Diffusion-driven GAN Inversion for Multi-Modal Face Image Generation






Published 5/8/2024 by Jihyun Kim, Changjae Oh, Hoseok Do, Soohyun Kim, Kwanghoon Sohn



We present a new multi-modal face image generation method that converts a text prompt and a visual input, such as a semantic mask or scribble map, into a photo-realistic face image. To do this, we combine the strengths of Generative Adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion models (DMs) by employing the multi-modal features in the DM into the latent space of the pre-trained GANs. We present a simple mapping and a style modulation network to link two models and convert meaningful representations in feature maps and attention maps into latent codes. With GAN inversion, the estimated latent codes can be used to generate 2D or 3D-aware facial images. We further present a multi-step training strategy that reflects textual and structural representations into the generated image. Our proposed network produces realistic 2D, multi-view, and stylized face images, which align well with inputs. We validate our method by using pre-trained 2D and 3D GANs, and our results outperform existing methods. Our project page is available at https://github.com/1211sh/Diffusion-driven_GAN-Inversion/.

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  • The paper presents a new multi-modal face image generation method that combines Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Diffusion Models (DMs) to convert text prompts and visual inputs into realistic face images.
  • The method leverages the strengths of both GAN and DM approaches, using a simple mapping and style modulation network to link the two models and convert meaningful representations into latent codes.
  • The proposed network can generate 2D, multi-view, and stylized face images that align well with the input text and visual prompts, outperforming existing methods.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way to create realistic-looking face images from text descriptions and visual sketches. They've combined two powerful AI techniques, called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Diffusion Models (DMs), to make this work.

GANs are great at generating detailed, photorealistic images, but they can be tricky to train and control. DMs, on the other hand, are better at capturing the overall structure and style of an image, but the results may not be as sharp. The researchers figured out a way to take the best of both approaches and use them together.

Their method uses a simple "mapping" network to translate the information from the text and visual inputs into a special format that the GAN can understand. Then, a "style modulation" network helps the GAN generate images that match the desired look and feel. This allows the system to create 2D, 3D-aware, and stylized face images that closely match the given prompts.

The key advantage of this approach is that it can produce very convincing face images that are well-aligned with the input text and sketches. This could be useful for a variety of applications, like photo editing, virtual character creation, or even AI-generated art.

Technical Explanation

The researchers' method combines the strengths of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Diffusion Models (DMs) to enable multi-modal face image generation from text prompts and visual inputs like semantic masks or scribble maps.

The core of the approach is a simple mapping and style modulation network that links the pre-trained GAN and DM models. This network converts meaningful representations in the DM's feature maps and attention maps into latent codes that can be used by the GAN to generate the final face images.

The method employs a multi-step training strategy that reflects both the textual and structural information from the inputs into the generated images. During training, the network learns to generate 2D, multi-view, and stylized face images that closely align with the provided prompts.

The researchers validate their approach by using pre-trained 2D and 3D GANs, and their results outperform existing text-to-image and text-to-3D generation methods, as demonstrated on the project page.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for multi-modal face image generation, leveraging the strengths of both GANs and DMs. However, the authors do not extensively discuss potential limitations or caveats of their method.

For example, it would be useful to understand the computational and memory requirements of the proposed network, as well as its performance on diverse face attributes and skin tones. The authors could also explore the model's ability to generalize to unseen face poses, expressions, and ethnicities.

Additionally, while the results are impressive, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of failure cases or edge cases where the model may struggle. Further research could investigate the robustness of the approach and identify areas for improvement.

Overall, the research represents an interesting step forward in the field of text-guided image generation, with potential applications in areas like photo editing, 3D character creation, and semantic image segmentation. However, further exploration of the method's limitations and edge cases could help strengthen the research and inform future developments in this area.


The presented multi-modal face image generation method offers a novel approach that combines the strengths of GANs and DMs to enable the creation of realistic face images from text prompts and visual inputs. By leveraging a simple mapping and style modulation network, the system can generate 2D, multi-view, and stylized face images that closely align with the provided prompts.

This research represents an important step forward in the field of text-guided image generation, with potential applications in areas like virtual character design, photo editing, and AI-generated art. While the results are impressive, further exploration of the method's limitations and robustness could help refine the approach and inspire future advancements in this rapidly evolving field of study.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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