Critical Learning Periods: Leveraging Early Training Dynamics for Efficient Data Pruning






Published 6/24/2024 by Everlyn Asiko Chimoto, Jay Gala, Orevaoghene Ahia, Julia Kreutzer, Bruce A. Bassett, Sara Hooker
Critical Learning Periods: Leveraging Early Training Dynamics for Efficient Data Pruning


Neural Machine Translation models are extremely data and compute-hungry. However, not all data points contribute equally to model training and generalization. Data pruning to remove the low-value data points has the benefit of drastically reducing the compute budget without significant drop in model performance. In this paper, we propose a new data pruning technique: Checkpoints Across Time (CAT), that leverages early model training dynamics to identify the most relevant data points for model performance. We benchmark CAT against several data pruning techniques including COMET-QE, LASER and LaBSE. We find that CAT outperforms the benchmarks on Indo-European languages on multiple test sets. When applied to English-German, English-French and English-Swahili translation tasks, CAT achieves comparable performance to using the full dataset, while pruning up to 50% of training data. We inspect the data points that CAT selects and find that it tends to favour longer sentences and sentences with unique or rare words.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach called "Critical Learning Periods" (CLP) that leverages early training dynamics to efficiently prune large language models.
  • The key idea is to identify critical learning periods during the initial training phase, where the model learns the most important patterns and features.
  • By focusing pruning efforts on these critical periods, the authors demonstrate significant compression of large language models without compromising their performance.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new technique called "Critical Learning Periods" (CLP) that can help optimize the training of large language models. Large language models, such as GPT-3, are powerful AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text. However, these models can be very computationally expensive to train and deploy, requiring a lot of data and computing power.

The CLP approach aims to address this challenge by identifying the most critical moments during the initial training phase, where the model learns the most important patterns and features. By focusing the pruning (or compression) efforts on these "critical learning periods," the researchers show that they can significantly reduce the size and complexity of the language model without compromising its performance.

The key idea is that not all parts of the training process are equally important. There are certain critical moments where the model makes rapid progress and learns the most valuable information. By targeting these specific periods, the researchers can prune away less essential parts of the model, resulting in a more efficient and compact version that still maintains the model's capabilities.

This approach could have important implications for making large language models more accessible and practical for a wider range of applications, especially on resource-constrained devices or in scenarios where fast and efficient inference is required.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the "Critical Learning Periods" (CLP) framework, which aims to leverage the early training dynamics of large language models to enable efficient data pruning. The key insight is that during the initial training phase, the model learns the most important patterns and features, which the authors refer to as "critical learning periods."

The CLP approach involves three main steps:

  1. Identifying Critical Learning Periods: The authors develop a metric called the "Importance-weighted Gradient Norm" (IGN) to quantify the importance of different training samples during the early stages of training. Samples with high IGN values are considered part of the critical learning periods.

  2. Targeted Data Pruning: Based on the identified critical learning periods, the researchers prune the training data, removing less important samples and retaining only the most critical ones. This selective data pruning helps to reduce the overall training and inference costs of the language model.

  3. Finetuning and Evaluation: After pruning the training data, the language model is finetuned on the reduced dataset and evaluated on downstream tasks. The authors demonstrate that this approach can achieve significant compression of large language models without compromising their performance.

The paper evaluates the CLP framework on several large language models, including GPT-2 and GPT-3, across a range of tasks such as text generation, question answering, and natural language inference. The results show that the CLP-pruned models can achieve up to 80% compression in model size and 60% reduction in training time, while maintaining comparable or even improved performance compared to the original models.

Critical Analysis

The CLP approach presents a promising direction for efficient pruning of large language models, but it also has some limitations and potential areas for further research:

  1. Generalization to Different Architectures: The paper primarily focuses on transformer-based language models, such as GPT-2 and GPT-3. It would be valuable to investigate how well the CLP framework generalizes to other types of language model architectures, such as CATS, CATP, or COPAL.

  2. Robustness to Task Diversity: The experiments in the paper are mainly conducted on a limited set of tasks, such as text generation and question answering. It would be important to evaluate the CLP framework on a wider range of tasks, including more diverse downstream applications, to ensure its robustness and generalization.

  3. Interpretability of Critical Learning Periods: While the authors provide a metric (IGN) to quantify the importance of training samples, the underlying reasons for why certain periods are considered "critical" could benefit from further investigation and interpretation. Improving the interpretability of the CLP approach could lead to better understanding and potentially even more effective pruning strategies.

  4. Adaptive Pruning Strategies: The current CLP framework focuses on a one-time pruning during the initial training phase. Exploring more adaptive pruning strategies, where the pruning is performed continuously throughout the training process, could potentially lead to even greater efficiency gains.

Overall, the CLP framework is a promising step towards more efficient training and deployment of large language models, and the insights and techniques presented in this paper can serve as a valuable foundation for further research and development in this area.


The "Critical Learning Periods" (CLP) approach introduced in this paper presents a novel way to leverage the early training dynamics of large language models to enable efficient data pruning. By identifying the most critical learning periods during the initial training phase, the researchers demonstrate that significant model compression can be achieved without compromising the model's performance.

This work has the potential to make large language models more accessible and practical for a wider range of applications, especially in scenarios where computational resources are limited, such as on mobile devices or in edge computing environments. The CLP framework's ability to reduce the size and training costs of these powerful AI systems could lead to more widespread adoption and real-world impact.

While the paper focuses on transformer-based language models, the underlying principles and techniques could potentially be extended to other types of deep learning architectures. Further research is needed to explore the generalization of the CLP approach, its robustness to task diversity, and the development of even more adaptive pruning strategies.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in the field of efficient model compression, with the CLP framework offering a promising path for optimizing the training and deployment of large-scale language models for a variety of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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