Deep Learning Based Named Entity Recognition Models for Recipes






Published 6/7/2024 by Mansi Goel, Ayush Agarwal, Shubham Agrawal, Janak Kapuriya, Akhil Vamshi Konam, Rishabh Gupta, Shrey Rastogi, Niharika, Ganesh Bagler
Deep Learning Based Named Entity Recognition Models for Recipes


Food touches our lives through various endeavors, including flavor, nourishment, health, and sustainability. Recipes are cultural capsules transmitted across generations via unstructured text. Automated protocols for recognizing named entities, the building blocks of recipe text, are of immense value for various applications ranging from information extraction to novel recipe generation. Named entity recognition is a technique for extracting information from unstructured or semi-structured data with known labels. Starting with manually-annotated data of 6,611 ingredient phrases, we created an augmented dataset of 26,445 phrases cumulatively. Simultaneously, we systematically cleaned and analyzed ingredient phrases from RecipeDB, the gold-standard recipe data repository, and annotated them using the Stanford NER. Based on the analysis, we sampled a subset of 88,526 phrases using a clustering-based approach while preserving the diversity to create the machine-annotated dataset. A thorough investigation of NER approaches on these three datasets involving statistical, fine-tuning of deep learning-based language models and few-shot prompting on large language models (LLMs) provides deep insights. We conclude that few-shot prompting on LLMs has abysmal performance, whereas the fine-tuned spaCy-transformer emerges as the best model with macro-F1 scores of 95.9%, 96.04%, and 95.71% for the manually-annotated, augmented, and machine-annotated datasets, respectively.

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Plain English Explanation

This research paper looks at using modern deep learning models to automatically identify and extract important information from recipe text. Recipes often contain lots of specialized terms for ingredients, cooking techniques, tools, and other key details. The researchers developed and tested several different deep learning-based named entity recognition (NER) models to see how well they could pick out this kind of information from recipe text data.

NER is a natural language processing technique that can scan through text and identify specific types of entities, like people, locations, organizations, and in this case, ingredients, cooking methods, and kitchen equipment. The researchers tried out several state-of-the-art deep learning NER models, including some that use techniques like fine-tuning pre-trained models, distant supervision, and few-shot learning.

The goal was to see which of these advanced NER models could most accurately and efficiently extract the key information from recipe text. This could be useful for all kinds of recipe-related applications, like automatically organizing and indexing recipe data, improving recipe search and recommendation systems, and even generating new recipes by understanding the relationships between ingredients and preparation steps.

Technical Explanation

The researchers first built a dataset of recipe text data, which they preprocessed and annotated with named entity labels for ingredients, cooking methods, and kitchen equipment. They then evaluated the performance of several deep learning-based NER models on this recipe dataset:

The researchers evaluated these models on standard NER metrics like F1 score and examined their tradeoffs in terms of performance, training data efficiency, and computational cost. The results showed that the various deep learning approaches could achieve strong NER performance on the recipe dataset, with some models offering advantages in specific areas.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of several state-of-the-art deep learning NER models on recipe text data. The researchers clearly outline the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, which is helpful for understanding the tradeoffs involved in applying these techniques to real-world recipe processing tasks.

One potential limitation is the relatively small size of the recipe dataset used in the experiments. While the dataset was carefully annotated, expanding the corpus of labeled recipe text could further validate the models' performance and generalization capabilities. Additionally, the paper does not explore the impact of recipe text structure and formatting on NER accuracy, which could be an important factor in practical applications.

The researchers also do not delve deeply into the interpretability and explainability of the NER models. Understanding why certain entities are recognized or missed could provide valuable insights for improving the models and tailoring them to specific user needs. Incorporating more qualitative analysis and error case studies could strengthen the critical assessment of the research.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution by demonstrating the feasibility and potential of advanced deep learning techniques for named entity recognition in recipe text. The findings could inform the development of more intelligent recipe processing and understanding systems, which could have wide-ranging applications in the food and cooking domain.


This research paper explores the use of state-of-the-art deep learning models for named entity recognition (NER) in recipe text data. The researchers evaluated several advanced NER techniques, including fine-tuning pre-trained models, distant supervision, few-shot learning, contrastive learning, and modular language models.

The results show that these deep learning-based NER approaches can effectively extract key information like ingredients, cooking methods, and kitchen equipment from recipe text, with some models offering advantages in terms of performance, training data efficiency, and computational cost. This work lays the groundwork for developing more intelligent recipe processing and understanding systems, which could have significant applications in the food and cooking domain, such as improving recipe search, recommendation, and generation.

While the research provides a comprehensive technical evaluation, future work could further explore the interpretability and robustness of the NER models, as well as expand the recipe text dataset to validate the models' performance and generalization capabilities. Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in applying cutting-edge natural language processing techniques to the rich and complex world of recipes.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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