Domain Generalisation for Object Detection under Covariate and Concept Shift






Published 6/18/2024 by Karthik Seemakurthy, Erchan Aptoula, Charles Fox, Petra Bosilj



Domain generalisation aims to promote the learning of domain-invariant features while suppressing domain-specific features, so that a model can generalise better to previously unseen target domains. An approach to domain generalisation for object detection is proposed, the first such approach applicable to any object detection architecture. Based on a rigorous mathematical analysis, we extend approaches based on feature alignment with a novel component for performing class conditional alignment at the instance level, in addition to aligning the marginal feature distributions across domains at the image level. This allows us to fully address both components of domain shift, i.e. covariate and concept shift, and learn a domain agnostic feature representation. We perform extensive evaluation with both one-stage (FCOS, YOLO) and two-stage (FRCNN) detectors, on a newly proposed benchmark comprising several different datasets for autonomous driving applications (Cityscapes, BDD10K, ACDC, IDD) as well as the GWHD dataset for precision agriculture, and show consistent improvements to the generalisation and localisation performance over baselines and state-of-the-art.

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  • This paper proposes a novel approach for domain generalization in object detection tasks.
  • The key idea is to learn domain-invariant features by aligning both the marginal feature distributions across domains and the class-conditional feature distributions at the instance level.
  • The proposed method is applicable to any object detection architecture and is evaluated on a diverse set of datasets for autonomous driving and precision agriculture.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a technique to help object detection models work well on new datasets or environments they haven't been trained on before. This is called "domain generalization".

The main challenge is that object detection models tend to learn features that are specific to the data they're trained on, rather than more general features that would work across different datasets. The researchers' approach aims to address this by forcing the model to learn features that are consistent across multiple domains, rather than features that are specific to any one dataset.

Specifically, they align the overall feature distributions across domains, as well as the features for each class, at the individual object level. This allows the model to capture both the general characteristics of objects (covariate shift) and the specific characteristics of each object class (concept shift) in a way that generalizes better to new domains.

The researchers evaluate their method on a variety of datasets for autonomous driving and precision agriculture, showing consistent improvements over baseline approaches and state-of-the-art methods. This suggests their technique could be a useful tool for building object detection models that can work reliably in diverse real-world environments, without requiring extensive retraining or fine-tuning.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a domain generalization approach for object detection that addresses both covariate shift (differences in the input data distribution) and concept shift (differences in the output label distribution) across domains.

Their method builds on existing feature alignment techniques, but introduces a novel component for performing class-conditional alignment at the instance level, in addition to aligning the marginal feature distributions across domains at the image level.

Specifically, they formulate an objective function that simultaneously minimizes the discrepancy between the marginal feature distributions across domains, as well as the discrepancy between the class-conditional feature distributions for each object instance. This allows the model to learn a domain-agnostic feature representation that captures both the general characteristics of objects and the specific characteristics of each object class.

The proposed method is evaluated on a diverse set of object detection datasets, including Cityscapes, BDD10K, ACDC, IDD, and GWHD for autonomous driving and precision agriculture applications. The results demonstrate consistent improvements in both generalization and localization performance compared to baseline and state-of-the-art approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the proposed domain generalization method for object detection. The researchers have thoughtfully constructed a diverse benchmark dataset to assess the method's ability to generalize across different environments and applications.

One potential limitation is the reliance on feature alignment techniques, which can be sensitive to hyperparameter tuning and the specific implementation details. The authors acknowledge this and suggest further research into more robust domain generalization approaches.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the interpretability or explainability of the learned domain-invariant features. It would be interesting to understand what types of features the model is prioritizing and how they differ from features learned by more standard object detection models.

Overall, the work represents a significant contribution to the domain generalization literature and provides a strong foundation for future research in this area. Encouraging readers to think critically about the research and form their own opinions is an important aspect of a balanced analysis.


This paper presents a novel approach for domain generalization in object detection that aims to learn domain-invariant features by aligning both the marginal and class-conditional feature distributions across multiple datasets.

The proposed method demonstrates consistent improvements in generalization and localization performance across a diverse set of object detection datasets, suggesting it could be a valuable tool for building robust object detection models that can work reliably in a variety of real-world environments.

The work contributes to the broader challenge of domain adaptation and generalization in computer vision, which is crucial for deploying AI systems in practical applications where the test data may differ significantly from the training data.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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