DialogBench: Evaluating LLMs as Human-like Dialogue Systems






Published 4/1/2024 by Jiao Ou, Junda Lu, Che Liu, Yihong Tang, Fuzheng Zhang, Di Zhang, Kun Gai



Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable breakthroughs in new dialogue capabilities by leveraging instruction tuning, which refreshes human impressions of dialogue systems. The long-standing goal of dialogue systems is to be human-like enough to establish long-term connections with users. Therefore, there has been an urgent need to evaluate LLMs as human-like dialogue systems. In this paper, we propose DialogBench, a dialogue evaluation benchmark that contains 12 dialogue tasks to probe the capabilities of LLMs as human-like dialogue systems should have. Specifically, we prompt GPT-4 to generate evaluation instances for each task. We first design the basic prompt based on widely used design principles and further mitigate the existing biases to generate higher-quality evaluation instances. Our extensive tests on English and Chinese DialogBench of 26 LLMs show that instruction tuning improves the human likeness of LLMs to a certain extent, but most LLMs still have much room for improvement as human-like dialogue systems. Interestingly, results also show that the positioning of assistant AI can make instruction tuning weaken the human emotional perception of LLMs and their mastery of information about human daily life.

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  • Large language models (LLMs) have made significant advancements in dialogue capabilities through instruction tuning, which improves how humans perceive these dialogue systems.
  • The ultimate goal of dialogue systems is to establish long-term connections with users by being sufficiently human-like.
  • There is an urgent need to evaluate LLMs as human-like dialogue systems.

Plain English Explanation

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made remarkable progress in developing language models that can engage in human-like dialogue. These large language models (LLMs) have become increasingly adept at understanding and responding to conversational prompts, thanks to a technique called instruction tuning. This process helps refine the models to better match human impressions and expectations of a helpful, conversational partner.

The researchers behind this study recognize that the ultimate aim of dialogue systems should be to forge genuine, long-lasting connections with users. To achieve this, these AI systems need to be as human-like as possible in their interactions. That's why the team has developed a new evaluation tool, called DialogBench, to rigorously test the human-likeness of various LLMs.

Technical Explanation

The researchers created DialogBench, a benchmark containing 12 distinct dialogue tasks designed to probe the capabilities of LLMs in areas critical for human-like dialogue. These tasks cover a range of conversational scenarios, from emotional support and information-seeking to task planning and small talk.

To generate the evaluation instances for each task, the researchers prompted the powerful GPT-4 model. They first designed a basic prompt based on established design principles, and then further refined the prompts to mitigate existing biases and produce higher-quality examples.

The team then put 26 different LLMs, including GPT-4, through the DialogBench evaluation. The results showed that while instruction tuning does improve the human-likeness of these models to some degree, most LLMs still have significant room for improvement when it comes to achieving truly human-like dialogue capabilities.

Interestingly, the researchers also found that the positioning of the AI assistant - whether it is presented as a helpful tool or a more personal conversational partner - can impact the effectiveness of instruction tuning. In some cases, this positioning can weaken the human emotional perception of the LLM and its grasp of everyday human knowledge.

Critical Analysis

The DialogBench evaluation framework represents a valuable contribution to the field of dialogue system development, as it provides a standardized way to assess the human-likeness of LLMs. By testing across a diverse set of conversational scenarios, the researchers have unveiled important insights into the current limitations of these models.

However, it's worth noting that the evaluation is still limited to English and Chinese language models. Expanding the benchmark to include a wider range of languages and cultural contexts could yield additional insights.

Additionally, the researchers acknowledge that the prompting process used to generate the evaluation instances, while carefully designed, may still contain inherent biases. Exploring alternative approaches to prompt engineering could help address this limitation.


This research highlights the significant progress made in developing human-like dialogue capabilities through instruction tuning, but also underscores the ongoing challenges in creating AI systems that can truly connect with users on a deep, emotional level. The DialogBench framework provides a valuable tool for driving further advancements in this critical area of AI research and development.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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