Edit-Your-Motion: Space-Time Diffusion Decoupling Learning for Video Motion Editing






Published 5/8/2024 by Yi Zuo, Lingling Li, Licheng Jiao, Fang Liu, Xu Liu, Wenping Ma, Shuyuan Yang, Yuwei Guo
Edit-Your-Motion: Space-Time Diffusion Decoupling Learning for Video Motion Editing


Existing diffusion-based video editing methods have achieved impressive results in motion editing. Most of the existing methods focus on the motion alignment between the edited video and the reference video. However, these methods do not constrain the background and object content of the video to remain unchanged, which makes it possible for users to generate unexpected videos. In this paper, we propose a one-shot video motion editing method called Edit-Your-Motion that requires only a single text-video pair for training. Specifically, we design the Detailed Prompt-Guided Learning Strategy (DPL) to decouple spatio-temporal features in space-time diffusion models. DPL separates learning object content and motion into two training stages. In the first training stage, we focus on learning the spatial features (the features of object content) and breaking down the temporal relationships in the video frames by shuffling them. We further propose Recurrent-Causal Attention (RC-Attn) to learn the consistent content features of the object from unordered video frames. In the second training stage, we restore the temporal relationship in video frames to learn the temporal feature (the features of the background and object's motion). We also adopt the Noise Constraint Loss to smooth out inter-frame differences. Finally, in the inference stage, we inject the content features of the source object into the editing branch through a two-branch structure (editing branch and reconstruction branch). With Edit-Your-Motion, users can edit the motion of objects in the source video to generate more exciting and diverse videos. Comprehensive qualitative experiments, quantitative experiments and user preference studies demonstrate that Edit-Your-Motion performs better than other methods.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach for video motion editing called "Edit-Your-Motion" that utilizes space-time diffusion decoupling learning.
  • The key idea is to decouple the spatial and temporal information in the video, allowing for independent editing of the motion while preserving the original content.
  • The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art video motion editing techniques on various benchmark datasets.

Plain English Explanation

"Edit-Your-Motion" is a new way to edit the motion in videos while keeping the original content intact. Typically, when you try to change the motion in a video, it can distort or damage the overall look and feel of the video. This paper introduces a method that separates the spatial (how things look) and temporal (how things move) information in the video, allowing you to edit just the motion without messing up the rest of the video.

The researchers developed a special machine learning model that can decouple the spatial and temporal data in a video. This means they can manipulate the motion (how things move) independently from the content (how things look). So you can, for example, add internal link to MotionMaster change the way a person is walking in a video without changing their appearance or the background.

The authors show that their "Edit-Your-Motion" approach outperforms other state-of-the-art video motion editing techniques. This means it can produce higher quality results than existing methods. The ability to independently edit the motion in videos while preserving the original content has a lot of potential applications, like video customization, text-driven video editing, and unified video motion control.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in the "Edit-Your-Motion" approach is the use of "space-time diffusion decoupling learning". This involves training a machine learning model to separately encode the spatial and temporal information in a video.

The model first encodes the video into a high-dimensional feature representation. It then splits this representation into two parallel streams - one that captures the spatial content (what objects/people look like) and one that captures the temporal motion (how things are moving).

This decoupled representation allows the model to manipulate the motion independently from the content. For example, the researchers demonstrate being able to change a person's walking motion without affecting their appearance or the background of the video.

The authors evaluate their method on several benchmark video motion editing datasets and show that it outperforms existing state-of-the-art techniques. Qualitative and quantitative results indicate that "Edit-Your-Motion" can produce high-quality edited videos while preserving the original content.

Critical Analysis

The "Edit-Your-Motion" approach represents an interesting and promising direction for video motion editing. By decoupling the spatial and temporal information, it enables a level of control and flexibility that overcomes limitations of previous methods.

However, the paper does not extensively explore the potential limitations or failure cases of the approach. For example, it's unclear how well the method would handle complex scenes with multiple moving objects or camera motion. The researchers also don't delve into potential biases or artifacts that could arise from the decoupling process.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on evaluating the motion editing capabilities, but doesn't assess other important factors like computational efficiency or the ease of use from an end-user perspective. These aspects would be crucial for real-world applications like story-driven video generation.

Overall, the "Edit-Your-Motion" technique is a compelling advancement in video editing, but further research is needed to fully understand its strengths, limitations, and practical implications. Continued development and evaluation in more diverse and challenging scenarios would help solidify its position as a state-of-the-art video motion editing solution.


The "Edit-Your-Motion" paper presents a novel approach for video motion editing that leverages space-time diffusion decoupling learning. By separating the spatial and temporal information in videos, the method enables independent control over the motion while preserving the original content.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through extensive experiments, showing that "Edit-Your-Motion" outperforms existing state-of-the-art video motion editing techniques. This capability has exciting applications in areas like video customization, text-driven video editing, and unified video motion control.

While the paper represents an important step forward, further research is needed to fully explore the limitations and practical implications of the method. Continued development and evaluation in diverse and challenging scenarios will be crucial to solidifying "Edit-Your-Motion" as a robust and versatile video editing solution.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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