Creativity and Machine Learning: A Survey






Published 5/8/2024 by Giorgio Franceschelli, Mirco Musolesi



There is a growing interest in the area of machine learning and creativity. This survey presents an overview of the history and the state of the art of computational creativity theories, key machine learning techniques (including generative deep learning), and corresponding automatic evaluation methods. After presenting a critical discussion of the key contributions in this area, we outline the current research challenges and emerging opportunities in this field.

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  • This paper provides an overview of the history and state of the art in computational creativity, machine learning techniques for creativity, and methods to evaluate creative AI systems.
  • It discusses the key contributions in this area and outlines the current research challenges and emerging opportunities.

Plain English Explanation

Machines are becoming increasingly capable of creative tasks like generating art, music, and even writing. This paper explores the history and latest advancements in this field, known as computational creativity. It covers the main machine learning techniques being used, including generative deep learning, and the methods researchers are developing to evaluate the "creativity" of these AI systems.

The paper highlights the important work that has been done in this area and identifies the key problems that researchers are still working to solve. For example, how can we build AI systems that are truly creative rather than just mimicking human creativity? And how do we define and measure creativity in a machine? These are some of the challenging questions that the field is grappling with.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by providing a historical overview of computational creativity, tracing its origins back to early AI and generative art experiments in the 1950s and 60s. It then delves into the current state of the art, focusing on the role of machine learning techniques, particularly generative deep learning models, in powering creative AI systems.

The authors discuss various approaches to evaluating the creativity of these systems, including both objective metrics (e.g. novelty, surprise) and more subjective, human-based assessments. They highlight the challenges in defining and measuring creativity, especially when it comes to computational creativity.

Throughout the paper, the authors cite key research contributions and seminal works that have advanced the field. They also outline current research directions and emerging opportunities, such as the potential for machine learning to assist in scientific discovery and the need to address copyright and ownership issues that arise with creative AI.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the field of computational creativity, but it also acknowledges the significant challenges that researchers still face. For example, the authors note that current AI systems are often good at generating novel outputs, but struggle to exhibit true creativity that matches the depth and originality of human creativity.

Additionally, the evaluation of creative AI systems is an area that requires more research and standardization. The paper highlights the difficulties in defining and measuring creativity, and the need for more robust, reliable, and generalizable evaluation methods.

The authors also touch on the ethical and legal implications of creative AI, such as the uncertainty around copyright and ownership of AI-generated works. These are important considerations that will need to be addressed as the field continues to evolve.


This paper provides a valuable overview of the current state of computational creativity and the role of machine learning in powering creative AI systems. It highlights the significant progress that has been made in this area, as well as the remaining challenges and opportunities for future research.

As machine learning techniques become increasingly sophisticated, the potential for AI to assist and augment human creativity is immense. However, the paper underscores the need to carefully consider the ethical and practical implications of this technology, particularly when it comes to issues of ownership, authorship, and the very definition of creativity itself.

Overall, this paper serves as a useful introduction to the field of computational creativity and the exciting developments happening at the intersection of AI and creativity.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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