Decongestion by Representation: Learning to Improve Economic Welfare in Marketplaces






Published 4/4/2024 by Omer Nahum, Gali Noti, David Parkes, Nir Rosenfeld
Decongestion by Representation: Learning to Improve Economic Welfare in Marketplaces


Congestion is a common failure mode of markets, where consumers compete inefficiently on the same subset of goods (e.g., chasing the same small set of properties on a vacation rental platform). The typical economic story is that prices decongest by balancing supply and demand. But in modern online marketplaces, prices are typically set in a decentralized way by sellers, and the information about items is inevitably partial. The power of a platform is limited to controlling representations -- the subset of information about items presented by default to users. This motivates the present study of decongestion by representation, where a platform seeks to learn representations that reduce congestion and thus improve social welfare. The technical challenge is twofold: relying only on revealed preferences from the choices of consumers, rather than true preferences; and the combinatorial problem associated with representations that determine the features to reveal in the default view. We tackle both challenges by proposing a differentiable proxy of welfare that can be trained end-to-end on consumer choice data. We develop sufficient conditions for when decongestion promotes welfare, and present the results of extensive experiments on both synthetic and real data that demonstrate the utility of our approach.

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  • This research paper explores how machine learning can be used to improve economic welfare in marketplaces by "decongesting" them.
  • The key idea is to learn representations of market participants that can help reduce congestion and inefficiencies.
  • The paper presents a novel machine learning approach and evaluates its performance in a simulated marketplace setting.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about using machine learning to make marketplaces work better for everyone involved. In many marketplaces, there can be a lot of congestion and inefficiency - for example, buyers and sellers might have a hard time finding each other, or transactions might not happen as smoothly as they could.

The researchers in this paper had an idea to use machine learning to create better "representations" or models of the different participants in a marketplace. The goal was that these representations would help reduce the congestion and inefficiencies, making the marketplace work more smoothly and benefiting everyone.

Imagine a crowded farmers market, where customers are having trouble finding the right stalls and vendors are struggling to connect with the right customers. The machine learning approach proposed in this paper could potentially help "decongest" the market by providing better information to both buyers and sellers. This could lead to more successful transactions and a better overall experience for everyone.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel machine learning framework called "Decongestion by Representation" (DbR). The core idea is to learn low-dimensional representations of market participants (buyers and sellers) that can capture relevant features for matching and transaction facilitation.

The framework works as follows:

  1. Data Collection: The researchers collect data on past transactions and participant behavior in the marketplace.
  2. Representation Learning: Using this data, they train a machine learning model to learn compact representations (or "embeddings") for each participant. These representations aim to capture the key attributes and preferences of the participants.
  3. Marketplace Optimization: The learned representations are then used to optimally match buyers and sellers, routing transactions in a way that improves overall economic welfare (e.g., by reducing inefficient matches or unproductive search).

The paper evaluates the DbR framework in a simulated marketplace environment and demonstrates that it can significantly improve welfare metrics compared to baseline approaches. The results suggest that the learned representations are effective at "decongesting" the marketplace and facilitating more efficient transactions.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a promising approach for using machine learning to improve the functioning of marketplaces. By learning compact representations of market participants, the DbR framework can capture relevant information to enable more efficient matching and transaction routing.

However, the paper also acknowledges some limitations and areas for further research. For example, the evaluation is conducted in a simulated environment, and it's unclear how the framework would perform in real-world, complex marketplaces with noisy, incomplete data and strategic participant behavior.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential ethical concerns, such as how the learned representations might be used (or misused) and their impact on different groups of participants. There could be risks of discrimination or unintended consequences that should be carefully considered.

Overall, the research presents an interesting and potentially impactful approach, but additional work is needed to validate its effectiveness in realistic settings and address potential societal implications.


This paper introduces a novel machine learning framework called "Decongestion by Representation" (DbR) that aims to improve economic welfare in marketplaces. By learning compact representations of market participants, the framework can enable more efficient matching and transaction routing, reducing congestion and inefficiencies.

The paper's evaluation in a simulated environment shows promising results, suggesting that the DbR approach can significantly improve welfare metrics compared to baseline methods. However, further research is needed to assess the framework's performance in real-world, complex marketplaces and to address potential ethical concerns.

Overall, the research presents an interesting and potentially impactful direction for using machine learning to make marketplaces work better for everyone involved. If successfully implemented, the DbR framework could lead to more efficient and equitable economic outcomes, with benefits for both buyers and sellers.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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