Diff-Mosaic: Augmenting Realistic Representations in Infrared Small Target Detection via Diffusion Prior






Published 6/4/2024 by Yukai Shi, Yupei Lin, Pengxu Wei, Xiaoyu Xian, Tianshui Chen, Liang Lin
Diff-Mosaic: Augmenting Realistic Representations in Infrared Small Target Detection via Diffusion Prior


Recently, researchers have proposed various deep learning methods to accurately detect infrared targets with the characteristics of indistinct shape and texture. Due to the limited variety of infrared datasets, training deep learning models with good generalization poses a challenge. To augment the infrared dataset, researchers employ data augmentation techniques, which often involve generating new images by combining images from different datasets. However, these methods are lacking in two respects. In terms of realism, the images generated by mixup-based methods lack realism and are difficult to effectively simulate complex real-world scenarios. In terms of diversity, compared with real-world scenes, borrowing knowledge from another dataset inherently has a limited diversity. Currently, the diffusion model stands out as an innovative generative approach. Large-scale trained diffusion models have a strong generative prior that enables real-world modeling of images to generate diverse and realistic images. In this paper, we propose Diff-Mosaic, a data augmentation method based on the diffusion model. This model effectively alleviates the challenge of diversity and realism of data augmentation methods via diffusion prior. Specifically, our method consists of two stages. Firstly, we introduce an enhancement network called Pixel-Prior, which generates highly coordinated and realistic Mosaic images by harmonizing pixels. In the second stage, we propose an image enhancement strategy named Diff-Prior. This strategy utilizes diffusion priors to model images in the real-world scene, further enhancing the diversity and realism of the images. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that our approach significantly improves the performance of the detection network. The code is available at https://github.com/YupeiLin2388/Diff-Mosaic

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  • Presents "Diff-Mosaic", a novel data augmentation technique that leverages diffusion models to enhance infrared small target detection.
  • Diffusion models are used to generate realistic infrared small target images, which are then combined with the original images using a mosaic augmentation approach.
  • The authors demonstrate that Diff-Mosaic can significantly improve the performance of infrared small target detection models compared to other data augmentation methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to make machine learning models better at detecting small objects in infrared images. Infrared cameras can see things that regular cameras can't, like heat signatures. But it can be hard for AI models to accurately detect small, faint objects in these infrared images.

The researchers developed a technique called "Diff-Mosaic" to help solve this problem. Diff-Mosaic uses a type of AI model called a "diffusion model" to generate new, realistic-looking infrared images with small targets. These generated images are then combined with the original training images using a "mosaic" technique, creating a more diverse dataset for the detection model to learn from.

By using this data augmentation approach, the researchers were able to significantly improve the performance of infrared small target detection models, compared to other data augmentation methods. The key insight is that the diffusion model can create high-quality, diverse infrared images that help the detection model generalize better to real-world scenarios.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel data augmentation technique called "Diff-Mosaic" to enhance the performance of infrared small target detection models. Diff-Mosaic leverages the power of diffusion models, a type of generative AI model, to generate realistic infrared images with small targets. These generated images are then combined with the original training data using a mosaic augmentation approach.

The authors first train a diffusion model on a dataset of infrared images, allowing it to learn the underlying distribution of realistic infrared scenes. They then use this pre-trained diffusion model to generate new infrared images with small targets inserted at random locations. These generated images are combined with the original training data using a mosaic-based technique, where patches from the generated and original images are randomly combined to create a new, augmented image.

The authors demonstrate that this Diff-Mosaic approach significantly outperforms other data augmentation methods, such as simple image mixing or diffusion-based augmentation, in improving the performance of infrared small target detection models. They attribute this success to the ability of the diffusion model to generate realistic infrared images that capture the complex spatial and visual characteristics of small targets, which the mosaic augmentation then leverages to create a more diverse and representative training dataset.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to improving infrared small target detection using a combination of diffusion models and mosaic augmentation. The authors provide a thorough evaluation of their method, demonstrating its superiority over other data augmentation techniques.

One potential limitation of the work is the reliance on a large, high-quality dataset of infrared images for training the diffusion model. In real-world scenarios, such datasets may not always be readily available, which could limit the practical applicability of the Diff-Mosaic approach. The authors could have discussed strategies for addressing this challenge, such as transfer learning or few-shot learning techniques, to make the method more accessible to researchers and practitioners with limited data resources.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the types of small targets that the Diff-Mosaic approach is most effective at detecting. It would be valuable to understand the limitations and failure modes of the method, as well as the specific characteristics of the small targets that are most amenable to this augmentation technique.

Overall, the Diff-Mosaic method represents a promising step forward in enhancing infrared small target detection, and the authors have demonstrated its potential through a well-designed experimental evaluation. Further research into addressing the identified limitations could help to unlock the full potential of this approach and make it more broadly applicable.


The paper presents a novel data augmentation technique called "Diff-Mosaic" that leverages diffusion models to generate realistic infrared images with small targets, which are then combined with the original training data using a mosaic approach. The authors show that this method can significantly improve the performance of infrared small target detection models compared to other data augmentation techniques.

The key insight of the Diff-Mosaic approach is that the diffusion model's ability to generate diverse and realistic infrared images, combined with the mosaic augmentation's capacity to create new, varied training examples, can help detection models generalize better to real-world infrared scenes. This work demonstrates the potential of generative models and advanced data augmentation techniques to enhance the performance of computer vision tasks in challenging domains, such as infrared small target detection.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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