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How Well Can LLMs Echo Us? Evaluating AI Chatbots' Role-Play Ability with ECHO






Published 4/23/2024 by Man Tik Ng, Hui Tung Tse, Jen-tse Huang, Jingjing Li, Wenxuan Wang, Michael R. Lyu
How Well Can LLMs Echo Us? Evaluating AI Chatbots' Role-Play Ability with ECHO


The role-play ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a popular research direction. However, existing studies focus on imitating well-known public figures or fictional characters, overlooking the potential for simulating ordinary individuals. Such an oversight limits the potential for advancements in digital human clones and non-player characters in video games. To bridge this gap, we introduce ECHO, an evaluative framework inspired by the Turing test. This framework engages the acquaintances of the target individuals to distinguish between human and machine-generated responses. Notably, our framework focuses on emulating average individuals rather than historical or fictional figures, presenting a unique advantage to apply the Turing Test. We evaluated three role-playing LLMs using ECHO, with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 serving as foundational models, alongside the online application GPTs from OpenAI. Our results demonstrate that GPT-4 more effectively deceives human evaluators, and GPTs achieves a leading success rate of 48.3%. Furthermore, we investigated whether LLMs could discern between human-generated and machine-generated texts. While GPT-4 can identify differences, it could not determine which texts were human-produced. Our code and results of reproducing the role-playing LLMs are made publicly available via

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  • This paper evaluates the ability of large language models (LLMs) to engage in role-playing and echo human conversations, using a new evaluation framework called ECHO.
  • The researchers explore whether LLMs can convincingly assume different personas and maintain coherent, context-appropriate dialogues, which has implications for the development of more natural and engaging AI chatbots.
  • The paper presents the ECHO framework, which assesses an AI's ability to roleplay across a range of conversational scenarios, and reports the results of experiments applying ECHO to several prominent LLMs.

Plain English Explanation

The paper examines how well large AI language models, like those used in chatbots, can step into different roles and have natural-sounding conversations that mimic human interactions. The researchers developed a new testing framework called ECHO to evaluate an AI's ability to roleplay across various scenarios.

The key idea is that for AI chatbots to be more engaging and lifelike, they need to be able to convincingly adopt different personas and maintain coherent, context-appropriate dialogues, rather than just providing generic responses. The ECHO framework allows the researchers to assess how well prominent language models can assume different identities and converse accordingly.

By applying ECHO to several leading AI systems, the paper provides insights into the current state of role-playing capabilities in language models. This has important implications for the development of more natural and human-like AI assistants and chatbots in the future.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the ECHO ([object Object],valuation of ,[object Object],onversational ,[object Object],uman-likeness of ,[object Object],utputs) framework for assessing an AI system's ability to engage in role-play and echo human conversational patterns. ECHO involves presenting language models with a variety of conversational scenarios, each with a defined persona, and evaluating the coherence and context-appropriateness of the model's responses.

The researchers applied ECHO to several prominent large language models, including GPT-3, InstructGPT, and ChatGPT, to gauge their role-playing capabilities. The experiments involved defining personas with distinct backgrounds, personalities, and communication styles, and then evaluating the models' ability to maintain coherent, context-appropriate dialogues when assuming those personas.

The paper presents the results of these ECHO evaluations, providing insights into the current strengths and limitations of LLMs in terms of role-playing and echoing human-like conversations. The findings highlight areas where language models excel at adopting personas and maintaining coherence, as well as situations where their responses fall short of human-level performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper offers a comprehensive and well-designed framework for evaluating the role-playing abilities of large language models, which is a crucial aspect of developing more natural and engaging AI chatbots. However, the researchers acknowledge several limitations and areas for further exploration.

One potential limitation is the scope of the conversational scenarios and personas used in the ECHO evaluation. While the researchers aimed to cover a diverse range of situations, it's possible that the models may perform differently in even more complex or nuanced conversational contexts. Additionally, the paper does not address potential biases or inconsistencies in the models' responses when assuming different personas, which could be an important consideration for real-world applications.

Further research could explore the role-playing capabilities of language models in more open-ended, interactive dialogues, where the models would need to dynamically adapt their personas and responses based on the flow of the conversation. Investigating the models' ability to maintain coherent, long-term persona-based dialogues could also yield valuable insights.

Overall, the ECHO framework and the findings presented in this paper represent an important step forward in understanding the current state of role-playing capabilities in large language models, and provide a solid foundation for further advancements in the development of more natural and human-like AI chatbots.


This paper introduces the ECHO framework, a novel approach for evaluating the role-playing abilities of large language models. The researchers applied ECHO to several prominent LLMs, including GPT-3, InstructGPT, and ChatGPT, to assess their capacity to assume different personas and engage in coherent, context-appropriate dialogues.

The results provide valuable insights into the current strengths and limitations of language models in terms of role-playing and echoing human-like conversations. While the models demonstrated some proficiency in adopting personas and maintaining coherence, the paper also highlights areas where their performance falls short of human-level conversational abilities.

These findings have important implications for the ongoing development of more natural and engaging AI chatbots. By understanding the role-playing capabilities of language models, researchers and developers can work towards creating AI assistants that can more convincingly step into different roles and have more lifelike, interactive dialogues with users. The ECHO framework offers a promising tool for further exploring and advancing this crucial aspect of AI conversational abilities.

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