Deconstructing In-Context Learning: Understanding Prompts via Corruption






Published 5/30/2024 by Namrata Shivagunde, Vladislav Lialin, Sherin Muckatira, Anna Rumshisky
Deconstructing In-Context Learning: Understanding Prompts via Corruption


The ability of large language models (LLMs) to $``$learn in context$$ based on the provided prompt has led to an explosive growth in their use, culminating in the proliferation of AI assistants such as ChatGPT, Claude, and Bard. These AI assistants are known to be robust to minor prompt modifications, mostly due to alignment techniques that use human feedback. In contrast, the underlying pre-trained LLMs they use as a backbone are known to be brittle in this respect. Building high-quality backbone models remains a core challenge, and a common approach to assessing their quality is to conduct few-shot evaluation. Such evaluation is notorious for being highly sensitive to minor prompt modifications, as well as the choice of specific in-context examples. Prior work has examined how modifying different elements of the prompt can affect model performance. However, these earlier studies tended to concentrate on a limited number of specific prompt attributes and often produced contradictory results. Additionally, previous research either focused on models with fewer than 15 billion parameters or exclusively examined black-box models like GPT-3 or PaLM, making replication challenging. In the present study, we decompose the entire prompt into four components: task description, demonstration inputs, labels, and inline instructions provided for each demonstration. We investigate the effects of structural and semantic corruptions of these elements on model performance. We study models ranging from 1.5B to 70B in size, using ten datasets covering classification and generation tasks. We find that repeating text within the prompt boosts model performance, and bigger models ($geq$30B) are more sensitive to the semantics of the prompt. Finally, we observe that adding task and inline instructions to the demonstrations enhances model performance even when the instructions are semantically corrupted.

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  • The paper examines how the contents of prompts affect the performance of language models in an approach called "in-context learning".
  • The researchers systematically corrupted prompts in different ways to understand how the models rely on various prompt components.
  • The findings provide insights into the inner workings of in-context learning and how language models leverage contextual information.

Plain English Explanation

The paper investigates how the text given to language models, known as a "prompt", affects their performance on a task. Language models are AI systems that can generate human-like text. In-context learning is a technique where the model uses the prompt itself to adapt and perform a specific task, without needing to be explicitly trained on that task.

The researchers corrupted the prompts in different ways, such as scrambling the word order or removing parts of the text. They then measured how the model's performance changed compared to using the original, intact prompt. This allowed them to understand which components of the prompt the model relies on most to succeed at the task.

For example, they might give the model a prompt about writing a story, but then randomly shuffle the order of the sentences. If the model's performance drops significantly, it suggests the model was heavily leveraging the logical structure of the prompt to generate the story. On the other hand, if the model is still able to perform well despite the shuffled prompt, it indicates the model was able to extract the key information it needed from the individual words and sentences, rather than relying on the overall structure.

By systematically testing different types of prompt corruptions, the researchers were able to gain valuable insights into how language models utilize the contextual information provided in prompts to learn and perform tasks. This enhances our understanding of the inner workings of in-context learning and how these powerful AI systems can adapt to new situations.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the phenomenon of in-context learning, where language models can leverage the contents of a prompt to quickly adapt and perform a specific task, without needing extensive training. The researchers conducted a series of experiments to systematically "corrupt" the prompts in different ways, in order to understand which components of the prompt the models rely on most.

The experiment setup involved using a large language model, specifically GPT-3, and evaluating its performance on various tasks like text generation and question answering. The researchers created a set of corrupted prompts by applying transformations such as word shuffling, word deletion, and prompt truncation. They then measured the model's performance on the tasks when using the original prompts versus the corrupted versions.

The results showed that the model's performance was highly sensitive to certain types of prompt corruptions, indicating the model was heavily dependent on those prompt components. For example, scrambling the word order significantly degraded performance, suggesting the model was relying on the logical structure of the prompt. In contrast, randomly deleting words had less impact, implying the model could extract the key information it needed from the individual words and sentences.

By analyzing how different prompt corruptions affected the model's capabilities, the researchers were able to gain insights into the inner workings of in-context learning. The findings shed light on how language models leverage the contextual information provided in prompts to quickly adapt and perform tasks, rather than solely relying on their prior training.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thoughtful and systematic investigation into the workings of in-context learning, a powerful technique that allows language models to rapidly adapt to new tasks using only a few examples. The researchers' methodology of corrupting prompts in various ways is a clever approach to dissect the model's reliance on different prompt components.

One limitation of the study is that it focuses solely on the GPT-3 language model, and the findings may not generalize to other architectures or model sizes. Additionally, the tasks used in the experiments, while representative of common language model applications, are relatively narrow in scope. Exploring a wider range of tasks, including more open-ended and creative ones, could yield additional insights.

Furthermore, the paper does not delve into the potential risks or societal implications of in-context learning. As these models become more capable of adapting to new situations, there could be concerns around issues like safety, fairness, and transparency that warrant further examination.

Despite these caveats, the paper makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of how language models leverage contextual information. The insights gained from this research can inform the development of more robust and interpretable in-context learning systems, which will be crucial as these technologies become more prevalent in real-world applications.


This paper provides a nuanced exploration of in-context learning, a powerful technique that allows language models to quickly adapt to new tasks using only a few examples. By systematically corrupting prompts in various ways, the researchers were able to gain valuable insights into the inner workings of these models and how they utilize contextual information.

The findings shed light on the components of prompts that language models rely on most, such as logical structure and individual words and sentences. This enhanced understanding of in-context learning can inform the development of more robust and interpretable AI systems, which will be crucial as these technologies become more widely adopted.

While the paper focuses on a specific language model and a limited set of tasks, the general approach and insights can be applied more broadly. As in-context learning continues to advance, it will be important to consider the potential societal implications and ensure these powerful tools are developed and deployed responsibly.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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