote consistent optimization across these two modules. A novel collaborative training algorithm is used to jointly optimize the entire CraFT framework.

Extensive experiments on few-shot classification tasks across 15 datasets show that CraFT outperforms previous black-box fine-tuning methods. Specifically, CraFT achieves a 12% gain on 16-shot datasets using only 8,000 queries. Furthermore, CraFT trains faster and uses 80x less memory for deployment, while sacrificing only 1.62% compared to a white-box fine-tuning approach.

Critical Analysis

The CraFT approach presented in this paper is a clever solution to the challenge of fine-tuning black-box VLMs. By separating the fine-tuning process into prompt generation and prediction refinement, the authors are able to effectively customize the model's behavior without requiring access to its internal parameters.

One potential limitation of the approach is that it may not be as effective for tasks that require more substantial modifications to the VLM's underlying knowledge and capabilities. The prompt generation and prediction refinement modules are designed to work within the existing model, rather than fundamentally changing its behavior.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the transferability of the CraFT modules across different target tasks. It would be interesting to see how well the prompt generation and prediction refinement modules perform when applied to new tasks, rather than just fine-tuning on the original set of tasks.

Overall, the CraFT approach represents a significant advancement in the field of black-box model fine-tuning, and the authors' experimental results are quite impressive. This research could have important implications for making large, powerful VLMs more accessible and customizable for a wide range of applications.


This paper presents a novel approach called CraFT for fine-tuning pretrained vision-language models when their internal parameters are not accessible. CraFT comprises a prompt generation module and a prediction refinement module, which are jointly optimized using a collaborative training algorithm and an auxiliary loss function.

The key contribution of this work is demonstrating that effective fine-tuning of black-box VLMs is possible without requiring access to their internal parameters. This is a significant advancement, as model owners often choose to release their models as black boxes to protect their intellectual property.

The experimental results show that CraFT can achieve substantial performance gains on few-shot classification tasks, while using much less memory and training time compared to previous black-box fine-tuning methods. This makes CraFT a practical and efficient way to customize large, powerful VLMs for specific applications, even when their internal workings are not accessible.

Overall, this research has important implications for improving the accessibility and usability of state-of-the-art language-vision models in a wide range of real-world scenarios.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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