Developing Situational Awareness for Joint Action with Autonomous Vehicles






Published 4/19/2024 by Robert Kaufman, David Kirsh, Nadir Weibel
Developing Situational Awareness for Joint Action with Autonomous Vehicles


Unanswered questions about how human-AV interaction designers can support rider's informational needs hinders Autonomous Vehicles (AV) adoption. To achieve joint human-AV action goals - such as safe transportation, trust, or learning from an AV - sufficient situational awareness must be held by the human, AV, and human-AV system collectively. We present a systems-level framework that integrates cognitive theories of joint action and situational awareness as a means to tailor communications that meet the criteria necessary for goal success. This framework is based on four components of the shared situation: AV traits, action goals, subject-specific traits and states, and the situated driving context. AV communications should be tailored to these factors and be sensitive when they change. This framework can be useful for understanding individual, shared, and distributed human-AV situational awareness and designing for future AV communications that meet the informational needs and goals of diverse groups and in diverse driving contexts.

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  • This paper explores the concept of developing situational awareness for joint action between autonomous vehicles (AVs) and humans.
  • It proposes a framework for situated joint action within a human-AV system, which aims to enable effective collaboration and coordination between AVs and human users.
  • The paper discusses the importance of situational awareness, challenges in achieving it, and the potential benefits of joint action between AVs and humans.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on the idea of helping autonomous vehicles (AVs) and humans work together effectively. AVs are becoming more common, but they still face challenges in understanding the surrounding environment and interacting with people. This paper suggests a way to improve this by developing "situational awareness" - the ability of the AV to understand the current situation and what's happening around it.

By having better situational awareness, the AV can coordinate its actions with the humans it interacts with, like drivers or pedestrians. This "joint action" allows the AV and the human to work together towards a common goal, like navigating through traffic safely. The paper outlines a framework for how this could work in practice, addressing the key challenges and potential benefits.

The main idea is to enable the AV and the human to each have a good understanding of the current situation, and then use that shared awareness to guide their joint actions. This could lead to smoother, more efficient, and safer interactions between AVs and the people around them. The paper suggests this is an important step in making AVs work seamlessly with human users.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a framework for situated joint action within a human-AV system. This framework aims to enable effective collaboration and coordination between autonomous vehicles (AVs) and human users.

The key elements of the framework include:

  1. Situational Awareness: The ability of the AV to perceive, comprehend, and project the state of the environment and other actors (humans, other AVs, etc.). This allows the AV to understand the current situation.

  2. Joint Action: The coordination of actions between the AV and human users to achieve a shared goal, such as safe and efficient navigation. This requires the AV and human to have a common understanding of the situation.

  3. Interaction Mechanisms: The channels and protocols used for the AV and human to communicate and exchange information to develop shared situational awareness and coordinate their actions.

The paper discusses the challenges in achieving effective situational awareness and joint action, such as imperfect sensor data, uncertainty in human intent and behavior, and the need for explanations and transparency to build trust.

The proposed framework aims to address these challenges and enable seamless human-AV interaction by facilitating the development of shared situational awareness and coordinated joint action.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thoughtful and well-structured approach to the important challenge of developing situational awareness for effective collaboration between autonomous vehicles and human users. However, the authors acknowledge several caveats and limitations that warrant further consideration:

  1. Sensor Imperfections: The framework relies on the AV's ability to perceive the environment accurately, but as noted, sensor data can be imperfect and incomplete. Strategies for handling sensor uncertainties and errors are crucial for the framework's real-world applicability.

  2. Modeling Human Behavior: Accurately modeling and predicting human behavior, especially in complex, dynamic traffic situations, is a significant challenge. The framework's effectiveness may be limited by the AV's ability to understand and anticipate human actions and intentions.

  3. Trust and Transparency: As the paper acknowledges, building trust between humans and AVs is essential for effective joint action. The framework would benefit from a more in-depth discussion of how to achieve the necessary level of transparency and explanations to foster this trust.

  4. Scalability and Generalizability: The paper focuses on a specific illustrative example, but it is unclear how well the proposed framework would scale to more complex, real-world situations involving multiple AVs and human actors. Further research is needed to assess the framework's generalizability.

Overall, the paper presents a promising approach to a critical challenge in the development of autonomous vehicles. However, the authors would do well to address the identified limitations and explore the framework's practical implementation and evaluation in more depth.


This paper proposes a framework for developing situational awareness to enable effective joint action between autonomous vehicles (AVs) and human users. The key elements of the framework include situational awareness, joint action, and interaction mechanisms.

The framework aims to address the challenges of achieving seamless human-AV interaction, such as imperfect sensor data, uncertainty in human behavior, and the need for trust and transparency. By facilitating the development of shared situational awareness and coordinated joint action, the framework has the potential to enable safer, more efficient, and more effective collaboration between AVs and the people they interact with.

While the paper provides a strong conceptual foundation, further research is needed to address the identified limitations and evaluate the framework's practical implementation and real-world performance. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step towards realizing the full potential of autonomous vehicles to work seamlessly with human users.

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