Fairness in Large Language Models: A Taxonomic Survey






Published 4/3/2024 by Zhibo Chu, Zichong Wang, Wenbin Zhang



Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable success across various domains. However, despite their promising performance in numerous real-world applications, most of these algorithms lack fairness considerations. Consequently, they may lead to discriminatory outcomes against certain communities, particularly marginalized populations, prompting extensive study in fair LLMs. On the other hand, fairness in LLMs, in contrast to fairness in traditional machine learning, entails exclusive backgrounds, taxonomies, and fulfillment techniques. To this end, this survey presents a comprehensive overview of recent advances in the existing literature concerning fair LLMs. Specifically, a brief introduction to LLMs is provided, followed by an analysis of factors contributing to bias in LLMs. Additionally, the concept of fairness in LLMs is discussed categorically, summarizing metrics for evaluating bias in LLMs and existing algorithms for promoting fairness. Furthermore, resources for evaluating bias in LLMs, including toolkits and datasets, are summarized. Finally, existing research challenges and open questions are discussed.

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  • This paper explores the complex copyright issues that arise with the use of generative AI systems for creating digital art and other content.
  • The authors take a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on legal, technical, and artistic perspectives to examine the boundaries and ambiguities in current copyright law as it applies to AI-generated works.
  • Key topics include the challenges of authorship and ownership, potential infringement concerns, and the role of technologies like watermarking in protecting intellectual property.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses the tricky copyright questions that come up when using AI systems to create digital art, images, and other content. The authors look at this issue from different angles - the legal side, the technical side, and the artistic side.

Copyright law wasn't really designed with AI-generated works in mind, so there's a lot of uncertainty around who owns the rights to these creations and whether they could infringe on existing copyrights. For example, if an AI system trains on a large dataset of images and then generates a new image, it's not clear if that new image can be considered the "original work" of the AI, the human who prompted the AI, the company that built the AI, or someone else.

The paper also examines technologies like digital watermarking that could be used to help protect the intellectual property rights of AI-generated content. Overall, the goal is to explore these complex and murky copyright issues from multiple disciplinary perspectives to try to find some clarity and solutions.

Technical Explanation

The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the copyright challenges posed by generative AI systems across legal, technical, and artistic domains. From the legal perspective, the authors analyze existing copyright frameworks and case law to illuminate the ambiguities and limitations when applied to AI-generated works. Key issues include establishing authorship, the scope of fair use, and the potential for infringement.

On the technical side, the paper explores watermarking and other forensic techniques that could be used to track the provenance and ownership of AI-generated content. The authors discuss the tradeoffs between the robustness of such techniques and their potential impact on the user experience and creative process.

From an artistic lens, the paper delves into the evolving role of the human creator in an AI-powered creative landscape. It examines how notions of creativity, originality, and artistic expression may need to be reconsidered in light of generative AI capabilities.

Throughout the paper, the authors highlight the inherent tensions and complexities involved, underscoring the need for a multidisciplinary approach to address the uncertain boundaries of copyright in the generative AI domain.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and thoughtful exploration of the copyright challenges posed by generative AI, drawing attention to the nuanced legal, technical, and artistic considerations. By taking a multidisciplinary approach, the authors effectively illustrate the depth and breadth of the issues at hand.

However, the analysis could be strengthened by delving deeper into some of the specific copyright case law and legal precedents that may inform the application of existing frameworks to AI-generated works. Additionally, the paper would benefit from a more detailed discussion of the potential limitations and pitfalls of technological solutions like watermarking, such as their susceptibility to adversarial attacks or the risk of creating an overly restrictive creative environment.

Further research may also be warranted to better understand the evolving perspectives and concerns of artists, creators, and the general public as the use of generative AI in content creation becomes more widespread. Incorporating these diverse voices could lend additional nuance and insights to the analysis.

Overall, the paper represents a valuable contribution to the ongoing dialogue around the complex intersection of copyright law and the rapidly advancing field of generative AI. The authors have successfully highlighted the need for multidisciplinary collaboration and creative problem-solving to navigate these uncertain boundaries.


This paper underscores the significant copyright challenges presented by the rise of generative AI systems in the creation of digital art, images, and other content. By examining the issue through legal, technical, and artistic lenses, the authors have illuminated the inherent ambiguities and tensions within current copyright frameworks.

The key takeaway is that as generative AI capabilities continue to evolve, policymakers, technologists, and artists will need to work together to develop new approaches and frameworks to protect intellectual property rights while also fostering creativity and innovation. This will require careful consideration of the nuances and tradeoffs involved, as well as an openness to rethinking traditional notions of authorship, originality, and the creative process.

Ultimately, the successful navigation of these uncertain copyright boundaries will have significant implications for the future of digital art, content creation, and the broader creative landscape. The insights and recommendations provided in this paper offer a valuable starting point for tackling these complex challenges.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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