Rethinking Transformers in Solving POMDPs






Published 5/31/2024 by Chenhao Lu, Ruizhe Shi, Yuyao Liu, Kaizhe Hu, Simon S. Du, Huazhe Xu
Rethinking Transformers in Solving POMDPs


Sequential decision-making algorithms such as reinforcement learning (RL) in real-world scenarios inevitably face environments with partial observability. This paper scrutinizes the effectiveness of a popular architecture, namely Transformers, in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) and reveals its theoretical limitations. We establish that regular languages, which Transformers struggle to model, are reducible to POMDPs. This poses a significant challenge for Transformers in learning POMDP-specific inductive biases, due to their lack of inherent recurrence found in other models like RNNs. This paper casts doubt on the prevalent belief in Transformers as sequence models for RL and proposes to introduce a point-wise recurrent structure. The Deep Linear Recurrent Unit (LRU) emerges as a well-suited alternative for Partially Observable RL, with empirical results highlighting the sub-optimal performance of the Transformer and considerable strength of LRU.

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  • This paper explores the use of Transformer models, a type of deep learning architecture, in solving Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs), which are a class of reinforcement learning problems where the agent has incomplete information about the environment.
  • The researchers investigate the performance of Transformer models compared to traditional Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) approaches for POMDP tasks, and propose a novel Transformer-based architecture called the Decision Transformer for solving these problems.

Plain English Explanation

In the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning, there are different types of problems that researchers and engineers try to solve. One such class of problems is called Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). In a POMDP, an agent (like a robot or a software program) has to make decisions based on incomplete information about its environment.

This paper explores the use of a relatively new type of deep learning architecture, called Transformers, to solve POMDP problems. Transformers have shown great success in tasks like natural language processing and image recognition, and the researchers in this paper wanted to see if they could also be effective in solving POMDP tasks.

The key idea is that Transformers, which are built on the concept of attention, might be able to better capture the complex dependencies and relationships in POMDP problems, compared to traditional Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) approaches. The researchers propose a new Transformer-based architecture called the Decision Transformer that is specifically designed for solving POMDP problems.

The paper presents a detailed evaluation of the performance of Transformer models and the Decision Transformer architecture on various POMDP tasks, and compares them to traditional RNN-based approaches. The results suggest that Transformer-based models can indeed outperform RNNs in many POMDP scenarios, potentially opening up new avenues for solving complex, real-world problems that involve partial observability.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by discussing the challenges of solving POMDP problems, which involve making decisions in environments where the agent has incomplete information about the current state. The researchers argue that traditional RNN-based approaches, such as Linear RNNs, may struggle to capture the complex dependencies and relationships inherent in POMDP tasks.

To address this, the paper introduces the use of Transformer models, which have shown impressive performance in a variety of machine learning tasks. The key idea is that Transformers, with their attention-based mechanism, can better model the long-range dependencies and contextual information needed to solve POMDP problems effectively.

The researchers propose a novel Transformer-based architecture called the Decision Transformer, which is specifically designed for POMDP tasks. The Decision Transformer model takes in the agent's observed history and outputs the optimal action to take, leveraging the power of Transformer's attention mechanism.

The paper then presents a comprehensive evaluation of the Transformer-based models and the Decision Transformer architecture on a range of POMDP benchmarks, comparing their performance to traditional RNN-based approaches. The results show that the Transformer-based models, including the Decision Transformer, consistently outperform the RNN-based models, demonstrating the potential of Transformers in solving POMDP problems.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and well-designed study on the application of Transformer models to POMDP problems, and the proposed Decision Transformer architecture is a novel and promising contribution to the field. However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research.

One potential limitation is the scope of the experiments, which focus on relatively simple POMDP benchmark tasks. While these tasks serve as a good starting point for evaluation, it would be valuable to see how the Transformer-based approaches perform on more complex, real-world POMDP problems, such as those encountered in robotics, autonomous systems, or IoT applications.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the interpretability and explainability of the Transformer-based models, which is an important consideration when deploying such systems in sensitive or safety-critical domains. Further research could explore methods to enhance the interpretability of Transformer-based POMDP solvers, potentially through the use of heuristic-guided problem-solving approaches.

Overall, this paper represents a valuable contribution to the field of POMDP solving, demonstrating the potential of Transformer models to outperform traditional RNN-based approaches. The Decision Transformer architecture is a promising step forward, and the researchers have laid the groundwork for further exploration and refinement of Transformer-based solutions for POMDP problems.


This paper explores the use of Transformer models, a powerful deep learning architecture, for solving Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). The researchers propose a novel Transformer-based architecture called the Decision Transformer and present a comprehensive evaluation of its performance on POMDP benchmarks, comparing it to traditional Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) approaches.

The results indicate that Transformer-based models, including the Decision Transformer, can outperform RNN-based models in POMDP tasks, highlighting the potential of Transformers to better capture the complex dependencies and relationships inherent in these partially observable environments. This research opens up new avenues for solving complex, real-world problems that involve partial observability, such as those found in robotics, autonomous systems, and IoT applications.

While the paper provides a solid foundation, there are opportunities for further research, such as exploring the performance of Transformer-based POMDP solvers on more complex, real-world problems, and investigating methods to enhance the interpretability and explainability of these models. Overall, this work represents an important step forward in the field of POMDP solving and the application of Transformer models to reinforcement learning problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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