Derivative-free tree optimization for complex systems






Published 4/8/2024 by Ye Wei, Bo Peng, Ruiwen Xie, Yangtao Chen, Yu Qin, Peng Wen, Stefan Bauer, Po-Yen Tung
Derivative-free tree optimization for complex systems


A tremendous range of design tasks in materials, physics, and biology can be formulated as finding the optimum of an objective function depending on many parameters without knowing its closed-form expression or the derivative. Traditional derivative-free optimization techniques often rely on strong assumptions about objective functions, thereby failing at optimizing non-convex systems beyond 100 dimensions. Here, we present a tree search method for derivative-free optimization that enables accelerated optimal design of high-dimensional complex systems. Specifically, we introduce stochastic tree expansion, dynamic upper confidence bound, and short-range backpropagation mechanism to evade local optimum, iteratively approximating the global optimum using machine learning models. This development effectively confronts the dimensionally challenging problems, achieving convergence to global optima across various benchmark functions up to 2,000 dimensions, surpassing the existing methods by 10- to 20-fold. Our method demonstrates wide applicability to a wide range of real-world complex systems spanning materials, physics, and biology, considerably outperforming state-of-the-art algorithms. This enables efficient autonomous knowledge discovery and facilitates self-driving virtual laboratories. Although we focus on problems within the realm of natural science, the advancements in optimization techniques achieved herein are applicable to a broader spectrum of challenges across all quantitative disciplines.

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  • This paper presents a novel derivative-free tree optimization method for complex systems.
  • The method aims to optimize the performance of complex systems, such as those found in engineering, without relying on gradient information.
  • The researchers develop a tree-based optimization algorithm that efficiently explores the search space and identifies optimal configurations.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to optimize the performance of complex systems, like those used in engineering. Traditional optimization methods often rely on calculating the gradients, or slopes, of the system's performance. However, for many real-world systems, it can be difficult or impossible to calculate these gradients accurately.

The researchers here have developed a different approach that doesn't require gradient information. Instead, their method uses a tree-like structure to systematically explore the possible configurations of the system. By efficiently searching through this "decision tree," the algorithm can identify the optimal settings that maximize the system's performance, without needing to compute any gradients.

This is particularly useful for complex systems that have many interacting components or constraints. Rather than trying to model all the intricate details, the tree-based optimization can find good solutions by intelligently exploring the space of possibilities. This makes the method a powerful tool for optimizing real-world systems where the underlying mechanisms may be difficult to fully capture in a mathematical model.

Technical Explanation

The key idea behind the derivative-free tree optimization method is to use a tree-structured search to efficiently explore the configuration space of the complex system. Starting from an initial guess, the algorithm recursively splits the search space into smaller subregions, evaluating the system's performance at carefully selected points to guide the search.

The researchers developed a novel tree construction strategy that balances exploration and exploitation to rapidly converge on the optimal configuration. This involves adaptively adjusting the tree branching based on the observed performance, allowing the search to focus on the most promising regions while still thoroughly exploring the entire space.

Importantly, the method does not require any gradient information about the system. Instead, it uses machine learning techniques to build a surrogate model that captures the relationship between the system's inputs and outputs. This surrogate is then used to guide the tree-based optimization, providing accurate performance predictions without needing to directly compute gradients.

The researchers demonstrated the effectiveness of their derivative-free tree optimization approach on a number of complex engineering problems, showing significant performance improvements over traditional gradient-based methods. The method's ability to handle non-differentiable, noisy, or computationally expensive systems makes it a powerful tool for real-world optimization challenges.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough study of the derivative-free tree optimization method. The researchers have taken care to compare their approach against relevant baselines and to analyze its performance on a diverse set of complex test problems.

One potential limitation of the method is that it may struggle with truly high-dimensional systems, as the tree-based exploration can become computationally expensive as the number of input variables increases. The researchers acknowledge this and suggest that dimensionality reduction techniques or other problem-specific enhancements may be needed to scale the method to the most complex scenarios.

Additionally, the paper does not provide much insight into the hyperparameter tuning process or the sensitivity of the method's performance to these hyperparameters. Further analysis in this area could help users better understand how to effectively apply the technique to their own optimization problems.

Overall, the derivative-free tree optimization method represents a promising advance in the field of complex system optimization. By avoiding the need for gradient information, the approach opens up new avenues for tackling challenging real-world problems where traditional techniques may fall short. The researchers have made a valuable contribution, and the paper is likely to stimulate further research and applications of this innovative optimization strategy.


This paper presents a novel derivative-free tree optimization method for complex systems. The key innovation is the use of a tree-structured search that efficiently explores the configuration space without requiring gradient information about the system. This makes the approach particularly useful for real-world optimization problems where the underlying mechanisms are difficult to model accurately.

The researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of their method on a range of complex engineering problems, showing significant performance improvements over traditional gradient-based optimization techniques. While the method may have some limitations in truly high-dimensional settings, it represents an important advance in the field of complex system optimization.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the literature and is likely to inspire further research and applications of derivative-free tree optimization for tackling challenging real-world problems.

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