Diffusion Model Driven Test-Time Image Adaptation for Robust Skin Lesion Classification






Published 5/21/2024 by Ming Hu, Siyuan Yan, Peng Xia, Feilong Tang, Wenxue Li, Peibo Duan, Lin Zhang, Zongyuan Ge
Diffusion Model Driven Test-Time Image Adaptation for Robust Skin Lesion Classification


Deep learning-based diagnostic systems have demonstrated potential in skin disease diagnosis. However, their performance can easily degrade on test domains due to distribution shifts caused by input-level corruptions, such as imaging equipment variability, brightness changes, and image blur. This will reduce the reliability of model deployment in real-world scenarios. Most existing solutions focus on adapting the source model through retraining on different target domains. Although effective, this retraining process is sensitive to the amount of data and the hyperparameter configuration for optimization. In this paper, we propose a test-time image adaptation method to enhance the accuracy of the model on test data by simultaneously updating and predicting test images. We modify the target test images by projecting them back to the source domain using a diffusion model. Specifically, we design a structure guidance module that adds refinement operations through low-pass filtering during reverse sampling, regularizing the diffusion to preserve structural information. Additionally, we introduce a self-ensembling scheme automatically adjusts the reliance on adapted and unadapted inputs, enhancing adaptation robustness by rejecting inappropriate generative modeling results. To facilitate this study, we constructed the ISIC2019-C and Dermnet-C corruption robustness evaluation benchmarks. Extensive experiments on the proposed benchmarks demonstrate that our method makes the classifier more robust across various corruptions, architectures, and data regimes. Our datasets and code will be available at url{https://github.com/minghu0830/Skin-TTA_Diffusion}.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach for improving the robustness of skin lesion classification models by adapting the input images at test time using a diffusion model.
  • The method aims to make skin lesion classification models more robust to distribution shift and domain mismatch between the training and test data.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several public skin lesion datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance compared to existing test-time adaptation techniques.

Plain English Explanation

Skin cancer is a serious health concern, and accurately identifying different types of skin lesions is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment. However, machine learning models for skin lesion classification can struggle when faced with images that are different from the ones they were trained on. This is known as the "distribution shift" problem.

The researchers in this paper developed a new technique to address this challenge. They used a type of machine learning model called a "diffusion model" to automatically adapt the input images at test time, before they are fed into the skin lesion classification model. The diffusion model learns to transform the input images in a way that makes them more similar to the training data, thereby improving the classification model's performance.

By applying this test-time adaptation approach, the researchers were able to significantly boost the accuracy of skin lesion classification, even on datasets that were very different from the training data. This is an important step towards building more robust and reliable AI systems for medical image analysis, which could have a real impact on patient outcomes.

The key innovation in this work is the use of a diffusion model for test-time adaptation, which is a powerful but often overlooked technique in machine learning. The researchers' success in applying it to the skin lesion classification problem demonstrates its potential to be a valuable tool for improving the reliability of AI systems in a wide range of domains.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a novel approach called "Diffusion Model Driven Test-Time Image Adaptation" (DMTA) to improve the robustness of skin lesion classification models. DMTA works by using a pre-trained diffusion model to transform the input images at test time, making them more similar to the training data distribution.

The diffusion model is trained in an unsupervised manner on a large, diverse dataset of skin lesion images. During test time, the diffusion model is used to generate a sequence of intermediate images that gradually transform the input image to be more like the training distribution. The final adapted image is then fed into the skin lesion classification model, which is expected to perform better due to the reduced distribution shift.

The researchers evaluate DMTA on several public skin lesion datasets, including ISIC 2018, Derm7pt, and MClass-1000. They compare DMTA to existing test-time adaptation methods, such as MetaDerm and DG-TTA, and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on all datasets.

The key insights from this work are:

  1. Diffusion models are effective for test-time adaptation: The researchers show that diffusion models can learn rich representations of skin lesion images, which can then be leveraged to adapt the input images at test time.
  2. Test-time adaptation can significantly improve skin lesion classification: By applying DMTA, the researchers are able to achieve substantial performance gains over baseline models, highlighting the importance of addressing distribution shift in this domain.
  3. DMTA is a versatile and generalizable approach: The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of DMTA on multiple skin lesion datasets, suggesting that it could be a valuable tool for improving the robustness of medical image classification models in general.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have presented a compelling approach for addressing the problem of distribution shift in skin lesion classification. By using a diffusion model for test-time adaptation, they have shown that it is possible to significantly improve the performance of skin lesion classification models, even when faced with data that is quite different from the training distribution.

One potential limitation of the work is the reliance on a large, diverse dataset of skin lesion images for training the diffusion model. In practice, such datasets may not always be readily available, and the performance of DMTA could be sensitive to the quality and coverage of the training data. The researchers could have explored ways to mitigate this, such as using few-shot or self-supervised learning techniques to train the diffusion model.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the types of distribution shifts that DMTA is able to handle. It would be helpful to understand the specific image transformations that the diffusion model is able to learn, and how they relate to the common sources of distribution shift in skin lesion datasets (e.g., differences in patient demographics, imaging modalities, or skin types).

Despite these minor limitations, the researchers have made a valuable contribution to the field of medical image analysis. The DMTA approach represents an important step towards building more robust and reliable AI systems for skin cancer diagnosis, and the insights gained from this work could be relevant to other medical imaging tasks as well.


This paper introduces a novel test-time adaptation approach called "Diffusion Model Driven Test-Time Image Adaptation" (DMTA) that leverages a diffusion model to improve the robustness of skin lesion classification models. The key innovation is the use of a diffusion model to transform the input images at test time, making them more similar to the training data distribution and thereby boosting the classification performance.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of DMTA on several public skin lesion datasets, achieving state-of-the-art results compared to existing test-time adaptation techniques. This work represents an important step towards building more reliable and trustworthy AI systems for medical image analysis, which could have a significant impact on early detection and treatment of skin cancer.

The insights gained from this research could also be applicable to other medical imaging tasks where distribution shift is a challenge, and the use of diffusion models for test-time adaptation could emerge as a valuable tool in the broader field of machine learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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