Disentangling Foreground and Background Motion for Enhanced Realism in Human Video Generation






Published 5/29/2024 by Jinlin Liu, Kai Yu, Mengyang Feng, Xiefan Guo, Miaomiao Cui



Recent advancements in human video synthesis have enabled the generation of high-quality videos through the application of stable diffusion models. However, existing methods predominantly concentrate on animating solely the human element (the foreground) guided by pose information, while leaving the background entirely static. Contrary to this, in authentic, high-quality videos, backgrounds often dynamically adjust in harmony with foreground movements, eschewing stagnancy. We introduce a technique that concurrently learns both foreground and background dynamics by segregating their movements using distinct motion representations. Human figures are animated leveraging pose-based motion, capturing intricate actions. Conversely, for backgrounds, we employ sparse tracking points to model motion, thereby reflecting the natural interaction between foreground activity and environmental changes. Training on real-world videos enhanced with this innovative motion depiction approach, our model generates videos exhibiting coherent movement in both foreground subjects and their surrounding contexts. To further extend video generation to longer sequences without accumulating errors, we adopt a clip-by-clip generation strategy, introducing global features at each step. To ensure seamless continuity across these segments, we ingeniously link the final frame of a produced clip with input noise to spawn the succeeding one, maintaining narrative flow. Throughout the sequential generation process, we infuse the feature representation of the initial reference image into the network, effectively curtailing any cumulative color inconsistencies that may otherwise arise. Empirical evaluations attest to the superiority of our method in producing videos that exhibit harmonious interplay between foreground actions and responsive background dynamics, surpassing prior methodologies in this regard.

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  • Advancements in human video synthesis have enabled high-quality video generation using stable diffusion models.
  • Existing methods focus on animating only the human foreground while leaving the background static.
  • This paper introduces a technique that learns the dynamics of both foreground and background simultaneously.
  • The method uses distinct motion representations for foreground and background to capture their natural interaction.
  • To generate longer video sequences without accumulating errors, the approach adopts a clip-by-clip generation strategy with global features and seamless continuity.

Plain English Explanation

The research paper describes a new technique for generating high-quality videos that realistically capture the interaction between the human subjects and their surrounding environment. Unlike previous methods that only animate the people in the video while keeping the background unchanged, this approach learns to generate dynamic backgrounds that respond naturally to the movements of the foreground characters.

The key innovation is the use of separate motion representations for the foreground and background. For the human figures, the method leverages pose-based motion to depict intricate actions. For the background, it employs sparse tracking points to model the natural changes that occur in response to the foreground activity. By training on real-world videos with this dual-motion approach, the model is able to produce videos where the foreground and background move in a coherent and harmonious way.

To generate longer video sequences without accumulating errors, the technique adopts a clip-by-clip generation strategy. It introduces global features at each step and ingeniously links the final frame of one clip to the input noise for the next, maintaining a seamless narrative flow. Additionally, the method infuses the initial reference image's feature representation throughout the generation process, helping to prevent any color inconsistencies across the video.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a novel approach to human video synthesis that captures the dynamic interplay between foreground and background elements. Unlike previous methods that focus solely on animating the human subjects while leaving the background static, this technique learns to model the motion of both the foreground and background simultaneously.

The key components of the method are:

  1. Distinct Motion Representations: The foreground human figures are animated using pose-based motion, which can accurately capture intricate actions. For the background, the approach employs sparse tracking points to model the natural changes that occur in response to the foreground activity.

  2. Clip-by-Clip Generation: To generate longer video sequences without accumulating errors, the technique adopts a clip-by-clip generation strategy. It introduces global features at each step and links the final frame of one clip to the input noise for the next, maintaining seamless continuity.

  3. Reference Image Integration: Throughout the sequential generation process, the method infuses the feature representation of the initial reference image into the network. This helps to curtail any cumulative color inconsistencies that may arise across the video.

The authors demonstrate the superiority of their method through empirical evaluations, showing that it can produce videos with a harmonious interplay between foreground actions and responsive background dynamics, outperforming prior methodologies in this regard.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in this paper addresses an important limitation in existing human video synthesis methods, which have primarily focused on animating only the foreground while neglecting the dynamic nature of the background. By introducing a novel approach that simultaneously models the motion of both the foreground and background, the authors have made a significant contribution to the field.

One potential area for further exploration is the robustness and generalizability of the method. The paper primarily evaluates the approach on real-world videos, but it would be interesting to see how it performs on more diverse and challenging datasets, such as those with complex environmental interactions or occlusions.

Additionally, while the clip-by-clip generation strategy helps to mitigate error accumulation, it may introduce other challenges, such as ensuring seamless transitions between clips. The authors could consider investigating alternative techniques for generating longer video sequences in a more holistic manner.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in human video synthesis, and the insights and methodologies presented could have broader implications for other areas of computer vision and multimedia generation.


This research paper introduces a novel technique for human video synthesis that addresses a key limitation in existing methods by simultaneously modeling the dynamics of both foreground and background elements. The approach uses distinct motion representations to capture the natural interplay between human subjects and their surrounding environments, resulting in high-quality videos with coherent and harmonious movements.

The adoption of a clip-by-clip generation strategy with global features and seamless continuity, as well as the integration of the initial reference image's feature representation, helps to generate longer video sequences without accumulating errors and maintain color consistency. Empirical evaluations demonstrate the superiority of this method compared to prior methodologies, opening up new possibilities for more realistic and immersive video generation.

The insights and innovations presented in this paper could have far-reaching implications for a wide range of applications, from virtual reality and film production to assistive technologies and beyond. As the field of human video synthesis continues to evolve, this research represents an important step forward in our ability to create high-quality, dynamically responsive video content.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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