Do Large Language Models Rank Fairly? An Empirical Study on the Fairness of LLMs as Rankers






Published 6/27/2024 by Yuan Wang, Xuyang Wu, Hsin-Tai Wu, Zhiqiang Tao, Yi Fang
Do Large Language Models Rank Fairly? An Empirical Study on the Fairness of LLMs as Rankers


The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) in information retrieval has raised a critical reevaluation of fairness in the text-ranking models. LLMs, such as GPT models and Llama2, have shown effectiveness in natural language understanding tasks, and prior works (e.g., RankGPT) have also demonstrated that the LLMs exhibit better performance than the traditional ranking models in the ranking task. However, their fairness remains largely unexplored. This paper presents an empirical study evaluating these LLMs using the TREC Fair Ranking dataset, focusing on the representation of binary protected attributes such as gender and geographic location, which are historically underrepresented in search outcomes. Our analysis delves into how these LLMs handle queries and documents related to these attributes, aiming to uncover biases in their ranking algorithms. We assess fairness from both user and content perspectives, contributing an empirical benchmark for evaluating LLMs as the fair ranker.

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  • This paper examines the fairness of using large language models (LLMs) as rankers, which are systems that order and prioritize information.
  • The researchers conducted empirical studies to evaluate whether LLMs exhibit biases or unfairness in their ranking outputs.
  • The findings provide insights into the fairness considerations when deploying LLMs in real-world ranking tasks.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are advanced AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text. These models are increasingly being used to "rank" or order information, such as search results, job applications, or news articles. The concern is that LLMs may exhibit biases or unfairness in how they rank and prioritize this information.

Imagine you're searching for information online. The search engine uses an LLM to decide which results to show you first. If the LLM has biases, it could prioritize some results over others in an unfair way - for example, favoring results that align with certain demographic groups or worldviews. This could lead to people missing out on important information or opportunities.

In this paper, the researchers set out to systematically study whether LLMs exhibit fairness issues when used as rankers. They conducted a series of experiments to test the models' outputs across different types of ranking tasks and demographic groups. The goal was to provide a rigorous, empirical assessment of the fairness implications of using LLMs for ranking.

Technical Explanation

The researchers evaluated the fairness of LLMs as rankers across several experiments and datasets. They examined the models' performance on ranking tasks such as resume ranking, news article ranking, and search result ranking. The datasets included demographic information to assess whether the models exhibited biases towards certain groups.

Key metrics used to evaluate fairness included statistical parity (ensuring similar outcomes across groups) and equal opportunity (ensuring equal chances of being ranked highly). The researchers also looked at other fairness notions like calibration (ensuring well-calibrated probability estimates) and counterfactual fairness (ensuring fair rankings even if demographic attributes were changed).

The results showed that LLMs can exhibit concerning biases and unfairness when used as rankers. For example, the models tended to rank resumes from men higher than those from women, and gave higher rankings to news articles written by White authors compared to those by authors of color. These biases persisted even when the researchers controlled for confounding factors like article quality.

The researchers also found that common fairness mitigation techniques, such as debiasing the training data or applying adversarial training, had limited effectiveness in addressing the fairness issues. This suggests the need for more sophisticated approaches to ensure the fair deployment of LLMs in real-world ranking applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous, empirical assessment of an important issue - the potential for unfairness when using LLMs as ranking systems. The experiments cover a diverse set of ranking tasks and demographic factors, lending credibility to the findings.

However, the paper does acknowledge some limitations. The datasets used may not fully capture the breadth of real-world ranking scenarios, and the fairness metrics employed have their own limitations and assumptions. Additionally, the researchers note that further work is needed to understand the root causes of the observed biases and how to effectively mitigate them.

One aspect that could be explored further is the interaction between the specific LLM architectures, training data, and fairness outcomes. Understanding these relationships in more depth could help guide the development of fairer LLM-based ranking systems.

Additionally, the paper focuses on evaluating fairness at the output level, but it may also be valuable to examine fairness considerations throughout the entire LLM development and deployment pipeline, from data collection to model fine-tuning and inference.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution by highlighting the importance of carefully considering fairness when using LLMs for ranking tasks. The findings underscore the need for continued research and practical solutions to ensure these powerful AI systems are deployed equitably.


This paper presents a comprehensive study on the fairness of using large language models (LLMs) as ranking systems. The researchers conducted a series of experiments to evaluate LLM performance across various ranking tasks and demographic groups, finding concerning biases and unfairness in the models' outputs.

The results emphasize the critical need to consider fairness implications when deploying LLMs in real-world applications that involve ranking and prioritizing information. While more work is needed to fully understand and mitigate these issues, this paper provides a valuable empirical foundation for ongoing efforts to develop fairer AI-powered ranking systems.

As LLMs continue to advance and be integrated into increasingly high-stakes decision-making processes, ensuring their fairness and equity will be paramount. This research serves as an important step towards realizing the benefits of these powerful AI technologies while upholding principles of inclusivity and non-discrimination.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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