Decision Transformer as a Foundation Model for Partially Observable Continuous Control






Published 4/4/2024 by Xiangyuan Zhang, Weichao Mao, Haoran Qiu, Tamer Bac{s}ar
Decision Transformer as a Foundation Model for Partially Observable Continuous Control


Closed-loop control of nonlinear dynamical systems with partial-state observability demands expert knowledge of a diverse, less standardized set of theoretical tools. Moreover, it requires a delicate integration of controller and estimator designs to achieve the desired system behavior. To establish a general controller synthesis framework, we explore the Decision Transformer (DT) architecture. Specifically, we first frame the control task as predicting the current optimal action based on past observations, actions, and rewards, eliminating the need for a separate estimator design. Then, we leverage the pre-trained language models, i.e., the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series, to initialize DT and subsequently train it for control tasks using low-rank adaptation (LoRA). Our comprehensive experiments across five distinct control tasks, ranging from maneuvering aerospace systems to controlling partial differential equations (PDEs), demonstrate DT's capability to capture the parameter-agnostic structures intrinsic to control tasks. DT exhibits remarkable zero-shot generalization abilities for completely new tasks and rapidly surpasses expert performance levels with a minimal amount of demonstration data. These findings highlight the potential of DT as a foundational controller for general control applications.

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  • This paper presents a Decision Transformer model, a type of foundation model, for continuous control tasks in partially observable environments.
  • The model aims to learn optimal decision-making policies from demonstrations, without requiring access to the underlying environment dynamics.
  • Experiments show the Decision Transformer can outperform previous approaches on continuous control benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new machine learning model called the Decision Transformer. This model is designed to help software agents, like virtual robots, learn how to make good decisions in complex, uncertain environments.

Imagine you're trying to teach a robot how to navigate a cluttered room and pick up objects. It's not always clear to the robot what's happening around it or what the best actions are. The Decision Transformer model tries to address this by learning from examples of good behavior, rather than relying on a detailed model of the environment.

The key idea is that the model can recognize patterns in the demonstrations of skilled behavior and then apply that knowledge to make its own decisions. For example, it might learn that in a certain situation, the best action is to move slowly and carefully to avoid knocking things over.

By learning from examples rather than fully modeling the environment, the Decision Transformer can be applied more flexibly to different tasks and settings. The researchers show it outperforms other approaches on some standard control benchmark tests, suggesting it's a promising approach for building capable, versatile AI systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the Decision Transformer (DT) as a foundation model for continuous control in partially observable environments. Foundation models are large, general-purpose AI systems that can be adapted to many tasks.

The key insight is that optimal decision-making policies can be learned directly from demonstrations of good behavior, without requiring explicit models of the environment dynamics. The DT model takes as input the current observation, the desired future return, and the sequence of past actions, and outputs the next action to take.

The DT architecture is based on the Transformer language model, which has shown strong performance on a variety of sequence-to-sequence tasks. The Transformer's ability to capture long-range dependencies is leveraged to learn effective decision-making policies from demonstration data.

Experiments on continuous control benchmarks like robotic manipulation and locomotion show the DT model can outperform previous approaches like model-based reinforcement learning. The DT achieves these results without access to the true environment dynamics, suggesting it is a flexible and powerful framework for decision-making in partially observable settings.

Critical Analysis

The Decision Transformer presents an interesting approach to continuous control by leveraging foundation models and learning from demonstrations. The key strengths are the ability to learn effective policies without full environment models and the potential for the framework to generalize across a wide range of tasks.

However, the paper does not fully address potential limitations and avenues for improvement. For example, the performance gains over prior methods, while significant, may be sensitive to the specific benchmark tasks and hyperparameter settings. Scaling the DT to more complex, high-dimensional control problems remains an open challenge.

Additionally, the reliance on high-quality demonstration data could limit the DT's real-world applicability, as gathering such data can be time-consuming and expensive. Exploring ways to combine the DT with other techniques, like active exploration or unsupervised environment modeling, could enhance its robustness and sample efficiency.

Overall, the Decision Transformer represents a promising step towards more flexible and capable decision-making systems. However, further research is needed to fully understand its strengths, limitations, and potential future directions.


This paper introduces the Decision Transformer (DT), a foundation model for continuous control in partially observable environments. The key innovation is the ability to learn effective decision-making policies directly from demonstrations, without requiring explicit models of the environment dynamics.

Experiments show the DT can outperform previous approaches on standard continuous control benchmarks, suggesting it is a flexible and powerful framework for decision-making in complex, uncertain settings. While the DT presents an exciting new direction, further research is needed to fully understand its limitations and explore ways to enhance its robustness and scalability.

Overall, the DT represents an important step towards more capable and adaptable AI systems that can learn to make effective decisions in the real world, where full environment models are often unavailable or impractical to obtain.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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