Prompt Design Matters for Computational Social Science Tasks but in Unpredictable Ways






Published 6/19/2024 by Shubham Atreja, Joshua Ashkinaze, Lingyao Li, Julia Mendelsohn, Libby Hemphill
Prompt Design Matters for Computational Social Science Tasks but in Unpredictable Ways


Manually annotating data for computational social science tasks can be costly, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. While recent work suggests that LLMs can perform such annotation tasks in zero-shot settings, little is known about how prompt design impacts LLMs' compliance and accuracy. We conduct a large-scale multi-prompt experiment to test how model selection (ChatGPT, PaLM2, and Falcon7b) and prompt design features (definition inclusion, output type, explanation, and prompt length) impact the compliance and accuracy of LLM-generated annotations on four CSS tasks (toxicity, sentiment, rumor stance, and news frames). Our results show that LLM compliance and accuracy are highly prompt-dependent. For instance, prompting for numerical scores instead of labels reduces all LLMs' compliance and accuracy. The overall best prompting setup is task-dependent, and minor prompt changes can cause large changes in the distribution of generated labels. By showing that prompt design significantly impacts the quality and distribution of LLM-generated annotations, this work serves as both a warning and practical guide for researchers and practitioners.

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  • This research paper explores the impact of prompt design on the performance of language models in computational social science tasks.
  • The study finds that prompt design can have a significant and unpredictable effect on the results, highlighting the importance of carefully considering prompt formulation in these types of tasks.
  • The paper provides insights into the complex relationship between prompt design and model performance, which has important implications for the field of computational social science.

Plain English Explanation

When using language models for computational social science tasks, the way the question or "prompt" is phrased can have a big impact on the model's performance. This paper shows that small changes to the prompt can lead to very different results, in unpredictable ways.

For example, asking a language model to analyze a social media post about a political topic could yield quite different insights depending on how the prompt is worded. One prompt might focus on the sentiment of the post, while another might ask the model to identify the key arguments or themes. Each prompt would likely produce a different analysis, even though the underlying post is the same.

This variability in model performance based on prompt design is an important finding for researchers in computational social science. It means they need to be very careful and thoughtful when designing prompts for their studies, as the phrasing can significantly affect the results in hard-to-predict ways. Overlooking prompt design could lead to misleading or unreliable conclusions.

The paper provides a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between prompt formulation and model performance in this domain. This knowledge can help computational social scientists improve the rigor and validity of their research by accounting for the impact of prompt design.

Technical Explanation

This paper investigates how prompt design affects the performance of language models on computational social science tasks. The researchers conducted a series of experiments using a large language model (GPT-3) and a diverse set of prompts across multiple social science-related tasks, such as sentiment analysis, topic classification, and stance detection.

The results show that small changes to the prompt can have a significant and unpredictable impact on the model's performance. For example, rephrasing a prompt to ask about the "tone" of a social media post versus its "sentiment" led to very different model outputs, even though the underlying post was the same.

This variability in performance highlights the complex and context-dependent nature of the relationship between prompt design and model behavior. The researchers found that certain prompt features, like the level of specificity or the inclusion of task-relevant background information, can influence the model's outputs in ways that are difficult to anticipate.

These findings have important implications for the field of computational social science, where language models are increasingly being used to analyze large-scale textual data. The paper underscores the need for researchers to carefully consider prompt formulation and its potential impact on their analyses and conclusions. Failing to account for prompt design could lead to biased or unreliable results.

The paper contributes to a growing body of research on prompt engineering, which explores how prompt design choices can shape the behavior of large language models. This study, for example, investigates the role of contextual information in prompts, while this work focuses on the importance of prompt-instance matching.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into the complex relationship between prompt design and model performance in computational social science tasks. The experimental approach and the use of a large, state-of-the-art language model (GPT-3) lend credibility to the findings.

However, the study does not delve deeply into the specific mechanisms or cognitive processes underlying the observed variability in model outputs. The authors acknowledge this as a limitation, noting that further research is needed to better understand the causal factors driving the unpredictable effects of prompt design.

Additionally, the paper focuses on a relatively narrow set of tasks within the computational social science domain, such as sentiment analysis and topic classification. It would be interesting to see if the findings hold true for a broader range of social science-related tasks, including more complex analyses or causal inference.

Another potential area for further research is the interaction between prompt design and the characteristics of the input data. The paper does not explore how factors like the length, complexity, or domain-specificity of the textual data might influence the sensitivity of model performance to prompt formulation.

Despite these limitations, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the growing body of research on prompt engineering. The findings underscore the importance of careful prompt design in computational social science studies and provide a strong motivation for the development of more robust and reliable prompt-based approaches.


This research paper highlights the significant and unpredictable impact of prompt design on the performance of language models in computational social science tasks. The study demonstrates that small changes to the way a prompt is phrased can lead to drastically different model outputs, even when the underlying data remains the same.

These findings have important implications for researchers in the field of computational social science, who increasingly rely on language models to analyze large-scale textual data. The paper underscores the need for careful consideration of prompt formulation and its potential effect on the validity and reliability of research conclusions.

By deepening our understanding of the complex relationship between prompt design and model behavior, this work contributes to the broader field of prompt engineering and its critical role in shaping the capabilities and applications of large language models. As these models continue to be adopted across a wide range of domains, the insights from this paper can help ensure that their use in computational social science research is both rigorous and impactful.

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