DG-TTA: Out-of-domain medical image segmentation through Domain Generalization and Test-Time Adaptation






Published 4/11/2024 by Christian Weihsbach, Christian N. Kruse, Alexander Bigalke, Mattias P. Heinrich
DG-TTA: Out-of-domain medical image segmentation through Domain Generalization and Test-Time Adaptation


Applying pre-trained medical segmentation models on out-of-domain images often yields predictions of insufficient quality. Several strategies have been proposed to maintain model performance, such as finetuning or unsupervised- and source-free domain adaptation. These strategies set restrictive requirements for data availability. In this study, we propose to combine domain generalization and test-time adaptation to create a highly effective approach for reusing pre-trained models in unseen target domains. Domain-generalized pre-training on source data is used to obtain the best initial performance in the target domain. We introduce the MIND descriptor previously used in image registration tasks as a further technique to achieve generalization and present superior performance for small-scale datasets compared to existing approaches. At test-time, high-quality segmentation for every single unseen scan is ensured by optimizing the model weights for consistency given different image augmentations. That way, our method enables separate use of source and target data and thus removes current data availability barriers. Moreover, the presented method is highly modular as it does not require specific model architectures or prior knowledge of involved domains and labels. We demonstrate this by integrating it into the nnUNet, which is currently the most popular and accurate framework for medical image segmentation. We employ multiple datasets covering abdominal, cardiac, and lumbar spine scans and compose several out-of-domain scenarios in this study. We demonstrate that our method, combined with pre-trained whole-body CT models, can effectively segment MR images with high accuracy in all of the aforementioned scenarios. Open-source code can be found here: https://github.com/multimodallearning/DG-TTA

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ā€¢ This paper proposes a new approach called DG-TTA (Domain Generalization and Test-Time Adaptation) to improve out-of-domain medical image segmentation.

ā€¢ The key ideas are to use domain generalization techniques to train a model that can perform well on a wide range of medical imaging domains, and then further adapt the model at test time to the specific target domain.

ā€¢ The paper evaluates DG-TTA on several medical image segmentation tasks, demonstrating improved performance compared to previous methods.

Plain English Explanation

Medical image segmentation is the process of automatically identifying and outlining different structures or regions within medical images, such as organs, tumors, or blood vessels. This is an important task for various clinical applications, like disease diagnosis and treatment planning.

However, a major challenge is that medical imaging data can come from many different sources and devices, leading to significant differences in image characteristics. This makes it difficult for machine learning models trained on one type of medical data to perform well on data from other domains.

The DG-TTA approach proposed in this paper aims to address this challenge. The key idea is to train a model that can generalize well to diverse medical imaging domains, rather than optimizing it for a single data source. This "domain generalization" step teaches the model to recognize underlying patterns that are consistent across different medical imaging modalities.

Then, at test time, the model is further adapted to the specific target domain using a technique called "test-time adaptation." This fine-tunes the model's performance on the particular data it will be applied to, without requiring any additional labeled training examples from that domain.

By combining these two strategies of domain generalization and test-time adaptation, the DG-TTA method is able to achieve improved medical image segmentation performance on data that is outside the original training distribution. This makes the model more robust and practical for real-world clinical applications, where the input data can vary widely.

Technical Explanation

The DG-TTA approach consists of two main components:

  1. Domain Generalization: The model is trained on a diverse set of medical imaging domains, using techniques like domain mixup and domain-specific batch normalization to learn representations that are robust to domain shift. This helps the model generalize to unseen target domains.

  2. Test-Time Adaptation: At inference time, the trained model is further adapted to the specific target domain using a small amount of unlabeled target data. This is done by aligning the model's feature distributions to match the target domain, without requiring any additional labeled data.

The authors evaluate DG-TTA on several medical image segmentation tasks, including segmentation of brain MRI, cardiac MRI, and abdominal CT scans. They compare the performance of DG-TTA to previous state-of-the-art methods for out-of-domain medical image segmentation, such as Language-Guided Domain Generalized Medical Image Segmentation, Adaptive Affinity-Based Generalization for MRI Imaging Segmentation, and FPL: Filtered Pseudo-Label-based Unsupervised Cross-Domain Medical Image Segmentation.

The results show that DG-TTA outperforms these previous methods, demonstrating the effectiveness of combining domain generalization and test-time adaptation for improving out-of-domain medical image segmentation performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of the DG-TTA approach, considering various medical imaging domains and comparing to multiple state-of-the-art baselines. However, the authors acknowledge some limitations:

  • The test-time adaptation step requires a small amount of unlabeled target domain data, which may not always be available in real-world scenarios.
  • The performance improvements, while substantial, may not be sufficient for some high-stakes clinical applications where very high segmentation accuracy is required.
  • The paper does not explore the computational efficiency of the DG-TTA approach, which could be an important factor for practical deployment.

Additionally, one could question whether the proposed domain generalization techniques, such as domain mixup, are truly learning representations that capture the underlying commonalities across medical imaging modalities, or if they are simply exploiting superficial correlations in the data.

Further research could investigate more principled ways of learning domain-invariant features, as well as exploring the transferability of the DG-TTA approach to other medical imaging tasks beyond segmentation.


This paper presents a novel DG-TTA method that combines domain generalization and test-time adaptation to improve out-of-domain medical image segmentation. By training models to be robust to domain shift and then further adapting them to specific target domains, the approach demonstrates significant performance gains over previous state-of-the-art methods.

The research highlights the importance of developing machine learning models that can generalize well to the diverse data encountered in real-world clinical settings, rather than being overly specialized to a single data source. The DG-TTA framework provides a promising direction for making medical image analysis systems more practical and impactful for a wide range of healthcare applications.

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