Creative Beam Search






Published 5/10/2024 by Giorgio Franceschelli, Mirco Musolesi
Creative Beam Search


Large language models are revolutionizing several areas, including artificial creativity. However, the process of generation in machines profoundly diverges from that observed in humans. In particular, machine generation is characterized by a lack of intentionality and an underlying creative process. We propose a method called Creative Beam Search that uses Diverse Beam Search and LLM-as-a-Judge to perform response generation and response validation. The results of a qualitative experiment show how our approach can provide better output than standard sampling techniques. We also show that the response validation step is a necessary complement to the response generation step.

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  • This paper introduces a novel technique called "Creative Beam Search" that aims to improve the creative capabilities of large language models (LLMs).
  • The key idea is to modify the standard beam search decoding algorithm used in LLMs to encourage more diverse and innovative output.
  • The authors test their approach on several creative tasks, including generating games via LLMs, generating situated reflection triggers about alternative solutions, and iterative research idea generation.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 are impressive at generating human-like text, but they can often produce predictable or repetitive outputs, especially when tasked with creative writing or idea generation. The "Creative Beam Search" technique described in this paper aims to address this by modifying the standard beam search decoding algorithm used in LLMs.

Beam search is a common method for generating text one word at a time, keeping track of the most promising partial outputs (the "beams") and expanding them. The key insight of this work is that by encouraging the beam search to explore more diverse possibilities, the model can produce more creative and innovative outputs.

The authors test their approach on several tasks that require creativity, such as generating video game ideas, generating thought-provoking reflections on alternative solutions, and iterative research idea generation. The results suggest that Creative Beam Search can indeed produce more diverse and creative outputs compared to standard beam search.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of this work is the "Creative Beam Search" algorithm, which modifies the standard beam search decoding process used in many LLMs. In traditional beam search, the algorithm keeps track of the top-k most promising partial outputs (the "beams") and expands them one word at a time, selecting the next word based on the model's probability distribution.

The Creative Beam Search approach introduces two main changes:

  1. Beam Reranking: Instead of solely selecting the top-k most probable beams, the algorithm also considers the diversity of the beams. This encourages the search to explore a wider range of possibilities, rather than focusing only on the most likely outputs.

  2. Iterative Refinement: The algorithm iterates through multiple rounds of beam search, using the outputs from the previous round to inform the search in the current round. This allows the model to gradually refine and improve the creativity of its outputs over time.

The authors evaluate their approach on several creative tasks, including generating video game ideas, generating situated reflection triggers about alternative solutions, and iterative research idea generation. The results show that Creative Beam Search outperforms standard beam search on measures of diversity and creativity, demonstrating the potential of this approach to enhance the creative capabilities of LLMs.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thoughtful and well-designed study of the Creative Beam Search algorithm, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Task Generalization: The authors focus on a limited set of creative tasks, such as video game idea generation and research idea generation. It would be helpful to see how the approach performs on a wider range of creative tasks to better understand its general applicability.

  2. Human Evaluation: While the authors use automated metrics to assess the creativity of the outputs, it would be valuable to also conduct human evaluations. This could provide deeper insights into how end-users perceive the creativity and usefulness of the generated content.

  3. Computational Efficiency: The iterative refinement process in Creative Beam Search may be computationally more expensive than standard beam search. The authors could explore ways to improve the efficiency of the algorithm, perhaps by incorporating techniques like progressive search or mechanical design agents.

Overall, the Creative Beam Search approach is a promising step towards enhancing the creative capabilities of LLMs, and the paper presents a thoughtful and well-executed study. However, further research is needed to fully understand the strengths, limitations, and broader implications of this technique.


The "Creative Beam Search" algorithm introduced in this paper represents a novel approach to improving the creative capabilities of large language models (LLMs). By modifying the standard beam search decoding process to encourage more diverse and innovative outputs, the authors demonstrate that LLMs can be made more effective at tasks that require creativity, such as generating video game ideas, generating situated reflections on alternative solutions, and iterative research idea generation.

While the paper presents a thoughtful and well-designed study, there are still some areas for further research, such as exploring the generalization of the approach to a wider range of creative tasks, incorporating human evaluation, and improving the computational efficiency of the algorithm. Nonetheless, the Creative Beam Search technique represents a promising step forward in the ongoing effort to enhance the creative capabilities of LLMs and unlock their full potential in a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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