Deep Learning for Camera Calibration and Beyond: A Survey






Published 6/5/2024 by Kang Liao, Lang Nie, Shujuan Huang, Chunyu Lin, Jing Zhang, Yao Zhao, Moncef Gabbouj, Dacheng Tao



Camera calibration involves estimating camera parameters to infer geometric features from captured sequences, which is crucial for computer vision and robotics. However, conventional calibration is laborious and requires dedicated collection. Recent efforts show that learning-based solutions have the potential to be used in place of the repeatability works of manual calibrations. Among these solutions, various learning strategies, networks, geometric priors, and datasets have been investigated. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of learning-based camera calibration techniques, by analyzing their strengths and limitations. Our main calibration categories include the standard pinhole camera model, distortion camera model, cross-view model, and cross-sensor model, following the research trend and extended applications. As there is no benchmark in this community, we collect a holistic calibration dataset that can serve as a public platform to evaluate the generalization of existing methods. It comprises both synthetic and real-world data, with images and videos captured by different cameras in diverse scenes. Toward the end of this paper, we discuss the challenges and provide further research directions. To our knowledge, this is the first survey for the learning-based camera calibration (spanned 8 years). The summarized methods, datasets, and benchmarks are available and will be regularly updated at

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  • This paper provides a comprehensive survey of learning-based camera calibration techniques, which aim to automate the process of estimating camera parameters for computer vision and robotics applications.
  • The authors analyze the strengths and limitations of various learning strategies, network architectures, geometric priors, and datasets that have been explored in recent years.
  • The main calibration categories covered include the standard pinhole camera model, distortion camera model, cross-view model, and cross-sensor model.
  • The authors also introduce a new holistic calibration dataset that can serve as a public benchmark for evaluating the generalization of existing methods.

Plain English Explanation

Camera calibration is the process of determining the parameters of a camera, such as its focal length, lens distortion, and position relative to the scene. This information is crucial for computer vision and robotics applications that rely on accurate geometric measurements from captured images or videos.

Traditionally, camera calibration has been a laborious and manual process, requiring the use of specialized calibration targets and careful data collection. However, recent research has shown that learning-based solutions have the potential to automate this process and make it more accessible.

In this paper, the authors provide a comprehensive overview of the various learning-based camera calibration techniques that have been developed. They categorize these methods based on the camera models they support, such as the standard pinhole camera model, distortion camera model, cross-view model, and cross-sensor model. The authors analyze the strengths and limitations of each approach, providing a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field.

To facilitate the evaluation and comparison of these learning-based calibration methods, the authors have also introduced a new holistic calibration dataset that includes both synthetic and real-world data captured by different cameras in diverse scenes. This dataset can serve as a common benchmark for the community, enabling more rigorous and standardized testing of new calibration techniques.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by highlighting the importance of camera calibration for computer vision and robotics, as it enables the inference of geometric features from captured sequences. Conventional calibration methods, however, are often laborious and require dedicated data collection.

To address this issue, the authors survey the recent developments in learning-based camera calibration techniques. They categorize these methods based on the camera models they support, including the standard pinhole camera model, distortion camera model, cross-view model, and cross-sensor model.

For each category, the authors analyze the various learning strategies, network architectures, geometric priors, and datasets that have been explored. They provide a detailed technical overview of the key elements of these approaches, including their experiment design, network architecture, and insights.

To facilitate the evaluation and comparison of these learning-based calibration methods, the authors have introduced a new holistic calibration dataset. This dataset includes both synthetic and real-world data, with images and videos captured by different cameras in diverse scenes. The authors argue that this comprehensive dataset can serve as a public benchmark for assessing the generalization capabilities of existing and future calibration techniques.

Critical Analysis

The authors have provided a thorough and well-structured survey of the learning-based camera calibration landscape, addressing a significant research gap in this area. By categorizing the methods based on the camera models they support, the authors have created a clear and organized framework for understanding the current state of the art.

One potential limitation of the survey is the lack of a direct comparison of the performance of the different calibration methods on a common benchmark. While the authors have introduced a new dataset to address this issue, it would be valuable to see a more in-depth analysis of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches based on their results on this dataset.

Additionally, the authors acknowledge that the field of learning-based camera calibration is still relatively new, and there are several challenges and areas for further research. These include the need for more robust and generalizable calibration methods, the incorporation of additional sensor modalities (e.g., event-based vision), and the development of more comprehensive evaluation protocols.

Despite these limitations, the authors have made a valuable contribution to the field by providing a comprehensive survey and a new benchmark dataset. This work can serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners interested in exploring and advancing the state of the art in learning-based camera calibration.


This paper presents a comprehensive survey of learning-based camera calibration techniques, which have the potential to automate the traditionally laborious process of estimating camera parameters. The authors analyze the strengths and limitations of various approaches, categorizing them based on the camera models they support.

To facilitate the evaluation and comparison of these methods, the authors have introduced a new holistic calibration dataset that includes both synthetic and real-world data. This dataset can serve as a common benchmark for the community, enabling more rigorous and standardized testing of new calibration techniques.

Overall, this survey provides a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in computer vision and robotics, highlighting the current state of the art in learning-based camera calibration and identifying key challenges and future research directions.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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